Sunday, June 23, 2024

Softball Game SUNDAY (6/23) AFTER 2ND SERVICE!! Come and enjoy a friendly game of softball right after our second service! A ballpark lunch awaits you.  Let’s make it a great day out on the field! If you don’t play, come out and encourage our players!
New Our Daily Breads! Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your new Large Print devotional for July | Aug. | Sept.
Combined Adult Sunday School NEXT SUNDAY (6/30)! We will be meeting in the gym at 9:15am to hear from the various short term mission teams that went out this year. What a wonderful opportunity to witness the impact of these trips and see how the Lord was working in their lives and in the lives of those around them.  
Coffee Hour Helpers Attention coffee enthusiasts! We are seeking volunteers willing to make and serve coffee during our coffee time between services. If you love coffee and have a heart to serve, please consider joining this team.   Feel free to talk to one of the team members for more info! 
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They normally process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! Right now they are helping us prep for VBS!! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt. 
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Care & Concern Ministry began in October ‘03 and is a group of some of the biggest hearts around. They make and take meals to those who have had babies, surgery or are going through a tough time. This ministry has lifted the hearts of many as the love of Christ is shared in a practical & much needed way. Let the office know if you would like to be on our call list.
More Home Groups Needed We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
1) Dates: July 8-12 6-8:30 PM
2) Have YOU signed up yet? We are still looking for ADULT HELPERS in the following areas: Nursery, Pre-K, 1st Grade, 5th & 6th Grades, PreK Bible & K-2nd Grade Bible. If you are able to lend a hand in any of these areas, we’d love for you to check out the signups in the main lobby! Your presence is invaluable, and you never know what impact you may have on someone’s life.  Won’t you consider joining us this year? 
3) Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form.
4) Registration is OPEN! Ages 3 (must be potty trained) to 6th grade. Pick up a paper copy in the main lobby or register your kids online.
5) VBS Craft Collection Thanks for your donations of water bottles!!  While we have reached our quota for bottles, we are still 
collecting bathroom tissue tubes.  Donations can be placed in the designated baskets in the main lobby & gym areas.  
6) Check out our VBS team portal on our website. Access devos, t-shirt info, safe church requirements and much more.  T-shirts – Suggested Donation $10
Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 14!! Following the VBS Closing ceremony during the 10:30 service, everyone is invited to enjoy hotdogs and hamburgers, a giant slip-n-slide, a Little’s Splash Area, crafts, lawn games and MORE! No cost! New this year: Slushies!!
Family Fun Day Volunteers Needed! To make this event fun for everyone, we are going to need help!! Food logistics, setup support, game facilitators, clean up crew, etc. Sign up in the Main Lobby!
Cookie Donations Needed We are planning to have cookies for dessert and are in need of all flavors (2 dozen each). Interested? Let us know on your connect card or give the office a call! Please note if there are any nuts included.
FBC Summer Reading Program Our Library is welcoming kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in our Bible Reading Challenge! Stop in to pick up your card and earn a prize once you have finished! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 11th! Happy reading!!
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. You can contact Rawle Clarke. 
Summer Campground Ministry Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday! 
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided

Sunday, June 16, 2024

In Honor of Our Fathers FBC is giving a monetary gift to our prison ministry. This ministry brings the good news of the gospel to prisoners in 3 local facilities. They have seen inmates come to know Christ as their Savior and have performed baptisms as well.
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Care & Concern Ministry began in October ‘03 and is a group of some of the biggest hearts around. They make and take meals to those who have had babies, surgery or are going through a tough time. This ministry has lifted the hearts of many as the love of Christ is shared in a practical & much needed way. Circle “C” if you would like to be on our call list & write the contact number you’d prefer on your connect card.
1) VBS is coming up July 8-12! Registration is OPEN! Ages 3 (must be potty trained!) to 6th grade. Pick up a paper copy in the main lobby or gym to register your kids online.
2) VBS Team Sign-Ups in Main Foyer Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form.
3) NOW AVAILABLE!! Prayer Guides—30 Days/Ways YOU can pray for this ministry. Join us in prayer for the month of June over this outreach event, that God would be glorified. Pick one up today!
4) VBS Craft Collection We are in need of several items for our VBS crafts this year. Donations can be placed in the designated baskets in the main lobby & gym areas. Items needed:
  • 16 oz clear water bottles
  • Bathroom tissue tubes
5) VBS Team Portal is live! Access devos, t-shirt info, safe church requirements and much more. T-shirts – Suggested Donation $10.
