Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bible & Christian Literature Collection Drive – Experience Missions is looking to collect Christian literature and distribute it worldwide thru Rollins Pilot & Love Packages and FBC is now a collection point! A bookshelf will be in the main lobby starting next Sunday. Here’s what they are looking for:
  • Bibles – new and used, NT, Psalms/Proverbs, commentaries & concordances
  • Bible on cassette tapes – excellent condition only
  • Christian Books – hardback/paperback Christian Magazines* – Decisions, Christian Reader, etc. *Please, no Guideposts
  • Devotionals and Tracts
  • CDs/DVDs (Christian contemporary music, gospel music & hymns)
Collection Wraps Up Sunday, October 18th
Church Clerk Position Open! The Church Clerk is a volunteer position that is a one-year term, voted on at the Annual Business meeting. The Clerk is responsible for:
  • recording the minutes at each of our 3 business meetings and any special business meetings – template for the minutes available to use as a guide!
  • coordinating with the church office in sending them a copy of the minutes and any other info needed
  • facilitating the voting procedures during the meetings (hand out/collect ballots, note findings)
If you are interested in this position, please contact Tom Killian.
Ladies Grief Group Starting Up Again! All women going through the grief of a loss, whether it be a loved one, a broken relationship, etc. are
welcome to join. The group will be meeting at Linda Beyer’s home on Wednesday evenings. 5:30PM Meal | 6PM Study. Call Linda for additional
information. They’ll be studying the book, “Therefore I have Hope” by Cameron Cole. Suggested donation of $13.
NEW Devos for Oct-Nov-Dec! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box and Tract Rack to pick up the newest editions of Keys for Kids & Large Print
Our Daily Bread!
“RightNow Media, the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics and is for all different ages! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or emailing the office at
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. Sizes vary upon availability. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Prayer March 2020 in Washington with Franklin Graham – THIS Saturday 12-2pm at the Lincoln Memorial. RSVP @ – OR – Pray along at home!
Home Groups – Mission Statement – Home groups are to be intentional groups of individuals who experience life together through fellowship, worship, serving, active growth and evangelism, through love and obedience to Christ.
Sample Timeline
  • Pre-Meeting 30min. – Meal (optional!)
  • 5min – Welcome, Ice breakers, fellowship time
  • 5min – Worship time (Ex: 2-3 songs, reading a Psalm)
  • 10min – Read Bible passages provided together and watch the intro video
  • 20min – Talk through questions provided by Pastors – Suggestion: Break out into smaller groups of 3-5 people (men with men, women with women where possible). Recap your discussion(s) when group comes together.
  • 10min – Action time – Come up with a service project and/or evangelistic opportunity and create action steps towards your goal(s)
  • 10min – Close in prayer
We are currently looking for host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Fall Business Meeting – September 30 @ 7pm – We’ll be discussing some of the following:
  • Vote on Gary & Linda Emrick for membership
  • Vote on Lynn Wintersteen as Financial Secretary
  • Statements regarding Ordination & Elders
All are welcome, however only members may vote. Meeting will also be livestreamed via Zoom – Meeting ID: 829 5792 5860 | Passcode: 130810 *Please Note: members may not vote via Zoom
Ladies Fall Bible Study Psalms; The Prayers of God’s People – For video & workbook access, Register* Cost of study is $15. *Unique for this study! Follow directions on webpage or call the office at (570) 275-1511 or Heather Hess.
Mondays @ 8p – ID: 834 9405 6323 | Passcode: psalms
Tuesdays @ 9:30a* – ID: 892 7177 3521 | Passcode: 248292
*In-person group meeting at Susan Hancock’s home is FULL
Blanket Collection for Africa! Locust swarms in Africa are enormous this year, causing record-breaking destruction of crops and widespread famine. Thousands of people are flocking into refugee camps seeking food and shelter. As a result, Unto, formerly GAiN, has started an urgent massive collection of blankets, new or gently-used. The collection point will be in the main foyer until September 30th.
