February 22, 2015 Announcements


 ~ 6:00 PM Sunday ~ Sr. High Youth in Youth Room

~ 6:00 PM Wednesday ~ Jr. High Youth in Youth Room

 TODAY~ Sign-ups are due for Wayumi, Creation, & Harvey Cedars

TODAY: YOUTH LEADERS’ Meeting right after church in Youth Room 

Please pick up a letter with details on the Haiti 8 Mission’s Trip (April 18-25). Help us save postage by picking up your letter in the foyer outside the sanctuary.   There is one for every family.   The Haiti team can use linen plastic covers and large suitcases to transport materials they are taking with them. Please drop these off in the office.
New missionary prayer letters are available in the chapel hallway. Please help yourself.
The Awana Pinewood Derby is scheduled for February 25th.  LAST CALL FOR ALL CARS is today, February 22.  During February, AWANA kids are helping collect food to take to our Local Food Pantry. You can help them out by bringing non-perishable items to put in the collection boxes located by the kitchen door, in the Chapel Hallway, and in the upstairs foyer.
Midweek Menu this week: The menu for the Family Dinner time for this Wednesday, February 25, is Slow-cooked chopped sirloin steak and gravy, moist mashed potatoes, choice corn and delectable desserts. Sign up by Mon., Feb. 23, on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS Class, or by calling the office at 570-275-1511. If you would like to deliver a meal to an elderly friend or shut-in, please add their name to a list and indicate “carry-out”.
Exploring FBC & Baptism: The next “Exploring FBC” will begin next Sunday, March 1 at 9 AM in the Conference Room. If you would like to find out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership, please plan on attending this class for three weeks. There will be a baptismal service as part of our 10:30 service on March 22. Please talk to Pastor Dawes for more information about the class or baptism.
 Prayer Chain 2015 Update: It is time to update our Prayer Chain, which is used for urgent matters, hospitalizations, or for families who have had a death of a loved one, etc. If you are currently on either prayer chain (phone or email) and wish to continue, you do not need to do anything. If you would like to be added to a prayer chain or make any changes, please contact the church office.

It is not too early to begin thinking about VBS. We want you to join us July 13-17 as we “Journey Off the Map” Please prayerfully consider where you can become involved in this exciting children’s outreach. Please contact the church office to join the journey.

 If you are involved or considering being involved in Children’s Ministries you need to be aware of new security measures mandated by the State of PA.    Plans are in progress for assisting you in completing security details. Please  watch the bulletin for more information.

 Right Now Media is free to all attendees of FBC. If you would like to have access to the 3,000 plus discipleship videos for kids, youth, and adults contact the office. 

Offering Envelopes help ensure recording accuracies and make it easier for the Financial Secretary to keep records of your giving. There are offering envelope  request forms available on the usher’s table at the back of the sanctuary. Please  place your completed order form in the offering plate. When your envelopes are  ready for pick up, you will find them on the ushers’ table.

 Community Service Information (World Day of Prayer & Lenten Programs)  can be found on the ramp bulletin board. Check there for times, dates, and   location. 

Mini-Flock Lunch

All members and non-members are invited to mini-flock lunch on Sunday, March 15, right after the morning services. Families will meet with their assigned deacon for lunch, followed by a time of sharing. Please see the ramp bulletin board for a new listing of deacon assignments for 2015. Sign-up sheets will be available next week. Lunch and child-care will be provided.