Sunday, April 16, 2017

Have You Seen the BFLC Lobby?! It received a major face-lift! Lost & Found is now located by the water fountains next to the BFLC/Kitchen entrance.

Midweek Meal This Week Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, April 19. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. Next week’s menu is Ham, Scalloped Potatoes & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Tuesday, April 18 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Pretzel Sandwiches! The FBC Youth Costa Rica Team invites you to support their trip by signing up for amazing pretzel sandwiches. The sandwiches; ham/cheese or turkey/cheese will be available for you to pick up after church on April 30th. A sign-up sheet is on the Ramp Bulletin Board. Your donation supports the team! Sandwiches are also available for lunch on Friday, April 28th, for your workplace. Contact any team member to order these or contact Becky Heise. Thank you for your support!


Upcoming Blood Drive: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow,  January 30th in the BFLC, 1-6 pm.

Blessed & Blended is  for stepfamily couples, single parents, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families. Bloomsburg Christian Church will be hosting this free one-day livestream event on Saturday, April 29th from 10am to 5:30pm. Childcare will be provided for children preschool to 5th grade. Register by April 23rd, by going to or  pick up a form at the Info Desk.

College Care Packages Finals are coming! Let’s encourage our students!

  • Parents, the deadline for filling out the 2017 student form is TODAY
           *A new one must be filled out and handed in each year to participate
  • All donations will be gratefully accepted until April 23rd
  • Need a 2017 student form or more info? See the Info Desk

Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders Faith & Family Night is on April 29th! There will be a pre-game sermon, player testimonials and live music by Saline (Pastor John’s band). For more information or to buy tickets, go to or call their office (570) 558-4609

Prayer Chain If you are a member of the phone Prayer Chain, please pick up a copy of the updated calling list at the Information Desk.

Lifetouch Sign-ups! You can make an appointment for April 19, 20, 21 or 22 &  now May 17, 18, 19, 20!
(Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm) by:
– Going Online!
– Calling the Church Office Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 4:45pm
– Checking out our Lifetouch table in the lobby on Sunday mornings
(Please Note!! The table will not be available on Easter Sunday)
* * You do not have to be a member to be part of our directory! * *



Sunday, April 9, 2017

Prayer Chain If you are a member of the phone Prayer Chain, please pick up a copy of the updated calling list at the Information Desk.

Missionary Prayer Letters Check out the many new letters that have been added to the Missionary Prayer Rack located downstairs by the Springer Chapel entrance.

Lifetouch Updates Due to Easter Sunday, the sign-up table will not be available in the lobby next week. Please feel free to sign up on the church website or call the church office.

Amazing Grace is an Easter devotional from Our Daily Bread that is available by the Tract Rack in the Main Lobby. “Celebrate this Easter with ten reflections that share more about God’s amazing gift of grace.” There is also a great selection of Easter-themed tracts as well!

No Midweek Meal This Week Please join us next week for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, April 19. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. Next week’s menu is Ham, Scalloped Potatoes & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, April 17 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Lifetouch Welcome Table Volunteers It’s almost time to say cheese!! We are looking for smiling faces to welcome people and assist them as they sign in and fill out information for their photo sessions. If you are interested, please contact the church office ASAP.

VBS 2017 Team Sign-up: TODAY! Sign up in the main lobby to help out with VBS this year! There will be many areas to choose from to meet your gifts and skill levels. Get ready for an out-of-this-world adventure!

Blessed & Blended is for stepfamily couples, single parents, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families. Bloomsburg Christian Church will be hosting this free one-day livestream event on Saturday, April 29th from 10am to 5:30pm. Childcare will be provided for children preschool to 5th grade. Register by April 23rd, by going to or  pick up a form at the Info Desk.

M&Ms Are Here! Tubes of M&Ms will be handed out today in the Main Lobby. Enjoy them! Please fill the empty tubes with quarters and return them by June 11. The money helps pay for seeds that will be packed at the GAiN Warehouse by an FBC Team.

College Care Packages

Finals are coming! Let’s encourage our students!
  • Parents, the deadline for filling out the 2017 student form is April 16th
    *A new one must be filled out and handed in each year to participate
  • All donations will be gratefully accepted until April 23rd
  • Need a 2017 student form or more info? See the Info Desk

Spring Fling is Coming! On May 6th, Danville closes Mill Street to host their annual spring event. About 9,000 people attended last year. We’ll be looking for volunteers soon to help out at the FBC tent so stay tuned!