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John on Thursdays at 2:30 on Facebook.
Connect Weekly on Zoom!
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING IN HER BACK YARD – Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and your coffee! This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Call Connie!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Canada Trip Funds have been mailed out to Word of Life campus to help with the repairs needed from the fire they had earlier this year. The trip that was scheduled had to be canceled with no foreseeable reschedule date due to the Coronavirus.
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. Sizes vary upon availability. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Connect Cards – Is there something we can pray for? Have questions? Need info? We encourage you to fill out our e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at

Women’s Open Door Fall Bible Study – Psalms; The Prayers of God’s People – 12 Week Study – The Psalms include some of the most well-loved and well-worn passages in our Bibles. More than just devotional reading, they instruct us through every season of life how to speak to – and speak of – God. Join us as we explore with Jen Wilkin how the songs of Scripture give us language both to approach and to adore the Lord. Starts Tomorrow! Cost of study is $15. *Unique for this study! Follow directions on webpage or call the office at (570) 275-1511 or Heather Hess.
Mondays @ 8p – ID: 834 9405 6323 | Passcode: psalms
Tuesday @ 9:30a* – ID: 892 7177 3521 | Passcode: 248292
*In-person group meeting at Susan Hancock’s home for the non-Zoomers. Space is limited! Masks are a must. For video & workbook access, Register* at:

Ladies Bible Study – Bonus Resource Available!! Illustrated Scripture Journal: Psalms ESV

  • Full ESV text of the book of Psalms
  • Lightly dotted grid on blank pages opposite each page of Bible text
  • Lay-flat binding
Copies available at Bible study info table for suggested donation of $9
“I Still Believe” at the Drive In! THIS Thursday @ 7:45PM – Bring friends and family to see the showing of I Still Believe. This movie follows the true life story of Christian music mega star, Jeremy Camp and his remarkable journey of love and loss that proves there is always hope in the midst of tragedy and that faith tested is the only faith worth sharing. It’ll be showing FOR FREE at the Point Drive-in: 3601 Point Twp. Drive, Northumberland. Concessions will be available!
NEW Devos for Oct-Nov-Dec! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box and Tract Rack to pick up the newest editions of Keys for Kids & Large Print
Our Daily Bread!
UPCOMING SERMON SERIES! How is it possible grow in my walk with God when facing trials? How do I navigate suffering for doing what is right? “Suffering” is the most used word in the book of 1 Peter which should tell us something about the Christian life. God does not want us to just survive suffering and trials but to thrive through Christ. Let us join together next Sunday as we begin studying the LIVING HOPE that God the Father provides through Jesus Christ’s victory over death.
Fall Business Meeting – September 30 @ 7pm – Will also be livestreamed via Zoom
Prayer March 2020 in Washington with Franklin Graham – September 26 12-2pm at the Lincoln Memorial – RSVP @
– OR – Pray along at home!
Home Groups – We are currently looking for host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
FBC Emergency Response Group – Do you have a special skill set such as operating a chain saw, skid loader owner/operator, a strong back and a willing heart? We are looking to put together a few volunteers that would be on an as-needed basis for any disaster recovery that our church family would need. If you are interested, contact Randy Van Horn.
No Couch Worship this week.
Connect Weekly on Zoom!
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING IN HER BACK YARD – Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and your coffee! This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Call Connie!
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Home Groups – We are excited to announce the launch of Home Groups this October. You may ask, “What is a Home Group and what does that have to do with me?” This is a gathering of people in the home of a person who attends First Baptist with the express purpose of navigating life together. God created us for relationship; with Him and one another. With this in mind, we want to gather together to encourage one another as we face the challenges of life. These Home Groups are places we can invite our neighbors and friends, grow deeper in our relationship with God and one another, and share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Some of the details for these groups are listed below and we will provide more information in the near future.- In Christ’s Love, Pastor Dawes Dunham
Mission Statement – Home groups are to be intentional groups of individuals who experience life together through fellowship, worship, serving, active growth and evangelism, through love and obedience to Christ.
