Sunday, April 17, 2016

Please join us today after the morning services for lunch & a Special Business    Meeting.  A vote to extend a call to Pastor Dawes as Senior Pastor at    First Baptist Church will happen during the Business Meeting.  An activity  table will be provided for children so that parents may participate.
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday:  .  Please leave your donations of spaghetti & sauce in the basket in the foyer to be donated to the local food bank.  If you are making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. 
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held in the BFLC on April 18 from 1:00-6:00 PM.  Please stop by to donate or to volunteer. 
Midweek Meal:  :  Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, April 20.  The menu for this week is Boyd’s ravishing roast chicken, Mark’s mashed potatoes, Cook’s Choice vegetables, and donated desserts.    Please sign up by Mon, April 18 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office.  Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge. 
Ladies ~ be sure to sign up today  for the “Springtime in Paris” Ladies Friendship Tea to be held on Saturday, April 23rd, in the BFLC from
11:00-AM-2:00 PM.  Tickets are available for a $5 donation at the table in the foyer.  Pick up an extra one for a friend. 

April is Autism Awareness Month .  All volunteers who work with children and other interested people are invited to attend the Autism Training Class being offered next Sunday, April 24,  at 9:00 AM in the BFLC. 

Something new!  What is Christianity all about?  Who was Jesus and why did He come?  What is the meaning of the gospel and grace?  Christianity Explored is an 8 week class which will answer these questions through a thought provoking video series and small group discussion.  This class is for old and new believers and is a great way to get a hold of the good news that Jesus came to bring.  The class will begin on May 1st in the music room at 9:00 AM.  
On May 15th, the BELLS OF JOY will perform a local concert at the Christ Memorial Episcopal Church of Danville.  The concert will begin at  6:00 PM and is open for anyone to attend. The concert is free of charge, however, please arrive in plenty of time as seating may be limited. 
Awana Closing Program will be held on April 27, at 6 PM.  Please  encourage our Awana students and their leaders by attending their program and find out what they have accomplished this year.
A Game Night  is being planned for the THRIVE Sunday School Class of Young Adults on April 29.   Meet in the BFLC from 6:30-9:30.  
Would you like to help feed the hungry?  Pick up a M & M tube and fill it with quarters.  The money collected will be used to pay for the rice, beans, and seeds that our team will be packing at the GAiN Warehouse on June 21.  Please return the tubes to the Information Desk by June 12.
THANKS  to all who donated supplies, money, or helped pack our College Care Packages, which have been mailed.  Please continue to pray for our college students.  

Softball Season is here :  Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing.  Participants must be at least 15 years old.  The first game is May 2.  A schedule is posted on the bulletin board. 






SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2016

Next Sunday, April 17 ~ Special Business Meeting after morning services      Lunch Served. The entrée is provided by the church.        Please bring a salad, a side dish, or dessert. 
   Question & answer time.  An activity table will be provided for children at the back of the BFLC so that parents may stay in the room and participate in the discussions. ¨ 

 Vote to extend a call to Pastor Dawes as Sr. Pastor for FBC Please see the insert with for details


Please join us for our Midweek  Family Meal on Wednesday, April 13. The menu for this week is ham, scalloped potatoes, corn and dessert. Please sign up by Monday, April 11 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.


SURGE Young Adult Conference : May 13-15 ~ A deposit of $30 is needed by the 15th to hold your spot, with the remaining amount due before leaving. Please talk to Lynn Wintersteen for all the details.

5 Principles for Disciplining Your Children by Max Lacado is now available on Right Now Media. If you are a part of First Baptist, you can get a free subscription to this on-line library with thousands of videos and helps for children, teens, and families. Contact the office to find out how to join.

Be sure and pick up a M & M Tube this morning and fill it with quarters.   The quarters collected will pay for the rice, beans, and seeds that our team will be packing at the GAiN Warehouse on June 21. Please return the tubes by June 12.