Gardeners Wanted! Join Sabrina to make the community garden a reality again this year!  No special skills are needed!  If you do not have an hour a week to donate, monetary donations will be gratefully accepted – but we have a preference for YOU and your time!  Please direct all inquires to Sabrina Marshall-Smith.

Lifetouch Sign-ups! You can make an appointment for April 19, 20, 21 or 22 (Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm) by:
– Going Online!
– Calling the Church Office Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 4:45pm
– Checking out our Lifetouch table in the lobby on Sunday mornings
(Please Note!! The table will not be available on Easter Sunday)

You do not have to be a member to be part of our directory!  April dates not working out for you? May 17-20 will be available to book soon.

Easter Flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $9. They will be available to take home on Easter Sunday after the 10:30 AM service. Please contact the church office by April 10th to participate.

The Easter Offering this year will go toward Youth Mission Events. If you would like to participate, Easter Offering Envelopes are available in the pew racks this week as well as Easter Sunday.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Barnabas Basket During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer today. The need for April is Canned Fruit.

The SBS Classroom Shuffle – Due to growth, please note these new locations:

  • Journeying with Jesus is now in room 222
  • Sons of the Savior is now in room 228

Easter Breakfast The Easter Breakfast Team needs help! They will be serving a hot breakfast at 8:15am. If you’d like to throw on an apron to help, please call the church office.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, April 5. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken Potpie, Corn & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, April 3 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time. 

Calling All Volunteers

July 10-14 & 16

Join us for an out-of-this-world VBS adventure!

There are many areas to use your gifts! Sports, Cooking/Serving, Security, Childcare, Teaching, Crafts, Music, AV, Registration…

M&Ms Are Here! Tubes of M&Ms will be handed out today in the Main Lobby. Enjoy them! Please fill the empty tubes with quarters and return them by June 11. The money helps pay for seeds that will be packed at the GAiN Warehouse by an FBC Team.

College Care Packages Finals are coming! See the Info Desk as to how you can sign up college kids (by April 16th) and what you can donate (by April 23rd).

Amazing Grace is an Easter devotional from Our Daily Bread that is available by the Tract Rack in the Main Lobby. “Celebrate this Easter with ten reflections that share more about God’s amazing gift of grace.” There is also a great selection of Easter-themed tracts as well!

Spring Fling is Coming! On May 6th Danville closes Mill Street to host their annual spring event. About 9,000 people attended last year. We’ll be looking for volunteers soon to help out at the FBC tent so stay tuned!

Luo Pad Supplies Needed – Flannel is needed for our ongoing Luo Pad Project. Please place new and used flannel in the blue Luo Pad container in the coatroom outside the BFLC. No towels are needed at this time.

Final Lenten Tea Hosted by the Federated Missionary Society of Montour County. The next tea will be on Wednesday, April 5 at 1:30pm at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, 18 Center Street, Danville.

Lifetouch Sign-ups! You can make an appointment for April 19, 20, 21 or 22 (Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm) by:
– Going Online!
– Calling the Church Office Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 4:45pm
– Checking out our Lifetouch table in the lobby on Sunday mornings

You do not have to be a member to be part of our directory!  April dates not working out for you? May 17-20 will be available to book soon.

Gardeners Wanted! Join Sabrina to make the community garden a reality again this year! No special skills are needed!  If you do not have an hour a week to donate, monetary donations will be gratefully accepted – but we have a preference for YOU and your time!  Please direct all inquires to Sabrina Marshall-Smith or contact the church office.

FBC Deacon Mini-Flock Assignments 2017


Last name begins with:

Ted Hancock

A, N, O, P

Jim Hawkins


Ron Shultz

C, D

Tim Eckel

F, G

Anthony Puccio “Jr.”


Jim Dressler

I, J, K

Scott Oldfield

L, M

Dan Jones

E, Q, R

Thad Neidrick

S, T

Doug Shumaker

U, V, W, X, Y, Z



Deacon Mini Flocks are assigned alphabetically. If you have a special need, please contact the deacon assigned to the group that your last name falls under. Members and non-members are welcome to contact a deacon with questions or needs. If you are not sure how to contact your deacon, please call the office.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Save the Date! Saturday, May 6 FBC will have their “Oasis” setup at Danville’s annual Spring Fling event held on Mill St. More Info to Come!