6) VBS Decorating Dates!!  We will be meeting three Wednesday nights to work on decorating the church in preparation for the start of VBS!! June 19, 26 & July 3 beginning at 5:30 pm.
Men’s Retreat October 11-13, 2024 – Men, here is your opportunity to get away for the weekend or just the day. It will be packed with action, hearing truth from God’s Word and time to recharge. More details and signups are in the main lobby.
New Our Daily Breads! Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your new Large Print devotional for July | Aug. | Sept.
FBC Summer Reading Program! Our Library is welcoming kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in our Bible Reading Challenge! Stop in to pick up your card and earn a prize once you have finished! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 11th! Happy reading!!
The Prison Ministry teams are meeting at the North Central Secure Treatment Unit here in Danville each week! If you are interested in the men’s prison ministry contact Jim Cunfer.
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. Contact Rawle Clarke for more info.
Summer Campground Ministry Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday!
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided

Sunday, June 9, 2024

DWELL COLLECTION DUE SUNDAY! We are collecting various items for Dwell to put in the care bags that go to foster children. Collection bins will be in the main lobby and gym areas. Here is a list of what they are looking for:
  • New hand & regular lotion, full size
  • New water bottles or tumblers of any kind
  • New LEGO sets for all ages
VBS Paint Party this Wed, June 12 5:30 in gym. We are continuing to prepare props and decorations for our upcoming VBS. Whether you are a seasoned pro or know nothing about painting, we will have a job for you. So come on out.
Fellowship Fund Giving Opportunity In following the biblical directive to take care of our widows and orphans, FBC created the fellowship fund. This fund not only blesses those financially hurting in our church family, but also those who desire to invest in their marriages. If you would like to give, please note “Fellowship Fund” in the memo of your check or on your envelope.
Ladies Walking Group This group is open to women of all ages and walking abilities. Come, lace up your walking shoes and connect with others while enjoying the beauty of God’s creation with every step. They meet this Thursday at 6:30pm in the gym.
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Care & Concern Ministry began in October ‘03 and is a group of some of the biggest hearts around. They make and take meals to those who have had babies, surgery or are going through a tough time. This ministry has lifted the hearts of many as the love of Christ is shared in a practical & much needed way. Contact the office if you would like to be on our call list..
FBC Summer Reading Program! Our Library is welcoming kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in our Bible Reading Challenge! Stop in to pick up your card and earn a prize once you have finished! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 11th! Happy reading!!
Softball Game Sunday June 23 @ 12:00 PM – Lunch provided. Bring your equipment. Sign up in lobby or gym. Any questions? Contact Pastor John.
New Our Daily Breads Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your new Large Print devotional for July | Aug. | Sept.
Ladies Retreat Weekend “God, Our Refuge” Sept. 13-15, 2024 | Linck Hill Inn – Ladies 18+ are invited to a great weekend of Bible study (diving into the Psalms), games, food, service project, building relationships and creating new ones, and much more. A $25 deposit will secure your spot. More info and signups in lobby.
Vacation Bible School is July 8-12 6-8:30pm. Equip kids for life! Registration is now OPEN! Ages 3 (must be potty trained) to 6th grade. Pick up a paper copy in the main lobby or gym.
VBS Team Sign-Ups are in the Main Foyer – Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form.
VBS Prayer Guides 30 Days/Ways YOU can pray for this ministry. Join us in prayer for the month of June over this outreach event, that God would be glorified. Pick one up today!
VBS Craft Collection We are in need of several items for our VBS crafts this year. Donations can be placed in the designated baskets in the main lobby & gym areas. Items needed:
  • 16 oz clear water bottles
  • Bathroom tissue tubes
Church Library Open SUNDAYS | 9:15 – 10:15am – Did you know?? Besides Fiction and Children’s books, we also carry Bible Studies, Apologetics, Counseling, Biographies, DVD’s, Missions, Pre-Teen & Teen Resources and so much more.
Men’s Basketball Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. You can text Rawle Clarke for more info.
Summer Campground Ministry Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday!
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Church Picnic Sunday after the 2nd service @ Mountain View Bible Camp, 99 Mountain View Rd, Snydertown – Direction cards are available for pickup in the lobby. Parking is available along the tree line by the pavilion or in the main lot. If you would like to sit in the grass, feel free to bring blankets and/or camp chairs.