Phone Prayer Chain : If you are on the Phone Prayer Chain, please pick up an updated calling list at the Information Desk.

Get your ticket  to “Springtime in Paris”, a Ladies Friendship Tea, to be held on April 23, in the BFLC from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Please stop by the table in the foyer to pick up tickets for a $5 donation and find out ways you can help.

April is Autism Awareness Month . On April 24th, at 9:00 AM in the BFLC, we are hosting an Autism Training Class. This is for all teachers and anyone who works with children. Anyone else who is interested is also welcome to attend.

Something new! What is Christianity all about? Who was Jesus and why did He come? What is the meaning of the gospel and grace? Christianity Explored is an 8 week class which will answer these questions through a though provoking video series and small group discussion. This class is for old and new believers and is a great way to get a hold of the good news that Jesus came to bring. The class will begin on May 1st in the music room at 9:00 AM.

Journeying with Jesus Ladies Sunday School class is just starting a new study from “A SHEPHERD LOOKS AT PSALM 23 by W. Phillip Keller. Ladies are welcome to join them any Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Planting Seeds of Service is the featured article in the Focus on the Family Bulletin Insert this morning. As you read the article you will see a suggestion of donating garden produce to a local food pantry or shelter as a teaching moment to children. We can help with that through our own community garden project at First Baptist. If you are interested in helping with a garden project that would provide food to the local food bank, please call, or email Sabrina at 570-764-4316 or

Softball Season is here : Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing. Participants must be at least 15 years old. The first game is May 2. A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board.
“Submerged” VBS is coming this Summer – July 11-15. Volunteers needed! Stop in the Foyer today to sign up.





Sunday, April 3, 2016

Please join us at our baptism service this evening at 6PM as we encourage those being baptized.   A reception will follow in the BFLC.
If you are on the Phone Prayer Chain, please pick up an updated calling list at the Information Desk this morning.

The Tract Rack has been updated with many new tracts available for your use. Large print Daily Bread Devotional books are also available.

Today is Barnabas Sunday. Donations of canned fruit may be placed in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our area food bank. If making monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.
The Pastoral Search Committee has met to revise the Sr. Pastor job description and move forward in the search process. As a result they are recommending a special business meeting on April 17, preceded by a fellowship meal in the BFLC. Full details are available by contacting the church office.

Midweek Meal : Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, April 6.   The menu for this week is Springtime Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garden Salad, Fresh Garlic Bread & Desserts. Please sign up by Monday, April 4 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.

Group Tickets must be ordered by Friday. If you would like to join others in attending the “Faith & Family Night” at the RailRiders game on April 26, please sign up at the Information Desk this morning or call the office. Tickets are only $5 and Saline (Pastor John’s Band) will be performing before and after the game.

All ladies are welcome to join a new group to begin working on the Luo pad project on Tuesday, April 5, at 9 AM in the BFLC. We’ll be tracing, cutting (bring fabric cutting scissors if you have some) sewing, and turning and sewing some more. If you have questions please call the office. This will be an on-going project.

Psalm 23 is the most read psalm, but did you ever wonder what some of the verses really mean? What was David referring to when he said “Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me?” Come join the Journeying with Jesus Ladies Sunday School class in a study of this beautiful, comforting psalm based on the book, “A SHEPHERD LOOKS AT PSALM 23 by W. Phillip Keller. The study begins today, April 3rd, but come join us anytime during the next 12 weeks in room 228. For more information contact the office.

Plan on attending our Ladies Friendship Tea , “Springtime in Paris” on April 23, in the BFLC from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Please stop by the table in the foyer to pick up tickets for a $5 donation and find out ways you can help.








Sunday, March 27, 2016

Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. Please place donations of canned fruit in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our local food bank. Monetary gifts should be made out to Danville Area Food Bank.

If you are interested in being baptized , please talk to one of the pastors. A baptism service is planned for Sunday, April 3.