We are currently looking for host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Canada Trip Funds have been mailed out to Word of Life campus to help with the repairs needed from the fire they had earlier this year. The trip that was scheduled had to be canceled with no foreseeable reschedule date due to the Coronavirus.
Fall Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday, 9am to 4:30pm and Wednesday-Friday, 9am to 3pm. Note: The office will be closed tomorrow for Labor Day.
Fishnet is NOT meeting this Thursday, September 10. If you would like to join them in the future as they work to prepare goods to send into the mission field, please contact Donna Outt.
Giving Opportunity Today Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). The bulletin will list the
suggested item of the month. All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in main lobby for the 8AM and at the welcome tent for the 10:30AM. September’s Need is Canned Vegetables.
Women’s Fall Bible Study – Psalms; The Prayers of God’s People – 12 Week Study – Starts 9/14 @ 7:30p & 9/15 @ 9:30a – The Psalms include some of the most well-loved and well-worn passages in our Bibles. More than just devotional reading, they instruct us through every season of life how to speak to – and speak of – God. Join us as we explore with Jen Wilkin how the songs of Scripture give us language both to approach and to adore the Lord. Registration* happening at  Cost of study is $15. *Unique for this study! Follow
directions on webpage or call the office at (570) 275-1511 or Heather Hess.
Bonus Resource Available!! Illustrated Scripture Journal: Psalms ESV – Copies available at Bible study info table for suggested donation of $9.
  • Full ESV text of the book of Psalms
  • Lightly dotted grid on blank pages opposite each page of Bible text
  • Lay-flat binding
“I Still Believe” at the Drive-In! Thursday, Sept. 17 @ 8PM – Bring friends and family to see the showing of I Still Believe. This movie follows the true life story of Christian music mega star, Jeremy Camp and his remarkable journey of love and loss that proves there is always hope in the midst of tragedy and that faith tested is the only faith worth sharing. It’ll be showing FOR FREE at the Point Drive-in: 3601 Point Twp. Drive, Northumberland. Concessions will be available!
Prayer March 2020 in Washington with Franklin Graham – September 26 12pm-2pm at the Lincoln Memorial – RSVP @
– OR – Pray along at home!
Fall Business Meeting is September 30 @ 7pm. Will also be live streamed via Zoom.
FBC Emergency Response Group – Do you have a special skill set such as operating a chain saw, skid loader owner/operator, a strong back and a willing heart? We are looking to put together a few volunteers that would be on an as-needed basis for any disaster recovery that our church family would need. If you are interested, contact Randy Van Horn.
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John on Thursdays at 2:30 pm on Facebook!
Connect Weekly on Zoom!
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will NOT be meeting this week. See you next week!
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Canada Trip Funds have been mailed out to Word of Life campus to help with the repairs needed from the fire they had earlier this year. The trip that was scheduled had to be canceled with no foreseeable reschedule date due to the Coronavirus.
Fall Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday, 9am to 4:30pm and Wednesday-Friday, 9am to 3pm.
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Giving Opportunity Next Week Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. Sizes vary upon availability. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Women’s Open Door Fall Bible Study via Zoom – Psalms; The Prayers of God’s People – 12 Week Study – Starts 9/14 @ 7:30p & 9/15 @ 9:30a
The Psalms include some of the most well-loved and well-worn passages in our Bibles. More than just devotional reading, they instruct us through
every season of life how to speak to – and speak of – God. Join us as we explore with Jen Wilkin how the songs of Scripture give us language both to approach and to adore the Lord. Registration* Now Open at Cost of study is $15.
*Unique for this study! Follow directions on webpage or call the office at (570) 275-1511 or Heather Hess.
MINI TREASURE FEST! LAST CHANCE! Free items for the taking from maps to books to craft and party supplies and more! Treasures STILL to be found!