Ladies Retreat 2017! Sign up today for a rejuvenating weekend, September 15-17, at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Cost is $160 ($25 of that total is due as a non-refundable deposit on 3/26).  Please see the Ladies Retreat Info Table in the main foyer for more information.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, March 29. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Lasagna, tossed salad & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, March 27 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Barnabas Sunday: Next Week! During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer next Sunday. The need for April is Canned Fruit. 

SAVE THE DATE – Widows and single ladies, our annual Tea Party will be Saturday, May 13 from 1:00-3:00pm.  Our theme is “Reflections of a Lovely Lady”.  Dress up and have tea with us.  More information will be coming soon.

Easter Flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $9. They will be available to take home on Resurrection Sunday after the 10:30 AM service. Please contact the church office by April 10th if you would like to participate.

Daughters of the Divine – Our Sunday School class will be starting a new series based on the devotional, Jesus Calling.  It is “Experiencing God’s Presence” by Sarah Young and begins today.  This class is designed for single women of all ages.

Silver Ring Thing: Heartfelt thanks to all who volunteered their time, homes and food! God was present in a big way at the event as 14 decisions for Christ were made and 90 commitments to purity. A special thank you to Elizabeth Potter for all of her coordinating efforts and reaching out to more than just our Danville community for Christ!

Luo Pad Supplies Needed – Flannel is needed for our ongoing Luo Pad Project. Please place new and used flannel in the blue Luo Pad container in the coatroom outside the BFLC. No towels are needed at this time.

VBS 2017 Team Sign-up: Next Sunday! Sign up in the main lobby to help out with VBS this year! There will be many areas to choose from to meet your gifts and skill levels. Get ready for an out-of-this-world adventure!

Lenten Teas Hosted by the Federated Missionary Society of Montour County. The next tea will be on Wednesday, March 29 at 1:30pm at Grove Presbyterian Church, 330-332 Bloom Street, Danville.

Exploring FBC Class: Want to know more about FBC? Have questions about membership? Then this is the class for you! Classes meet in the conference room (across from the church office) at 9:15am today and next Sunday, April 2nd.

Lifetouch Sign-ups Have Begun! You can make an appointment for April 19, 20, 21 or 22 (Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm) by:
– Going Online!
– Calling the Church Office Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 4:45pm
– Checking out our Lifetouch table in the lobby on Sunday mornings

You do not have to be a member to be part of our directory!  April dates not working out for you? May 17-20 will be available to book soon


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Silver Ring Thing is TONIGHT!! This is THE concert that you will want your middle/high schooler to be at! Doors open at 5:30pm. Tickets are $8. Registration will be located in the Main Lobby prior to the event.

Ladies Retreat 2017! Sign up today for a rejuvenating weekend, September 15-17, at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Cost is $160 ($25 of that total is due as a non-refundable deposit on 3/26).  Please see the Ladies Retreat Info Table in the main foyer for more information.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, March 22. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Corn Beef & Cabbage, Corn Soup, Irish Soda Bread & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, March 20 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be
willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time. 

Today at 9:15am! All Adult Sunday Bible School classes are meeting in the sanctuary. Team 11 is excited to share their adventures, so come and be encouraged by what God is doing in Haiti!

Exploring FBC Class: Want to know more about FBC? Have questions about membership? Then this is the class for you! Classes meet in the conference room (across from the church office) at 9:15am for the next two Sundays, March 26th and April 2nd.

Lifetouch Sign-ups Have Begun! You can make an appointment for April 19, 20, 21 or 22 (Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm) by:
– Going Online!
– Calling the Church Office Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 4:45pm
– Checking out our Lifetouch table in the lobby on Sunday mornings

You do not have to be a member to be part of our directory!  April dates not working out for you? May 17-20 will be available to book soon.


Prayer Chain 2017 Updates: It is time to update our Prayer Chain, which is used for urgent matters, hospitalizations, or for families who have had a death of a loved one, etc. If you are currently on either prayer chain (phone or email) and wish to continue, you do not have to do anything. If you would like to be added to a prayer chain or make any changes, please use the connect card (attached to your bulletin) and use the letters at the bottom as follows:

  • Circle T to add your name to the Telephone Prayer Chain
  • Circle E to add your name to the Email Prayer Chain
  • Circle W to add your name to BOTH lists
  • Circle U to update your information & list them on your connect card
  • Circle R to remove your name from either list
  • Any questions? Please call the office at (570) 275-1511 by March 22nd

Lenten Teas Hosted by the Federated Missionary Society of Montour

County. The next tea will be on Wednesday, March 22 at 1:30pm at Strawberry Ridge Trinity United Church of Christ, 1 West Diehl Road, Danville.