Midweek Meal : Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, March 30. This week’s menu is oven-crusted chicken, mac & cheese, stewed tomatoes, green beans, and desserts. Please sign up by Monday, March 28 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.

College Student Care Packages: If you would like to help send boxes to our college students, please place donations in the box located in the kitchen foyer. Today is the deadline for updated addresses for college students. Parents, please stop by the Information Desk to fill out the necessary information to be sure your child receives a box.

SURGE Young Adult Conference : May 13-15 ~ A deposit of $30 is needed to hold your spot, with the remaining amount due before leaving. Please talk to Lynn Wintersteen for all the details.

Thanks to everyone who donated Easter flowers in memory/honor of loved ones.   You are welcome to take them home this morning after the 10:30 service.

The Ministry of The Word the NEXT Lord’s Day Sunday, April 3 ~ Communion Sunday9:00 AM & 10:30 AM “Teamwork in Doing His Work!” Acts 18 Pastor Harry Wonderland11:45 AM ~ Youth Parent Informative Meeting/Chapel 4:00 PM ~ Christian Ed Meeting/Conference Room6:00 PM ~ Baptism & Reception

Mission Projects: : We have been collecting materials for Luo Pads, and now it is time to make the pads. All ladies are invited to come together to help complete this project on Tuesday, April 5. Please contact Brenda Dunham or Patty Miller for more information.
Our Haiti Mission Team is preparing for their trip April 16-23. In addition to prayer and financial support, there are a couple projects that will help them minister to the people in Haiti. #1 –  Please bring clean, dry Weis/Giant plastic bags. These are used to put beans/rice packs in to give to families in the churches where they will serve. Bags may be placed in the laundry basket located in the BFLC Coat Room.
#2 –  Choose an item from the display board in the chapel hallway to help purchase recreational items for the children at the various churches where the team will be holding clinics. Place your gift in the envelope and drop it in the gift box

All ages are welcome to join others travelling to the Faith & Family RailRiders game on April 26. Deadline to purchase group tickets for $5 each is April 8, so please sign up at the Information Desk or email the office with the number of tickets you would like. We will be leaving the church parking lot at 4 PM. In addition to enjoying the game with friends and family, Saline (Pastor John’s Band) will be playing before and after the game.


The PA Primary election is coming on April 26. Voters will be choosing who they want to be their party’s nominee for several state offices as well as President. March 28 is the last day to register to vote, change your address, name or party affiliation. (PA has a closed primary meaning only those registered as a Democrat or Republican may vote in their party’s primary). The form needed is available at our Information Desk or online at For questions contact your county courthouse. Please don’t miss this opportunity to exercise your right to vote. Prayerfully consider your vote and vote your values. Non-Partisan voter guides will be  available at a later date.





6pm tonight – Mission report from Sam & Connie Gill

Join us at 6pm to hear a report about Sam & Connie Gill’s work with World Venture in Brazil.  Please bring a dessert to share.

Sunday, March 20

Sunday Evening, 6 PM ~ There will be a short business meeting followed by a Mission’s Report from Sam & Connie Gill.  Please bring a dessert to share.  


Please join us  on Thursday evening, 7 PM, in the sanctuary for the dramatic presentation of the Lord’s Supper, followed by communion.


 No midweek ministries  on Wednesday this week, as we will celebrate The Living Lord’s Supper on Thursday evening, March 24th, at 7 PM. 


If you are interested in being baptized, please talk to one of the pastors.  A baptism service is planned for Sunday, April 3. 


Parents of College-students  :  The deadline for filling out the update form is next Sunday, April 3.    Please pick up a form at the Information Desk or call the church office. A new form is required each time boxes are mailed so please make sure we get this information so no one will be left out.   Donations for the college boxes may be placed in the box located in the kitchen foyer through April 10.  The boxes will be packed on April 11. 


Be sure and stop by the Tract Rack  where you will find many helps to use during the Easter season. 