Baptism Sunday is Coming June 16th! If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by this Wednesday!!!!

The Barnabas Basket donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket is located in the main lobby this Sunday. June’s Need is Canned Fruit.
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow in the gym from 12:30-5:30pm.
College Students Did you know there is a Sunday Bible School class for you? Our Disciplemaker missionary, Jared Knorr, leads this class as they discuss topics of theology. They meet in Room 228 (2nd floor above the office).
Breakfast Sweets Needed Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Talk to one of our team members. They will walk you through what you need to know! A HUGE Thank You for the donations we’ve received!!
More Home Groups We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
FBC Summer Reading Program Our Library is welcoming kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in our Bible Reading Challenge! Stop in to pick up your card and earn a prize once you have finished! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 11th! Happy reading!!
May is Foster Care Awareness Month We are collecting various items for Dwell to put in the care bags that go to foster children. Collection bins will be in the main lobby and gym areas. Donations due June 9th! Here is a list of what they are looking for:
  • New hand & regular lotion, full size
  • New water bottles or tumblers of any kind
  • New LEGO sets for all ages
Softball Game Sunday, June 23 @ 12pm – Sign up in the lobby or gym. Any questions, see Pastor John. Lunch will be provided. Bring your equipment!
Ladies Retreat Weekend “God, Our Refuge” Sept. 13-15, 2024 | Linck Hill Inn – Ladies 18+ are invited to a great weekend of Bible study (diving into the Psalms), games, food, service project, building relationships and creating new ones, and much more. A $25 deposit will
secure your spot. More info and signups in lobby.
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. Contact Rawle Clarke for more info.
Summer Campground Ministry Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday!
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Vacation Bible School July 8-12, 2024 6-8:30pm – Have YOU signed up yet? VBS Team Sign-ups in Main Foyer!! Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form. 
VBS Registration is now OPEN! For Ages 3 (must be potty trained) to 6th grade. Pick up a paper copy in the main lobby and gym or register your kids online.
VBS Prayer Guides 30 Days/Ways YOU can pray for this ministry. Join us in prayer for the month of June over this outreach event, that God would be glorified. Pick one up today!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Promotion Sunday This Sunday! @ 9:15am – Join us in the sanctuary for a short program as we celebrate the end of the school year! We’ll be presenting Bibles to new 1st graders (current Kindergarteners), devotions to our new 4th graders (current 3rd graders), and acknowledging our 6th & 8th graders move to Middle & High School. We’ll also be thanking our teachers for their tireless work throughout the year. New classes will begin on Sunday, June 2nd. Adult classes are invited to attend! 
Special Memorial Opportunities Memorial Sunday, there will be a special collection opportunity that will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. 
Memorial Monday Service:  
  • 10AM – Bridge Ceremony in Danville
  • Parade to Memorial Park
  • 11AM – Memorial Park Ceremony – Bring a chair
Communion Sunday for the month of June will be in 2 weeks on June 9th!
College Students Did you know there is a Sunday Bible School class for you?  Our Disciplemaker missionary, Jared Knorr, leads this class as they discuss topics of theology.  They meet in Room 228 (2nd floor above the office).  
Ladies Walking Group This group is open to women of all ages and walking abilities.  Come, lace up your walking shoes and connect with others while enjoying the beauty of God’s creation with every step. They meet this Thursday at 6:30pm in the gym.  
Breakfast Sweets Needed Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Talk to one of our team members. They will walk you through what you need to know! A HUGE Thank You for the donations we’ve received!!
More Home Groups Needed We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
VBS Paint Party on Wed @ 5:30pm in gym – Join us in the gym as we prepare for our Great Jungle Journey.  Whether you’re a seasoned painter or a novice eager to learn, your help will be invaluable in bringing the vibrant jungle to life for our kids. Let’s get ready to transform our space into a tropical paradise.
LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Begins Wednesday @ 6:30pm in Room 230 – This 5 week study on prayer will be video driven. You will learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. Sign up in the Main Lobby. 
Church Picnic NEXT SUNDAY!!  JUNE 2, 12PM @ Mountain View Bible Camp – There will be food, fellowship, a chance to meet your deacon, games and new this year…swimming! Contact the office for assistance in signing up!
FBC Summer Reading Program! Our Library is welcoming kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in our Bible Reading Challenge! Stop in to pick up your card and earn a prize once you have finished! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 11th! Happy reading!!