MOPS & MOMSNEXT – Register by Tuesday! Mothers of Preschoolers and MOMSNEXT are support groups for moms with children ages 0 to school age. This year moms will either meet in person with their small groups at host homes or virtually from their own homes! For more info, check out
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). The bulletin will list the suggested item of the month. All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in main lobby for the 8AM and at the welcome tent for the 10:30AM next Sunday. September’s need is for canned vegetables.
FBC Emergency Relief Team – Do you have a special skill set such as operating a chain saw, skid loader owner/operator, a strong back and a willing heart? We are looking to put together a few volunteers that would be on an as-needed basis for any disaster recovery that our church family would need. If you are interested, contact Randy Van Horn.
Audio/Visual Techs Needed! Full coaching and training provided! Interested? Email
Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry. 
Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship
Video Tech: If you have an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking, you will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer. 
Couch Worship with Pastor John happens Thursdays at 2:30 on Facebook.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING IN HER BACK YARD – Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and your coffee! This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Call Connie! (570) 951-2688
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, August 23, 2020

MINI TREASURE FEST! SUNDAY (8/23) ONLY in the gym! Free items for the taking from maps to books to craft and party supplies and more!
Treasures sure to be found!
MOPS & MOMSNEXT – Registration Now Open! MOPS and MOMSNEXT are support groups for moms with children ages 0 to school age.
This year moms will either meet in person with their small groups at host homes or virtually from their own homes! For more info, check out Register by September 1st!
Audio/Visual Techs Needed! Full coaching and training provided! Interested? Email
Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry. 
Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship
Video Tech: If you have an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking, you will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer. 
New Bern, NC Trip scheduled for September 27-October 3 has been canceled due logistical complications from the Coronavirus.
Fall Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday, 9am to 4:30pm and Wednesday-Friday, 9am to 3pm.
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. The ladies meet to check and clean eyeglasses that Unto (formerly GAiN) then distributes all over the world. All ladies are welcome. They have a wonderful time of fellowship while getting the eyeglasses ready. This past week, Fishnet delivered 4,500 pairs of cleaned, inspected glasses to the Unto warehouse in Mt. Joy. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. Sizes vary upon availability. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Borrow a Book Box – Located outside between the Chapel and gym entrances.
  • Masks! Sizes depend on availability
  • Sunday’s Bulletin
  • Prayer Sheets
  • Our Daily Bread in Regular & Large print
  • Keys for Kids devotional
  • Featured Read of the week
  • Tracts
Our Daily Bread Daily Devotional for September/October/November now available.
Featured Read of the Week – Discovery Series: Clinging to Hope in the Storm – Explore Scripture with author Leslie Leyland Fields to discover how Jesus is with us in times of trial and struggle. Reflect on the rocky waves of your life and listen as God quiets the storms to whisper to your heart: I’m here with you.
Knoebel’s Summer Campground Ministry – Join our own Terry Davis and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as they share the good news each Sunday!
  • 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Missed a Service? No worries! You can always catch up on our services by going to these following places…
  • YouTube: FBC Danville
  • Facebook: Danville First Baptist Church
  • Our Homepage:
Blanket Collection for Africa! Locust swarms in Africa are enormous this year, causing record-breaking destruction of crops and widespread famine. Thousands of people are flocking into refugee camps seeking food and shelter. As a result, Unto, formerly GAiN, has started an urgent massive collection of blankets, new or gently-used. The collection point will be in the main foyer thru September.
Connect Card – Is there something we can pray for? Have questions? Need info? We encourage you to fill out our e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
Couch Worship with Pastor John takes place every Thursday at 2:30pm on Facebook!
Connect Weekly on Zoom!
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING IN HER BACK YARD – Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and your coffee! This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Contact Connie!
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, August 16, 2020

MOPS Registration Opens Today (8/16)! MOPS and MOMSNEXT is a support group for moms with children ages 0 to school age. This year moms will either meet in person with their small groups at host homes or virtually from their own homes! For more info, check out Register by September 1st!
