Sunday, September 15, 2024

Honduras Mission Trip December 7-14, 2024 – Applications are due to the office Sunday, Sept. 15!
FBC Connect Class begins next week (9/22) at 9:15! If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This 3-part class will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) during the Sunday School hour. Let us know on your connect card or call the office. (570) 275-1511.
“Say Yes” Wall Stop by the wall outside the chapel for opportunities to serve.
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt.
Ladies Walking Group This group is open to women of all ages and walking abilities. Come lace up your walking shoes and connect with others while enjoying the beauty of God’s creation with every step. They meet this Thursday at 6:30pm in the gym.
Church Potluck Sunday, Sept. 29th 12pm in Gym – Dr. David Whitaker, President of Venture Church Network will be here during our services. All are invited to attend a potluck following the 10:30am service where we will be hearing more from Dr. Whitaker. Sign up in your Sunday School Class, the Main Lobby or Gym!
Wednesday Family Meal
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Pizza, Chips & Veggie Tray and the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Candy Collection & Help for Trunk-or-Treat The Danville Primary School will be hosting their 4th Annual Trunk-or-Treat event on Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 5-7pm and FBC will have a trunk present! Rain date is Wed., Oct. 23. Here are a few ways you can help:
  • Pray for safety & that the gospel would reach searching hearts.
  • Candy donations! Donation bins are located in main foyer and gym.
  • Help with the event! Call the office if you want to get in on the fun!
  • Pack treat bags on Thursday, Oct 17 @ 9AM in the gym.
MEN’S RETREAT October 11-13, 2024 at Camp Orchard Hill – Register NOW! See Pastor John for more details or if you have any questions!
  • Fri. PM—Sun. AM $200 (Select “Overnight Guest” when registering)
  • SATURDAY ONLY OPTION $100 (Select “Day Guest” when registering. Church van departing early Sat. morning. Car pooling also available.)
  • Paintball for an additional fee
Project Love October 12-13, 2024
  • Oct. 12 is the Day of Service where several area churches come together to show love to the Danville area through community-wide
    service projects. Signup at
  • Oct. 13 is the Night of Worship here at the church. Save the date and get ready for an amazing gospel weekend. Follow the Facebook page “Project Love-Danville, PA” for the latest information.
If you do NOT have a computer or access to one, there are paper signups in the main lobby.
Care & Concern Ministry began in October 2003 and is a group of some of the biggest hearts around. This ministry has lifted the hearts of many as the love of Christ is shared in a practical & much needed way. Let the office know if you would like to be on our call list. Include your contact number and area(s) where you can serve on your connect card. They help out in the following areas as their gifts and abilities allow:
  • Make and take meals to those who have had babies, surgery or are going through a tough time
  • Drive people to appointments
  • Sit with the homebound
  • Help with lawn care
  • Shovel snow off walkways and driveways
  • Light cleaning
Stay in Step with FBC Sign up today to receive our e-newsletters! All we need is your name and email!
  • Tuesday: Pastors’ Corner will encourage your heart and “equip you for works of service” (Eph 4:12).
  • Friday: FBC Friday News will keep you informed with what’s going on and how you can get plugged in!
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. Contact Rawle Clarke for more info.
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM in the BFLC – This great group of guys meet for devotions, prayer time and lots of
fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church. Come on over!