Sunday, September 1, 2024

Our Baptism Service is Going to the River! Next Sunday @ 4pm – If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by Sunday!! Located at the Danville River Front Park by the bridge. Bring your chair and join us as we celebrate the public statement of changed life! This is weather and river conditions pending. The backup date is the following Sunday.
Kitchen Call Do you enjoy cooking? How about helping in the kitchen? Or setting up the dining area? Maybe even dishwashing! Wednesday Family Meals will be back in action next week and could use your help! Let the office know!
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Hamburger BBQ, Mac & Cheese, Mixed Veggies and the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
“Say Yes” Wall Stop by the wall outside the chapel for opportunities to serve.
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Fellowship Fund Giving Opportunity In following the biblical directive to take care of our widows and orphans, FBC created the fellowship fund. This fund not only blesses those financially hurting in our church family, but also those who desire to invest in their marriages. If you would like to give, please note “Fellowship Fund” in the memo of your check or on your envelope.
Honduras Mission Trip DECEMBER 7-14, 2024 – Applications are available at the Missions wall in the main lobby. The deadline for submission is September 15th!! While the main goal is introductory, also included will be medical, construction and a children’s outreach. If you have questions, please call the office at (570) 275-1511. Applications may be turned in to the office.
New Devotionals Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your Our Daily Bread, Keys for Kids & Unlocked (teens) for
September | October | November
MINI TREASURE FEST The Sunday School supply closet has been cleaned out and there are treasures galore. There are lots of craft and school supplies. Check out the designated table in the gym today!
Lost Something? We cleaned out the Lost & Found closet! Please see the display table in the gym and claim anything that is yours. Items left after Sunday will be donated or thrown out.
Wednesday Info Here’s what we have going on! Groups & Studies begin Wednesday at 6pm!!
Nursery: Care for children birth through 2 years
Awana: Bible learning, games & fun for children ages 3-6th grade
Iron Youth Jr. & Sr. High: Pastor Luke provides fun & Bible learning for grades 6-12. Room 10|Youth Room (Iron Forge)
Adult Bible Study: Pastor Paul is continuing his study on the book of 1 Samuel. Room 224/226 (2nd floor above offices)
Ladies’ Open Door Bible Study: We will be studying REVELATION by Jen Wilkin. Wednesday evening sessions begin this week at 6:00pm with a preview night. Tuesday morning sessions will begin 9/10 at 9:00am. There is also a Wednesday ZOOM option. Suggested book donation is $25. Childcare is available at both sessions! Sign up in the main lobby! Tues. Chapel | Wed. Room 230, 2nd Floor, end of hallway
Devoted Couples Study: We’ll be doing the video series “Building a Better Marriage” by Earl & Oneka McCellan. Join us as we “explore God’s blueprint for building a healthy marriage through trust, honesty, service, love & God’s Word”. Led by Pastor John & Shelly. Back of the sanctuary
Divorce Care: For married, separated, divorced men and women. Suggested Donation for books is $15. Room 105 (2nd floor hallway that parallels the gym)
FBC Library Wed. Hours: 5:45-7:30pm
MomCo FIRST MEETING (Formerly MOPS) is Sept. 11, 9-11am in the Gym. “MomCo (Mom Community) is where we mobilize moms all over the world to build life-changing community”…Our new season begins next Wed. and this year’s theme is “Wild Hope”. Isaiah 43:18-19. We are looking for volunteers to pour into our kiddos (KidsCo) in the nursery during our meetings the 2nd Wed. of the month, Sept.–May. Contact Jessica Wallish for more info.
Barnabas Basket Happening Sunday! September’s Need: Canned Vegetables
MEN’S RETREAT October 11-13, 2024 | Camp Orchard Hill – Info in the lobby & gym areas. Wanna come just for the day? Day rate—$95. Please register by 9/28. See Pastor John for more details.