May is Foster Care Awareness Month We are collecting various items for Dwell to put in the care bags that go to foster children. Collection bins will be in the main lobby and gym areas. Donations due June 9th! Here is a list of what they are looking for
  • New hand & regular lotion, full size
  • New water bottles or tumblers of any kind
  • New LEGO sets for all ages 
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month. All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main foyer. June’s need is Canned Fruit.
Blood Drive—Monday June 3, 12:30-5:30pm in the gym – Register for a time slot today at  
VBS Team Sign-ups are in the Main Foyer!! VBS is happening July 8-12 | 6-8:30PM. Make sure you are up-to date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form. 
Kiddo Registration begins June 1st!
“God, Our Refuge” Ladies Retreat Weekend – Sept 13-15, 2024 | Linck Hill Inn – Ladies 18+ are invited to a great weekend of Bible study (diving into the Psalms), games, food, service project, building relationships and creating new ones, and much more.  A $25 deposit will 
secure your spot.  More info and signups in lobby.
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. Contact Rawle Clarke for more info. 
Summer Campground Ministry Begins Sunday (5/26)! Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday! 
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Summer Campground Ministry Begins May 26! Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday! 
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Grad Info Needed We want to celebrate your grad on Sunday, June 2nd! INFO DUE SUNDAY. Please email the church your high school or college student’s…
  • Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
College students Did you know there is a Sunday Bible School class for you?  Our Disciplemaker missionary, Jared Knorr, leads this class through the Bible.  They meet in Room 228 (2nd floor above the office).  
Men’s Basketball Guys 18 & up are invited to play a few pickup games Sunday evenings from 5-7pm in the gym. For questions or more information, contact Rawle Clarke.
Breakfast Sweets Needed Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Talk to one of our team members. They will walk you through what you need to know! A HUGE Thank You for the donations we’ve received!!
More Home Groups Needed We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Promotion Sunday Next Sunday @ 9:15am – Join us in the sanctuary for a short program as we celebrate the end of the school year! We’ll be presenting Bibles to new 1st graders (current Kindergarteners), devotions to our new 4th graders (current 3rd graders), and acknowledging our 6th & 8th graders move to Middle & High School. We’ll also be thanking our teachers for their tireless work throughout the year. New classes will begin on Sunday, June 2nd. Adult classes are invited to attend! 
Experience Missions Bible & Christian Literature Collection Donations Due Sunday (May 29) | Rack by Gym. If you have any questions, contact Donna Outt.
  • Bibles (new & used, NT, Psalms, Proverbs, commentaries, concordances)
  • Bibles on cassette and Cassette Players in good working order
  • Christian books and magazines (NO Guideposts)
  • Devotionals and Tracts
  • CD’s and DVD’s (contemporary Christian, gospel, hymns)
  • SS and VBS material (prefer complete sets– David C Cook, Lifeway, Standard, Pathway Press, Union Gospel)
Special Memorial Opportunities – Memorial Sunday, there will be a special collection opportunity that will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. 
Memorial Monday Service in Danville:  
  • 10AM – Bridge Ceremony
  • Parade to Memorial Park
  • 11AM – Memorial Park Ceremony – Bring a chair!
Church Picnic JUNE 2, 12PM @ Mountain View Bible Camp – There will be food, fellowship, a chance to meet your deacon, games and new this year…swimming! Contact the office for assistance in signing up!
VBS Paint Party Wed, May 29 5:30 in gym – Join us in the gym as we prepare for our Great Jungle Journey.  Whether you’re a seasoned painter or novice eager to learn, your help will be invaluable in bringing the vibrant jungle to life for our kids. Let’s get ready to transform our space into a tropical paradise.
VBS Team Sign-ups in the Main Foyer!! Kiddo Registration begins June 1st! July 8-12 | 6-8:30PM – Make sure you are up-to date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form. 
May is Foster Care Awareness Month During the month we will be collecting various items for Dwell to put in the care bags that go to foster children. Collection bins will be in the main lobby and gym areas.  Here is a list of what they are looking for:
  • New hand & regular lotion, full size
  • New water bottles or tumblers of any kind
  • New LEGO sets for all ages 
New Devotionals Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your Our Daily Bread, Keys for Kids, & Unlocked (teen devo) for 
June | July | August.
