Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tacos with the Team FOR NEW ATTENDERS! Sunday (3/16) at 11:45am in the gym. You are invited to a luncheon today in the gym as an opportunity to get to know our pastors and staff.
LAST GAME NIGHT This Friday (3/21) | 6pm in the gym. Bring your favorite games and a snack to share. Let’s celebrate spring by gathering for games and fellowship together!
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Chicken Alfredo with Rice and Roasted Broccoli and the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon normally at the home of Linda Beyer. This week they will be meeting at the church in Room 7. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt.
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church. Come on over!
Mission Opportunity Signups are now open for volunteers interested in helping at a Joni & Friends family retreat. Join the team as they bring hands-on help and Gospel hope to those with disabilities and their families. Visit
Community Prayer Walk Next Sunday, March 23 after the 10:30 am service – This walk will be devoted to praying for our local schools. Bring your family, friends, Sunday School class or homegroup and join us as we pray for the student bodies, staff and administration, families, etc. We will meet in the gym and disperse from there.
Costa Rica Mission Trip Our youth group is headed back to Costa Rica, June 22-28, 2025!! Stop by the team’s table in the main lobby to pick up a copy of their support letter. Prayerfully consider how you can help!
Special Business Meeting Sunday, March 30 | 9:10am – All members are encouraged to attend this brief meeting to vote in applicants for membership per the deacons’ recommendation. Join us immediately after the second service to take part in this area of body life.
M&M Tubes for Missions Now Available Pick yours up today in the main lobby! Grab some M&M’s! When the tube is empty, fill it with quarters. By returning full tubes, you’re helping purchase eyeglasses for Honduras. Due Back: JUNE 1st!!
Here’s your invitation to join the Easter Choir! Practices begin next Monday, March 24th from 7:15-8:30pm in the sanctuary. Our only requirements are that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals and can match pitch!
College Care Ministry Our opportunity to support & show love to our college students during finals! * * Student Info is due March 30th – See Connect Card! * * Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed. Donation bin is located by the Kitchen. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering. We will pack boxes on Monday, April 7 @ 6pm in the gym! Suggested items to donate due April 6th:
  • Gum
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)
  • Highlighters
  • Raisins (small boxes)
  • Ramen noodles (not cups)
  • Post-It Notes
  • Command Strips
  • Breakfast/Cereal/Protein Bars
  • Hard Candy
  • Tic-Tacs/Mints
  • Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts
  • Lifesavers
  • Pencils/Pens
  • Packages of crackers
  • Chapstick
  • Tissue Packets
  • Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats
  • Sticky Tac
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Treat-sized choc. Candy
Stay in Step with FBC Sign up today to receive our e-newsletters! All we need is your name and email!
  • Tuesday: Pastors’ Corner will encourage your heart and “equip you for works of service” (Eph 4:12).
  • Friday: FBC Friday News will keep you informed with what’s going on and how you can get plugged in!
Library Recommendation of the Week – “Please Sorry Thanks” – The best predictor of success in life, in love, and in leadership is your proficiency at please, sorry, and thanks. Those three words are the foundation of all healthy relationships and successful careers. Those three words are the only ceiling on achieving your dreams. Those three words will determine how happy you are. With his trademark blend of personal stories, scientific and historical references, and biblical insight, Pastor Mark Batterson explores the psychology of please, the science of sorry and the theology of thanks. Whether you’re launching out into a new phase of life or navigating long-established complexities, learn how these three magic words hold the power to shape your world for good and let them propel you as you go where God leads you to go. You can find this book in the Christian Living section of the library or ask the librarian.
LIBRARY HOURS: Sundays 9:15am-10:15am, Tuesdays 9-11am (during Bible Study) & Wednesdays 5-7pm.
New Our Daily Bread Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your new LARGE PRINT devotional for April | May | June.