Library Book Returns: The Library staff encourages you to return any overdue material. All returns are welcome regardless of their due date.

Wanna be a Buddy? God’s Champions is looking for volunteers with special hearts to help our friends with disabilities when they come to church. Please circle “B” if you are interested in helping or if you have any questions as to what this adventure entails!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Costa Rica Team Reminders: our next required meeting will take place Monday, March 13 @ 6:30pm in the youth room. Bring your packets and a Bible. Snacks will be provided.

Lenten Teas Begin! Hosted by the Federated Missionary Society of Montour County. The first tea will be on Wednesday, March 8 at 1:30pm at Mooresburg Presbyterian Church located at 9 Church Drive, Danville.

The Barnabas Basket: During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer today. The need for March is Cereal.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, March 8. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Parmesan Chicken, Browned Potatoes, Corn & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, March 6 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time. 

Welcoming Sib Charles – Sunday, March 5 during the Sunday School hour:  Sib Charles comes to us from Joni & Friends, an international program. They not only equip individuals affected by disability, but help churches to welcome and include them as well! Sib is the Community and Church Relations Manager for Joni and Friends Eastern Pennsylvania and has been involved with the ministry since 1986.

They’re Coming!! Pastor Paul & Ruth Fink will be moving to Danville on Saturday, March 11 around 2pm! If you would like to be part of the Move-In Team that day, please circle “M” on your Connect Card. Heavy lifting not your thing? Help stock their pantry! Bring food items, paper goods, cleaning products, etc. to the church office by next Sunday.

Daylight Savings! Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday Night!

Canned Food Collection: The Awana clubbers are collecting canned food during the month of March! Food will benefit the Danville Food Bank. Collection points will be located by Springer Chapel and in the BFLC lobby entrance!

Pictorial Directory: Lifetouch will be here on the following dates for photo sessions: April 19-22 and May 17-20. Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm. Save one of these dates! More information will be coming soon.

Luo Pad Supplies Needed: Flannel is needed for our ongoing Luo Pad Project. Please place new and used flannel in the blue Luo Pad container in the coatroom outside the BFLC. No towels are needed at this time.

Silver Ring Thing Volunteers Needed!

Join us for an exciting, life changing event! We are looking for volunteers to help out in some of the following areas:
  • House SRT missionaries
  • Help in Kitchen during the event
  • Help in various areas during the event

For more info, volunteer opportunities, or to sign up, check out the SRT table in the lobby! Silver Ring Thing is happening on Sunday, March 19!

Volunteers Needed for Disability Awareness Sunday! God’s Champions will be having a meeting this Wednesday at 5pm during the family dinner. They will be training volunteers for their Children’s Sunday School expo on March 26. Join the team for a fun-filled and educational time!

Encouragement Cards are located at the Tract Rack by the Info Desk. “Therefore encourage one another…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Notes can be mailed or handed out to that special someone on your heart.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Next Week; Barnabas Sunday! During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer next Sunday. The need for March is Cereal. 

Canned Food Collection: The Awana clubbers are collecting canned food during the month of March! Food will benefit the Danville Food Bank. Collection points will be located by Springer Chapel and in the BFLC lobby entrance!

Pictorial Directory: Lifetouch will be here on the following dates for photo sessions: April 19-22 and May 17-20. Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm. Save one of these dates! More information will be coming soon.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, March 1. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Pancakes, Sausage & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, February 27 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time. 

Come Worship with Us SUNDAY EVENING!  6:00-7:00pm  Interactive Reflective Encouraging – Children are welcome! Join us for an evening of lifting our hearts to God! Rejuvenate your soul before your busy week!

Luo Pad Mission: Join us March 2nd at 10am as we continue to assemble Luo Pads in the BFLC. This is an ongoing mission through GAIN that provides sanitary undergarments to women all over the world.

Luo Pad Supplies Needed – Flannel is needed for our ongoing Luo Pad Project. Please place new and used flannel in the blue Luo Pad container in the coatroom outside the BFLC. No towels are needed at this time.