Ladies Retreat Weekend “God, Our Refuge” Sept 13-15, 2024 | Linck Hill Inn – Ladies 18+ are invited to a great weekend of Bible study (diving into the Psalms), games, food, service project, building relationships and creating new ones, and much more.  A $25 deposit will 
secure your spot.  More info and signups in lobby.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Church Business Meeting This Saturday @ 9 AM – Goodies & Coffee available at 8:30 AM in gym. All are welcome to attend, however only members will be able to vote.  We’ll be starting the meeting by voting on new member candidates recommended by our Board of Deacons.  There will also be a vote on a proposal from the Trustee Board to upgrade the climate control system for the church to accompany our new boiler system using the same company (Ackleys). Our current system is antiquated & inefficient.  Join us for this and more.  
May is Foster Care Awareness Month During the month we will be collecting various items for Dwell to put in the care bags that go to foster children. Collection bins will be in the main lobby and gym areas.  Here is a list of what they are looking for New hand & regular lotion, full size
New water bottles or tumblers of any kind New LEGO sets for all ages.
The Ladies’ Walking Group will meet at 6:30pm this Thursday in the parking lot to walk around the neighborhood.  This group is for ladies of all ages and walking abilities.
Ladies Retreat Signups begin today! Join this vibrant group Sept. 13-15, 2024 at the beautiful Linck Hill Inn, Morris, PA for a weekend of fellowship, Bible study, music, laughter, food and much more.  They will be diving into the Psalms to see God as their refuge; seeing they can pour out their hearts to Him & rejoicing in His hope while persisting through trials.  Sign up today in the Main Lobby!! Spots are limited!
A SPECIAL THANKS to all those who helped out this year at the Spring Fling. “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10 NLT.  Thank you for using your gifts well to serve our community!! 
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt. 
In honor of our mothers, and those who are a mothering presence in the lives of others FBC is gifting our three local pregnancy care centers with a monetary donation.
Special Mother’s Day Offering Today is Mother’s Day and we will be taking a special freewill offering to bless our MomCO by Mops Int’l group.   This would be above and beyond your normal giving.  Please designate checks/envelopes with “MomCo”.    
Grad Info Needed We want to celebrate your grad on Sunday, June 2nd! INFO DUE May 19. Please email the church your high school or college student’s…
  • Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th | 7PM | Danville High School – Pastor Dawes will be speaking at the service and all are welcome to attend!  Donations of prepackaged snacks would be greatly appreciated.  Please drop off at the kitchen by May 19th and mark it for baccalaureate.
Promotion Sunday May 26 @ 9:15am – Join us in the sanctuary for a short program as we celebrate the end of the school year! We’ll be presenting Bibles to new 1st graders (current Kindergarteners), devotions to our new 4th graders (current 3rd graders), and acknowledging our 6th & 8th graders move to Middle & High School. We’ll also be thanking our teachers for their tireless work throughout the year. New classes will begin on Sunday, June 2nd. Adult classes are invited to attend! 
VBS Team Sign-ups in the Main Foyer! July 8-12 | 6-8:30PM – Make sure you are up-to date with your clearances at Go to our website to complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form. Kiddo Registration begins June 1st!
LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Begins May 29 @ 6:30pm in Room 230 – This 5 week study on prayer will be video driven. You will learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. Sign up in the Main Lobby. 
New Devotionals! Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your Our Daily Bread, Keys for Kids, & Unlocked (teen devo) for 
June | July | August. 
Special Memorial Opportunities Memorial Sunday, there will be a special collection opportunity that will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. 
Memorial Monday Service:  
  • 10AM – Bridge Ceremony
  • Parade to Memorial Park
  • 11AM – Memorial Park Ceremony – Bring a chair!
Experience Missions Bible & Christian Literature Collection
  • Bibles (new & used, NT, Psalms, Proverbs, commentaries, concordances)
  • Bibles on cassette and Cassette Players in good working order
  • Christian books and magazines (NO Guideposts)
  • Devotionals and Tracts
  • CD’s and DVD’s (contemporary Christian, gospel, hymns)
  • SS and VBS material (prefer complete sets– David C Cook, Lifeway, Standard, Pathway Press, Union Gospel)
Donations Due: May 19th | Rack by Gym. If you have any questions, contact Donna Outt.
Summer Campground Ministry Begins May 26 – Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday! 
  • 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Church Picnic JUNE 2, 12PM – Mark your calendars for our annual church picnic at the scenic Mountain View Bible Camp. There will be food, 
fellowship, a chance to meet your deacon, games and new this year…swimming! Contact the office if you need help signing up. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

VBS Team Sign-ups are happening in the Main Foyer!! VBS dates are July 8-12 6-8:30PM. Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at Go to our website complete the annual Safe Church Training videos and fill out the corresponding form. Kiddo Registration begins June 1st!