American Gospel Showing at the Point Drive In! THIS Thursday @ 8:15PM – Bring friends and family to see the showing of American Gospel: Christ Alone. Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series. Point Drive-in: 3601 Point Twp. Drive, Northumberland.
New Bern, NC Trip scheduled for September 27-October 3 has been canceled due logistical complications from the Coronavirus.
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. The ladies meet to check and clean eyeglasses that Unto (formerly GAiN) then distributes all over the world. All ladies are welcome. They have a wonderful time of fellowship while getting the eyeglasses ready. This past week, Fishnet delivered 4,500 pairs of cleaned, inspected glasses to the Unto warehouse in Mt. Joy. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Mask Update: Masks are currently available in 4 sizes – Adult, Adult Small, Child and Toddler, however since adult sized masks are available at most stores now, the Fishnet group will be only making toddler and child sized masks. Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Audio/Visual Techs Needed! Full coaching and training provided!
  • Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry. 
  • Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship
  • Video Tech: If you have an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking, you will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer. 
    Interested? Email
NEW Our Daily Breads! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Regular Print devotional for September | October | November!
Featured Read of the Week (Free at the Borrow-a-Book Box & Tract Rack) – Coronavirus and Christ – “This is a time when the fragile form of this world is felt. The seemingly solid foundations are shaking. The question we should be asking is, Do we have a Rock under our feet? A Rock that cannot be shaken―ever?” ―John Piper
Blanket Collection for Africa! Locust swarms in Africa are enormous this year, causing record-breaking destruction of crops and widespread famine. Thousands of people are flocking into refugee camps seeking food and shelter. As a result, Unto, formerly GAiN, has started an urgent massive collection of blankets, new or gently-used. The collection point will be in the main foyer thru September.
Women’s Open Door Bible Study via Zoom – All Women Welcome! Study Guides are available at the church – suggested donation of $15
Please sign up at
  • Mondays @ 7:30PM: Meeting ID: 854 7565 1976 Password: 742491
  • Tuesdays @ 9:30AM: Meeting ID: 874 4636 2635 Password: Jude
See the “Connect Weekly” ad for instructions on calling into meetings. We look forward to growing with you!
Connect Card – Is there something we can pray for? Have questions? Need info? We encourage you to fill out our e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John Thursdays at 2:30 PM on Facebook.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will NOT be meeting this week. See you next week!
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Blanket Collection for Africa! Locust swarms in Africa are enormous this year, causing record-breaking destruction of crops and widespread famine. Thousands of people are flocking into refugee camps seeking food and shelter. As a result, Unto, formerly GAiN, has started an urgent massive collection of blankets, new or gently-used. The collection point will be in the main foyer thru September.
American Gospel at the Drive In! Thursday, August 20 @ 8:15PM – Bring friends and family to see the showing of American Gospel: Christ Alone. Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series. Point Drive-in: 3601 Point Twp. Drive, Northumberland.
Featured Read of the Week (Free at the Borrow-a-Book Box & Tract Rack) – Discovery Series: Pray First – We all know people who need a relationship with Jesus. But we may secretly doubt that it will ever happen. Never underestimate the importance of our prayers in reaching those far from God. In Pray First! you’ll find specific ways to pray as well as encouragement to continue to pray on behalf of others.
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. The ladies meet to check and clean eyeglasses that Unto (formerly GAiN) then distributes all over the world. All ladies are welcome. They have a wonderful time of fellowship while getting the eyeglasses ready. This past week, Fishnet delivered 4,500 pairs of cleaned, inspected glasses to the Unto warehouse in Mt. Joy. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Mask Update: Masks are currently available in 4 sizes – Adult, Adult Small, Child and Toddler, however since adult sized masks are available at most stores now, the Fishnet group will be only making toddler and child sized masks. Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Blood Drive Monday – Stop by the BFLC (gym) from 1-6pm. The Red Cross is in need of blood and is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe during their collections.