Encouragement Cards are located at the Tract Rack by the Info Desk. “Therefore encourage one another…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Notes can be mailed or handed out to that special someone on your heart.

Young Adult Ski Weekend! Join us on a trip to Ski Sawmill! $25 per person will cover overnight accommodations at Three Springs in Morris with 2 meals. Amount is due today! Tubing free from 11am-12pm on Saturday, March 4. Lift tickets and equipment rentals are an additional cost. For more information, call Lynn Wintersteen.

Silver Ring Thing Volunteers!

Join us for an exciting, life changing event! We are looking for volunteers to help out in some of the following areas:
  • House SRT missionaries
  • Help in Kitchen during the event
  • Help in various areas during the event

For more info, volunteer opportunities, or to sign up, check out the SRT table in the lobby! Silver Ring Thing is happening on Sunday, March 19!


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pictorial Directory: Lifetouch will be here on the following dates for photo sessions: April 19-22 and May 17-20. Weekdays 2-9pm, Weekends 10am-5pm. Save one of these dates! More information will be coming soon.

Haiti 12 Trip is a medical mission taking place April 22-29. If you are feeling led to join or simply want more information, please stop by the Info Desk today and pick up an application. Training sessions are 3/12, 3/26 & 4/9.

Awana GrandPrix Derby Night! Everyone’s invited to come cheer on our clubbers this Wednesday as they compete for Speed and Design Trophies!

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, February 22. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is BBQ, Mac-n-Cheese & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, February 20 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time. 

For One Night Only! Fathom Events is excited to bring the enlightening documentary, Is Genesis History? Dr. Del Tackett treks the globe to meet with top scientists and scholars and asks the questions surrounding the most controversial book of the Bible that everyone is curious about: Was everything created in six days? Did we evolve from apes? Were Adam and Eve real? Was there a global flood? What happened to the dinosaurs? Was there a tower of Babel? This first-of-its-kind documentary seeks to throw new light on the origin of man and his true history as revealed in Genesis. February 23rd – 7:00pm showings at: Digiplex Cinema Centers in Bloomsburg, Selinsgrove & Williamsport

Ladies Game Night: Ladies, Join us for a game night on Friday February 17th in the BFLC from 5-9pm. Bring your favorite board games and a snack to share! 

Luo Pad Supplies Needed Flannel is needed for our ongoing Luo Pad Project. Please place new and used flannel in the blue Luo Pad container in the coatroom outside the BFLC. No towels are needed at this time.

Blood Drive Volunteers are needed to assist the Red Cross in serving food and beverages to donors. FBC hosts 4 blood drives per year from 1:00-6:00pm. The next Blood Drive is scheduled for April 17. If you are interested, please call the church office.

Encouragement Cards are located at the Tract Rack by the Info Desk. “Therefore encourage one another…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Notes can be mailed or handed out to that special someone on your heart.

New! Mobile Library: Churches around Danville are assisting with an Eagle Scout project in providing space for Mobile Library units. Ours is located between the Springer Chapel & BFLC entrances. The goal: “give a book, take a book”. The books primarily cater to children.

Young Adult Ski Weekend! oin us on a trip to Ski Sawmill! $25 per person will cover overnight accommodations at Three Springs in Morris with 2 meals. Amount is due February 26th! Tubing free from 11am-12pm on Saturday. Lift tickets and equipment rentals are an additional cost. For more information, contact Lynn Wintersteen.

Sib Charles is coming! FBC is pleased to welcome Sib Nafziger Charles, Community and Church Relations Manager with Joni and Friends Eastern, PA to our church Sunday, March 5. She works with churches to help equip them “to welcome and include individuals affected by disability into their church life.” She will be sharing with all of the adult classes during the Sunday Bible School hour.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Thank You Temples”- Dessert Reception Join us as we honor the Temples’ many years of service in keeping FBC looking great. Please bring a dessert to share tonight in the BFLC at 6pm.

Encouragement Cards are located at the Tract Rack by the Info Desk. “Therefore encourage one another…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Notes can be mailed or handed out to that special someone on your heart.

New! Mobile Library: Churches around Danville are assisting with an Eagle Scout project in providing space for Mobile Library units. Ours is located between the Springer Chapel & BFLC entrances. The goal: “give a book, take a book”. The books primarily cater to children.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, February 15. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, February 13 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be
willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Ladies Game Night: Ladies, Join us for a game night on Friday February 17th in the BFLC from 5-9pm. Bring your favorite board games and a snack to share! 