Happening Sunday – Donations collected are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket is located in the main lobby. May’s Need: Canned Sauce & Pasta
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Fellowship Fund Giving Opportunity In following the biblical directive to take care of our widows and orphans, FBC created the fellowship fund. This fund not only blesses those financially hurting in our church family, but also those who desire to invest in their marriages. If you would like to give, please note “Fellowship Fund” in the memo of your check or on your envelope.
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Church Business Meeting Sat., May 18 @ 9 AM – Goodies & Coffee available at 8:30 AM in gym. All are welcome to attend, however only members will be able to vote. We’ll be starting the meeting by voting on new member candidates recommended by our Board of Deacons.  There will also be a vote on a proposal from the Trustee Board to upgrade the climate control system for the church to accompany our new boiler system using the same company (Ackleys). Our current system is antiquated & inefficient. Join us for this and more.
Grad Info Needed We want to celebrate your grad on Sunday, June 2nd! Please email the church by May 19 your high school or college student’s…
  • Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
Church Picnic JUNE 2, 12PM – Mark your calendars for our annual church picnic at the scenic Mountain View Bible Camp. There will be food, fellowship, a chance to meet your deacon, games and new this year…swimming. Contact the office if you need help signing up.
Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference More opportunities to attend:
  • 11/15 –11/17/2024—Pittsburg Marriot
  • 11/22-11/24/2024—Crowne Plaza King of Prussia
  • 2/28-3/2/2024 at the Hershey Lodge.
Cost of Event: $175 per couple
Interested in attending? Contact the church office. Office will then register the couples!!
LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Begins May 29 @ 6:30pm in Room 230 – This 5 week study on prayer will be video driven. You will learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You’ll see examples of how to pray when you’re alone and when you’re gathered with others. Sign up in the Main Lobby.
May is Foster Care Awareness Month During this month we will be collecting various items for Dwell to put in the care bags that go to foster children. Collection bins will be in the main lobby and gym areas. Here is a list of what they are looking for New hand & regular lotion, full size
New water bottles or tumblers of any kind New LEGO sets for all ages.
Experience Missions Bible & Christian Literature Collection Donations can be placed on cart near the kitchen until May 19th. If you have any questions, contact Donna Outt.
  • Bibles (new & used, NT, Psalms, Proverbs, commentaries, concordances)
  • Bibles on cassette and Cassette Players in good working order
  • Christian books and magazines (NO Guideposts)
  • Devotionals and Tracts
  • CD’s and DVD’s (contemporary Christian, gospel, hymns)
  • SS and VBS material (prefer complete sets– David C Cook, Lifeway, Standard, Pathway Press, Union Gospel)
Joni & Friends Missions Trips June/July 2024 Stop by the table in the Main Lobby to pick up a copy of the team’s support letter!! Prayerfully consider how you can help!!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

National Day of Prayer This Thursday, May 2 @ Noon – Join us and other local churches on the steps of the Montour County Courthouse to pray for our Nation, its leaders, teachers, service personnel, and more. Rain or shine! Bring a camp chair if you like. 
Spring Fling THIS SATURDAY, May 4 – Sign up today in the lobby or gym to help during a time slot at the FBC tent. Great opportunity for ALL ages!  We will be handing out water and literature and providing a place for people to come in and sit down.  Our booth is located across from OIP on Lower Mulberry St.  Make sure you stop by!
A HUGE THANKS to all those that helped out with Midweek Meals this year!  The meals were fantastic and we couldn’t have done it without you!! If you would like to help out when we start up again in the fall, contact Buddy Yarger at
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt. 
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Scholarship Funds Available from the Mission Board – The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation.  Applications can be picked up at the Missions Table (under the map).  Deadline to submit your application is APRIL 30! For more information regarding the scholarship, please contact Frank Auker.
Ladies Walking Group This Thursday at 6:30pm starting in the gym. They will be walking outdoors around the block, unless there is bad weather.  This group is for ladies of all ages and walking abilities.  The leaders will match your speed.  No one is left in the dust. 
Church Business Meeting Sat., May 18 @ 9 AM – Goodies & Coffee available at 8:30 AM. All are welcome to attend, however, only members who attend will be able to vote.  We’ll be starting the meeting by voting on new member candidates recommended by our Board of Deacons.