All ladies are invited  to our Ladies Friendship Tea, “Springtime in Paris”, on April 23.  Please stop by the table in the foyer  to pick up tickets for a $5 donation.  . 

The PA Primary election is coming on April 26.  Voters will be choosing who they want to be their party’s nominee for several state offices as well as President.  March 28 is the last day to register to vote, change your address, name or party affiliation.  (PA has a closed
primary meaning only those registered as a Democrat or Republican may vote in their party’s primary).  The form needed is available at our Information Desk or online at  For questions contact your country courthouse.  Please don’t miss this opportunity to exercise your right to vote.  Prayerfully consider your vote and vote your values.  Non-Partisan voter guides will be made available at a later date. 

Our Haiti Mission’s Team   is preparing for their trip April 16-23.  In addition to prayer and financial support, there are a couple projects that will help them minister to the people in Haiti. 

#1    Please bring clean, dry Weis/Giant plastic bags.  These are used to put beans/rice packs in to give to families in the churches where they will serve.  Bags may be placed in the laundry basket located in the chapel hallway. 
#2     Choose an item from the display board in the chapel hallway to help purchase recreational items for the children at the various churches where the team will be holding clinics. 
Have you ever wanted a garden  but didn’t know how to make it happen?  Let this be the year you do it, and help out the food bank in the process!  If you are interested in helping with a garden project that would provide food to the local food bank, please call the church office.  You do not need any prior experience or a green thumb…just a willingness to help!




Sunday, March 13, 2016


Wednesday, March 16 ~ “Glow Night” for Awana

Friday, March 18 ~ Mini trip to GAiN Warehouse 

Friday night, March 18, 7 PM – Youth All-nighter with special  guest speaker Craig Wright doing bike stunts.        
   Cost is $20.      Permission forms are located outside Pastor Luke’s Office
Welcome to Keith & Beverly Sellers , our visiting missionaries.  You are invited to hear them give a mission’s report this evening
       in the BFLC at 6 PM.  Please bring a dessert to share. 
Midweek Menu this week:  
:  Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed.  March 16.  The menu for this week is Emerald Isle Corned Beef & Cabbage and Pot O’Gold Corn Chowder.    Please sign up by Monday, March 14, on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office.   Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family.  If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge. 
If you are interested in being baptized 
, please talk to one of the pastors.  A baptism service is planned for Sunday, April 3. 

Don’t forget to bring items to put in the college care packages.  Donations can be placed in the box located in the kitchen foyer today through
April 10.  Parents of college students need to fill out a form updating their child’s address (deadline April 3 

).  Forms with suggested items and address updates are available at the Information Desk.  Boxes will be packed in the coat room on April 11th.  
The Deacon Board has called a 
Special Meeting on Sunday March 20 at 6:00 PM
before the Evening Service. The purpose of the meeting is to complete the Pastoral Search Committee by electing the Member at Large. The Deacons recommend that Robert Davies be the Member at Large. The other members of the committee include: Anna Kissinger-Deaconess; Alice Laidacker-Mission Board; Sandy Brent-Trustee; Doug Wesner-Christian Ed. Board; Jim Hawkins and Ted Hancock-Deacons & Co-Chairs. This committee will then meet in April to review and present a Senior Pastor profile and the Senior Pastor Job Description for approval by the congregation at the Spring Business Meeting on May 4, 2016. Please be in prayer for the Lord’s leading in all of these matters.

Please help us save postage  by picking up your letter containing the Haiti 10 (April 16-23) Mission Trip details. There is one copy for every family. The team can always use large suitcases to transport materials they are taking with them and linen plastic bags. These items may be placed in the office.

A Ladies Friendship Tea, “Springtime in Paris”, is planned for all ladies of the church on April 23.  Starting this morning in the foyer, tickets are
available and may be picked up for a $5 donation.   Please consider picking up an extra ticket for a friend.  Stop by the table to see how you can help or loan items for the tea.  
SURGE is May 13-15
for all interested Young Adults.  A deposit of $30 must be made before April 15th to lock in the cost of $179.00 for the weekend (balance is due before leaving).  This event sold out last year, so there are no guarantees if spots are not reserved. 
Easter flowers
may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one.  Suggested donation is $8.50.  The flowers will be available to take on Resurrection Sunday after the 10:30 service.  Please stop by the Information Desk or call the office by March 23rd. 