Youth Parents/Guardians! There will be a brief meeting today after the 10:30am service. Pastor Luke will be covering some vital information!

Play Ball! Spring is coming and so is softball season! We are currently evaluating our Softball Ministry so we need to hear from you in order to compete this year. If you are interested in playing this year, please circle “S” on your Connect Card & include a contact number.

In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our web-site (on the main page).

Attention Ladies: For those interested in getting more information about our retreat, we will have our first meeting Sunday, February 12 in the BFLC, immediately following the 10:30 service. Lunch will be provided. Registration will begin March 5. Mark your calendars for September 15-17 for our retreat at Linck Hill Inn!

Blood Drive Volunteers are needed to assist the Red Cross in serving food and beverages to donors. FBC hosts 4 blood drives per year from 1:00-6:00pm. The next Blood Drive is scheduled for April 17. If you are interested, please circle “B” on your connect card.

Cooking for a Crowd! How many cups makes two gallons? The Kitchen Team would love to train you to be able to cook for our mid-week meal! If you are interested, please call Patty Miller for lessons! (Answer: 32 cups)


Young Adult Ski Weekend! March 4-5th – All young adults are invited! Bring a friend!

Destination: Ski Sawmill during their Winter Carnival

Transportation: Church Van

Overnight Accommodations: Three Springs in Morris

     Cost: $25 – Due February 26th

     Dinner & Breakfast will be provided.

Free Tubing from 11-12pm on Saturday!

   *Additional cost for lift tickets & equipment rentals

For more info, call Lynn Wintersteen


Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Barnabas basket, for the collection of food items for needy families in Danville, will be in the Foyer this week. The need for February is Soup. Donations are taken to the Danville Food Bank.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, February 8. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken-n-Waffles, Corn & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, February 6 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

The Kitchen Team is looking for a few volunteers to help out with the midweek meal. If you are interested, please contact the office.

Please join us Sunday, February 12 at 6:00pm in the BFLC for a dessert reception to honor Ed and Elaine Temple for their years of service to FBC! Please bring a dessert to share.

Play Ball! Spring is coming and so is softball season! We are currently evaluating our Softball Ministry so we need to hear from you in order to compete this year. If you are interested in playing this year, please circle “S” on your Connect Card & include a contact number.

Cooking for a Crowd! How many cups makes two gallons? The Kitchen Team would love to train you to be able to cook for our mid-week meal! If you are interested, please call Patty Miller for lessons! (Answer: 32 cups)

Wednesday evening Ladies Bible Study began a new study last week. Ladies are invited to join them for I Peter – A Living Hope In Christ, by Jen Wilkin. They meet at 6 PM in Room 230 (3rd floor).

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information.

Attention Ladies:

For those interested in getting more information about our retreat, we will have our first meeting Sunday, February 12 in the BFLC, immediately following the 10:30 service. Lunch will be provided. Registration will begin March 5. Mark your calendars for September 15-17 for our retreat at Linck Hill Inn!

Numerous lost items have been found throughout the building. Please check the BFLC coatroom Lost & Found area to see if any of them belong to you! Items remaining after February 12 will be donated to charity.

Blood Drive Volunteers are needed to assist the Red Cross in serving food and beverages to donors. FBC hosts 4 blood drives per year from 1:00-6:00pm. The next Blood Drive is scheduled for April 17. 

Prayer Sheets & Power for Living can be found at both the Information Desk in the sanctuary lobby and the brochure display on the wall by the Sunday School Office.

Right Now Media is an online video library available for friends and members of FBC. There are numerous programs for children as well as adults. If you have not joined Right Now Media, it is available to you at no cost. Please contact the office or circle “R” on your Connect Card and include your email address. You will receive an invitation in your email. Feel free to call the office with any questions.


Young Adult Ski Weekend! March 4-5th –

All young adults are invited! Bring a friend! Ski Sawmill during their Winter Carnival


Church Van

Overnight Accommodations:

Three Springs in Morris; Cost: $25 – Due February 26th; Dinner & Breakfast will be provided

Free Tubing

from 11-12pm on Saturday!

    *Additional cost for lift tickets & equipment rentals

For more info, contact Lynn Wintersteen.