Women’s Open Door Summer Study – All Women Welcome! Study Guides are available at the church – suggested donation of $15. Please sign up at
ZOOM MEETING INFO! See the “Connect Weekly” ad for instructions on calling into meetings. We look forward to growing with you!
Mondays @ 8:15PM: Meeting ID: 854 7565 1976 Password: 742491
Tuesdays @ 9:30AM: Meeting ID: 874 4636 2635 Password: Jude
RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Now you can get access even quicker by texting “RIGHTNOW FBCDANVILLE” to 41411 or go to
Stay in Step with FBC – Sign up today to receive our newsletters! All we need is your name and email!
Tuesday: Pastors’ Corner will encourage your heart and “equip you for works of service” (Eph 4:12).
Friday: FBC Friday News will keep you informed with what’s going on and how you can plug in!
Connect Card – Is there something we can pray for? Have questions? Need info? We encourage you to fill out our e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John on Thursdays at 2:30pm on Facebook!
Connect Weekly on Zoom!
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P: 97056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING AT HER HOME – This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Contact Connie!
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #
Need to speak to someone? Check out the 2020 Deacon Mini-Flock List HERE.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Connect Cards Is there something we can pray for? Have questions? Need info? We encourage you to fill out our e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
Free Burma Rangers Movie Showing – THIS Friday @ 8PM – Five Stones Fight Club is back with the Forge! Shane Manney from Five Stones will be sharing his testimony and will be hosting the showing of the movie, Free Burma Rangers at the Southside Fire Company in their outdoor pavilion (inside if weather is bad). Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries, Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U.S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world.
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer, 15 Fourteenth St., Riverside. The ladies meet to check and clean eyeglasses that Unto (formerly GAiN) then distributes all over the world. All ladies are welcome. They have a wonderful time of fellowship while getting the eyeglasses ready. This past week, Fishnet delivered 4,500 pairs of cleaned, inspected glasses to the Unto warehouse in Mt. Joy. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here next Monday, August 10, in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. The Red Cross is in need of blood and is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe during their collections.
Ladies Open Door Bible Study will be enjoying session 3 this week of the Jackie Hill Perry study on Jude. Study guides available at church for a suggested donation of $15. Here’s the following info on the Zoom meetings:
Mondays @ 8:15PM: Meeting ID: 854 7565 1976 Password: 742491
Tuesdays @ 9:30AM: Meeting ID: 874 4636 2635 Password: Jude
Mask Update Masks are currently available in 4 sizes – Adult, Adult Small, Child and Toddler, however since adult sized masks are available at most stores now, the Fishnet group will be only making toddler and child sized masks. Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Giving Opportunity Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
Ice Cream with the Nagles! Saturday, August 15 @ 3PM – Help us send the Nagles off to New Oxford, PA in grand fashion! Please RSVP by Sunday (8/2)!
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). The bulletin will list the
suggested item of the month, but any child-friendly food is welcome during the summer. All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in main lobby for the 8AM and at the welcome tent for the 10:30AM. August’s Need is Peanut Butter and Saltines.
Recap of Last Sunday’s Announcement – The deacons and pastors have come to the difficult decision to cancel the Wednesday evening fall
ministries for the rest of this year. They’ll be revisiting this decision in November to see if we can start things back up in January. While there are many differing opinions, we appreciate your understanding and unity as we continue to grow in our personal walk with the Lord and reach out to our
community in Christ. We’ll be starting a new sermon series soon on 1 Peter and encourage you to read through this book and take notes.
Blanket Collection for Africa! Locust swarms in Africa are enormous this year, causing record-breaking destruction of crops and widespread famine. Thousands of people are flocking into refugee camps seeking food and shelter. As a result, Unto, formerly GAiN, has started an urgent massive collection of blankets, new or gently-used. The collection point will be in the main foyer thru September.
American Gospel Showing at the Drive In! Thursday, August 20 @ 8:15PM – Bring friends and family to see the showing of American Gospel: Christ Alone. Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series. Point Drive-in: 3601 Point Twp. Drive, Northumberland.