Vacational Bible School VBS 2024 is happening July 8-12  6-8:30p. Volunteer signups begin next week! Kid signups begin 6/1.
Happening Next Sunday The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main foyer. May’s Need: Spaghetti & Sauce.
Experience Missions Bible & Christian Literature Collection Donations can be placed on cart near the kitchen until May 19th. If you have any questions, contact Donna Outt. 
  • Bibles (new & used, NT, Psalms, Prov., commentaries, concordances)
  • Bibles on cassette and Cassette Players in good working order
  • Christian books and magazines (NO Guideposts)
  • Devotionals and Tracts
  • CD’s and DVD’s (contemporary Christian, gospel, hymns)
  • SS and VBS material (prefer complete sets– David C Cook, Lifeway, Standard, Pathway Press, Union Gospel)
Grad Info Needed We want to celebrate your grad on Sunday, June 4th! INFO DUE May 19. Please email the church your high school or college student’s…
  • Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
All Church Picnic Sunday, June 2 @ 12PM at Mountain View Bible Camp 
Sunday Bible School Classes Something for All Ages @ 9:15AM
Nursery: Infants & Toddlers 
PreK: Noah’s Ark Hallway 
Kindergarten & 1st: Noah’s Ark Hallway 
2nd: Noah’s Ark Hallway 
3rd-4th: Room 7 (Gym Hallway) 
5th-6th: Room 6 (Gym Hallway) 
7th-8th: Room  106 
High School: Iron Forge (Youth Rm)
DASH: Room 104
Adult Fellowship: Chapel
Journeying with Jesus: Room 230
Daughters of the Divine: Room 105
Sojourners: Room 224/226
Sons of the Savior: Room 222
Thrive (College): Room 228
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. Contact Rawle Clarke for more info. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Prayer Walk Thursday | Doors open 7a-7p – Join us as we unite in prayer for our church. Feel free to walk through the stations by yourself, with your family, a small group of friends or with your home group anytime during the day. Please sign in at the Main Lobby before beginning.
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 5:00-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Cheese & Pepperoni Pizza, Fruit & Veggie Platters, Cake & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Breakfast Sweets Needed Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Sign up for a Sunday in the kitchen! The team will walk you through what you need to know! A HUGE Thank You for the donations we’ve received!!
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer, 536 Fourteenth St., Riverside. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt.
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
SAVE THE DATE! Coming this Fall! Ladies Retreat at Linck Hill Inn, Morris, PA. September 13-15, 2024. We will be looking in the Psalms to see God as our refuge. Sign ups coming soon!
Awana Closing Celebration Wednesday, Pizza – 5pm / Program 6pm – The Awana children have been hard at work all year learning verses and completing assignments as they hide God’s word in their hearts. Come and encourage them as they receive their book awards!
Please sign up for the meal in your Sunday School class or on the ramp bulletin board by today. All are welcome!!
Talent Show Friday @ 6PM – Join us in the gym as we celebrate the gifts that God has given to us, His children. Come for a cup of coffee and to encourage each other while fostering community and fellowship.
National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 2nd @ Noon – Join us and other local churches on the steps of the Montour County Courthouse to pray for our Nation, its leaders, teachers, service personnel, and more. Rain or shine! Bring a camp chair if you like.
Spring Fling May 4, 2024 – Sign up today in the lobby or gym to help during a time slot at the FBC tent. Great opportunity for ALL ages! We will be handing out water and literature and providing a place for people to come in and sit down.
Scholarship Funds Available The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation. Applications can be picked up at the Missions Table (under the map). Deadline to submit your application is APRIL 30! For more information regarding the scholarship, please contact Frank Auker.
Save the Dates! 
  • Spring Business Meeting Sat., May 18 @ 9AM
  • All Church Picnic Sun., June 2 @ 12PM at Mountain View Bible Camp
Stay in Step with FBC Sign up today to receive our e-newsletters! All we need is your name and email!
  • Tuesday: Pastors Corner will encourage your heart and “equip you for works of service” (Eph 4:12).
  • Friday: FBC Friday News will keep you informed with what’s going on and how you can get plugged in!
Missed a Service? No worries! You can always catch up on our services by going to these following places…
  • YouTube: FBC Danville
  • Facebook: Danville First Baptist Church
  • Our Homepage:
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. You can contact Rawle Clarke for more info.