The Easter Offering this year will go toward Youth Mission Events.  If you would like to participate
in this offering, Easter Offering Envelopes are available in the pew racks this morning and will also be available next Sunday. 





Missions Opportunities

There will be opportunities…

Sunday, March 6, 2016

It’s the LAST week for UPWARD (!) with the Closing Program March 12 at 7 PM for all Upward participants & their families..
Volunteers needed at 3 PM on Sat. to help set up for program.
GAiN Mini-Trip ~ Call the office if you would like to go to the GAiN    Warehouse to pack clothing for Syrian Refugees on
Wednesday, March 9 and  again on March 18.
Our church will be hosting the Jubilee Kitchen this Saturday, March 12th. If you  would like to help, please contactthe office.
Today is Barnabas Sunday. Donations of cereal may be placed in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our area food bank. If making monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. Awana children are also collecting canned food during the month of March for the local food bank. Their collection box is located by Springer Chapel.
Midweek Meal: Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, March 9.   The menu for this week is Elaine’s lovely lasagna, scrumptious salad, tasty Texas Toast, and Delicious Desserts. Please sign up by Monday, March 7 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.

Exploring FBC, a class for those who would like to find out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership, begins this morning at 9 AM in the Conference Room. It runs for three weeks.

A Baptism Service is being planned for April 3. Please talk to one of the pastors if you are interested.

Attention Deaconesses ~ There will be a brief meeting next Sunday, March 13, at 10 AM in the Conference Room.

Child Safe Church ~ if you would like to help in any ministry involving children/youth you must have various clearances (details found on our web-site). One of the requirements is to attend a Safe Church Class which will explain FBC’s policies. This class is being offered March 13 and March 20, at 9 AM in the BFLC. Please let the office know if you would like to attend this class.


Prayer Chain 2016 Update: It is time to update our Prayer Chain, which is used for urgent matters, hospitalizations, or for families who have had a death of a loved one, etc. If you are currently on either prayer chain (phone or email) and wish to continue, you do not need to do anything. If you would like to be added to a prayer chain or make any changes, please contact the office.


Have you ever wanted a garden but didn’t know how to make it happen? Let this be the year you do it, and help out the food bank in the process! If you are interested in helping with a garden project that would provide food to the local food bank, please call, or email Sabrina: 570-764-4316) or You do not need any prior experience or a green thumb…just a willingness to help!

Our Easter Offering this year will go toward Youth Mission Events. If you would like to participate in this offering, Easter Offering Envelopes will be available in the pew racks next Sunday.

Easter flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. Suggested donation is $8.50. The flowers will be available to take on Resurrection Sunday after the 10:30 service. Please stop by the Information Desk or call the office by March 23rd.

Daylight Savings Time begins next week. Don’t forget to move your clock ahead one hour Saturday night before you go to bed!

Power for Living papers & prayer sheets are available at the Info. Desk & outside the SBS office. Prayer sheets are also on the Usher’s Table.
The Deacon Board has called a Special Meeting on Sunday March 20 at 6:00 PM before the Evening Service. The purpose of the meeting is to complete the Pastoral Search Committee by electing the Member at Large. This committee will then meet in April to review and present a Senior Pastor profile and the Senior Pastor Job Description for approval by the congregation at the Spring Business Meeting on May 4, 2016. Please be in prayer for the Lord’s leading in all of these matters. For more information please contact the office.

Outside of Springer Chapel & in the main foyer today – please help us save postage by picking up your letter containing the Haiti 10 (April 16-23) Mission Trip details. There is one copy for every family. The team can always use large suitcases to transport materials they are taking with them and linen plastic bags. These items may be placed in the office.

Preparation is underway for the ‘Spring in Paris” Ladies Friendship Tea. The following Items are needed to use in the decorations: China teapots, parasols & “Paris” related items. If you have any of these items that you would be willing to loan us, please contact the office. Thanks and start thinking about who you would like to bring with you to the party!!
Sunday, February 21, there were over 200 in attendance, counting guests, at our  Special Business Meeting. There was a good spirit and healthy discussion which lead to the following conclusion by a 76% positive vote (140/184). “We will change our Sunday Morning Schedule to be 8:00 AM Traditional Worship, 9:15 AM Sunday Bible School, and 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship.” The Deacons, having conferred with our educational and music ministries have set the date of June 5 for the implementation of the new schedule. Please continue to pray that we move forward together in “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”, being mindful of the personal adjustment this change causes for some.








Sunday, February 28, 2016

Midweek Menu this week
:  Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed.  March 2.  The menu for this week is Remarkable Bar-B-Q, Incredible Mac & Cheese, Nutritious Stewed Tomatoes, Great Green Beans, Delicious Desserts.   Please sign up by Monday, February 29 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office.   Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family.  If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.
If you are interested in being baptized , please talk to one of the pastors.  A baptism service is planned for Sunday, April 3.
A new “Exploring FBC”  is starting next Sunday, March 6.  This class will meet for three weeks in the Conference Room at 9:00 AM.  It is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership.  Contact Pastor Dawes if you have questions.
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday, which is our opportunity to help our local Food Bank.  Please place donations of cereal in the basket in the foyer.  If making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. The Awana children are also collecting 
canned food items for the Food Bank during the month of March.  Their collection bin will be located by Springer Chapel.
Ladies Alert ;  :  The Ladies Tea has been changed to April 23, 2016.  
Please stop by the Tract Rack and check out all the new tracts that are available for you to use during the Easter Season and other times.  
The Community World Day of Prayer & Lenten Tea
 will be held at our church on Wednesday, March 2.  The service begins at 1:30 PM in the sanctuary.  Men and women are invited and child care is provided.  Finger foods (small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, bars, breads) are needed to serve in the time of fellowship.  Please bring food donations to the tea and drop them off in the kitchen before the service.  Phil Liller will be sharing about ministries of the GAiN Warehouse and how we can help.
Our church is hosting the Jubilee Kitchen again on March 12.  The menu will be Bar-B-Q and mac & cheese.  If you would like to help with
food preparation, serving, or by making a donation, please call the church office.  


Please check out the ramp bulletin board  for several new events that are happening in our community. 
Have you ever wanted a garden  but didn’t know how to make it happen?  Let this be the year you do it, and help out the food bank in the process!  If you are interested in helping with a garden project that would provide food to the local food bank, please call the church office.    You do not need any prior experience or a green thumb!  Just a willingness to help!
March 6, 13, 20 ~ Exploring FBC, 9:00 AM
March 12 ~ Jubilee Kitchen
March 12 ~ UPWARD Closing, 7 PM
March 13 ~ Missionaries Keith & Beverly Sellers
March 18-19 ~ Youth All-nighter at FBC
March 20 ~ Missionaries Sam & Connie Gill
March 24 ~ Living Lord’s Supper, 7 PM
March 27 ~ Resurrection Sunday


This past Sunday, February 21, there were over 200 in attendance, counting guests, at our  Special Business Meeting.  There was a good spirit and healthy discussion which lead to the following conclusion by a 76% positive vote (140/184). “We will change our Sunday Morning Schedule to be 8:00 AM Traditional Worship, 9:15 AM Sunday Bible School, and 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship.”  This change will be implemented sometime after Resurrection Sunday, when logistics are worked out with our music, nursery, SBS, ushers and other support ministries.  Please continue to pray  that we move forward together in “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”, being mindful of the personal adjustment this change causes for some.