Featured Read of the Week (Free at the Borrow-a-Book Box & Tract Rack) – How Good is Good Enough? Surely there’s more than one way to get to heaven? Bestselling author Andy Stanley addresses this popular belief held even among Christians. But believing that all good people go to heaven raises major problems, Stanley reveals. Is goodness not rewarded, then? Is Christianity not fair? Maybe not, he says. Readers will find out why Jesus taught that goodness is not even a requirement to enter heaven – and why Christianity is beyond fair.
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John on Thursdays at 2:30pm on Facebook. Tuesday sessions wrapped up this past week.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P: 97056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING AT DAWN CARR’S HOUSE – Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and your coffee! This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Contact Connie.
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #
Need to contact your deacon? Find out who your deacon is HERE!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Barnabas Basket Next Sunday The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). The bulletin will list the suggested item of the month, but any child-friendly food is welcome during the summer. All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in main lobby for the 8AM and at the welcome tent for the 10:30AM. August’s Need is Peanut Butter and Saltines.
E-Connect Card Whether you are viewing the services online or in person, we encourage you to fill out our NEW e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
Ice Cream with the Nagles! Saturday, August 15 @ 3PM – Help us send the Nagles off to New Oxford, PA in grand fashion! Please RSVP by NEXT Sunday (August 2nd).
Ladies Open Door Bible Study will be enjoying session 3 this week of the Jackie Hill Perry study on Jude. Study guides available at church for a suggested donation of $15. Here’s the following info on the Zoom meetings:
Mondays @ 8:15PM: Meeting ID: 854 7565 1976 Password: 742491
Tuesdays @ 9:30AM: Meeting ID: 874 4636 2635 Password: Jude
Mask Update Masks are currently available in 4 sizes – Adult, Adult Small, Child and Toddler, however since adult sized masks are available at most stores now, the Fishnet group will be only making toddler and child sized masks. Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
Giving Opportunity Next Week Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
Campfire & Fireworks at Iron Mill Church! Friday, July 31 @ 8-10PM – Come out for a fun evening for the entire community! We will have a bonfire on the hill, followed by a big fireworks show! There is plenty of parking in our parking lot. Feel free to bring a blanket or lawn chairs to relax on. S’mores and drinks will be provided. Bring yourself, family, and friends! Masks are required. *In the case of rain, we will reschedule the event for Friday, August 7th.
Knoebels Campground Summer Ministry– Join our own Terry Davis and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as they share the good news each Sunday!
  • 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
  • 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Stay in Step with FBC – Sign up today to receive our newsletters! All we need is your name and email!
Tuesday: Pastors Corner will encourage your heart and “equip you for works of service” (Eph 4:12).
Friday: FBC Friday News will keep you informed with what’s going on and how you can plug in!
Five Stones Fight Club is back with the Forge! Friday, August 7 @ 8PM – Shane Manney from Five Stones will be sharing his testimony and will be hosting the showing of the movie, Free Burma Rangers at the Southside Fire Company in their outdoor pavilion (inside if weather is bad). Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries, Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U.S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world.
Are you missing VBS? Bring the learning & FUN home! Here are a few FREE versions we recommend.
From Answers in Genesis – IncrediWorld Amazement Park! A Thrill Ride Through God’s Creation! Get all the resources at
Week 1: How long ago did time begin?
Week 2: What is a worldview?
Week 3: Can your view of creation affect your view of the gospel?
Week 4: Does every creature have a Creator?
Week 5: Are dinosaurs in the Bible?
True Girl & Born to Be Brave present: Camp Staycation!
This year, instead of packing your bags and sending your kids off to summer camp to experience God, take time together with them to unpack some of the most important truths they need to develop their worldview. After enjoying this 6 week program, you’re sure to be sharing camp stories for the rest of your lives! Get all the resources at
Week 1: God promises to be with us in all things, even the messy. (Activity: Tie dye t-shirt activity)
Week 2: God gives each of us unique talents. How can we use them to bring glory to God? (Activity: family trail hike)
Week 3: Discover the importance of competing the right way for the right reasons and to reveal how that will lead to emotional and spiritual wellness. (Activity: Family backyard games)
Couch Worship with Pastor John every Tuesday & Thursday at 2:30 on Facebook.
Get Connected on Zoom!
WEDNESDAY (NEW DAY!!) @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 499-714-413 088860
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be MEETING IN HER BACK YARD – Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and your coffee! This lively class for women is studying the book of James! Wanna come? Call Connie! 
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ladies Open Door Bible Study will be enjoying session 3 this week of the Jackie Hill Perry study on Jude. Study guides available at church for a suggested donation of $15. Here’s the following info on the Zoom meetings:
  • Mondays @ 8:15PM: Meeting ID: 854 7565 1976 Password: 742491
  • Tuesdays @ 9:30AM: Meeting ID: 874 4636 2635 Password: Jude
Mask Update: Masks are currently available in 4 sizes – Adult, Adult Small, Child and Toddler, however since adult sized masks are available at most stores now, the Fishnet group will be only making toddler and child sized masks. Masks are located outside in the Borrow a Book box. One per person, please. If you aren’t able to come to the church, please call the church and we’ll set up delivery!
CE Board Meeting is coming up on Sunday, August 2nd following the 10:30am service.
Campfire & Fireworks at Iron Mill Church! Friday, July 31 @ 8-10PM – Come out for a fun evening for the entire community! We will have a bonfire on the hill, followed by a big fireworks show! There is plenty of parking in our parking lot. Feel free to bring a blanket or lawn chairs to relax on. S’mores and drinks will be provided. Bring yourself, family, and friends! Masks are required. *In the case of rain, we will reschedule the event for Friday, August 7th.
Five Stones Fight Club is back with the Forge! Friday, August 7 @ 8PM – Shane Manney from Five Stones will be sharing his testimony and will be hosting the showing of the movie, Free Burma Rangers at the Southside Fire Company in their outdoor pavilion (inside if weather is bad).
Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U.S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world.
E-Connect Card – Whether you are viewing the services online or in person, we encourage you to fill out our NEW e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
Featured Read of the Week (Free at the Borrow-a-Book Box & Tract Rack) – Why believe that Jesus is the Son of God? How can we know he rose from the dead? Your most pressing questions about Christianity—answered! Easy-to-understand answers that will satisfy skeptics’ most common queries. 53 pages, softcover from Zondervan.
Are you missing VBS? Bring the learning & FUN home! Here are a few FREE versions we recommend.
From Answers in Genesis – IncrediWorld Amazement Park! A Thrill Ride Through God’s Creation!
Week 1: How long ago did time begin?
Week 2: What is a worldview?
Week 3: Can your view of creation affect your view of the gospel?
Week 4: Does every creature have a Creator?
Week 5: Are dinosaurs in the Bible?
Get all the resources at
True Girl & Born to Be Brave present: Camp Staycation! This year, instead of packing your bags and sending your kids off to summer camp to experience God, take time together with them to unpack some of the most important truths they need to develop their worldview. After enjoying this 6 week program, you’re sure to be sharing camp stories for the rest of your lives! Get all the resources at
Week 1: God promises to be with us in all things, even the messy. (Activity: Tie dye t-shirt activity)
Week 2: God gives each of us unique talents. How can we use them to bring glory to God? (Activity: family trail hike)
Week 3: Discover the importance of competing the right way for the right reasons and to reveal how that will lead to emotional and spiritual wellness. (Activity: Family backyard games)
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 2:30pm on Facebook.
Connect Weekly on Zoom!
THURSDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 499-714-413 088860
SUNDAY Classes meeting online!*
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
  • 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
  • 1:00PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will not be meeting this Sunday (7/19)
*If your class is not listed, they’ve wrapped up and are looking forward to worshiping with you in person during the services!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone?
Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #