Sunday, December 20, 2015

You are invited…
5:30 PM: Family Service with children participating
7:30 PM: Candlelight & Carols
Please join us!

Please pray for our Haiti Team members as they pack luggage and make final plans this week. Continue to pray for health, safety, and their ministry from December 28 – January 5. Thank you to everyone who has helped purchase sports items and craft supplies for our ministry to children in Haiti.

The poinsettias in the sanctuary are in memory and honor of many loved ones. If you placed a flower you may pick it up after the
7:30 PM Christmas Eve service.  Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks to those who supplied the beautiful Christmas Tree 
and Advent wreath.

The Nominating Committee  has been meeting and a list of nominees is posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any questions or concerns to a member of the committee.

A Family New Year’s Eve Celebration will be held on December 31st. A meal catered by Fu Star will start the evening off at 6 PM. The movie, “The War Room,” will be shown at 7 PM. Dessert, Devotions & Prayer for the New Year will finish off the evening. Reservations for the catered meal are needed. Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board, in your SBS class, or call the church office. Suggested donation for the meal is $5 per person or $15 per family. Please bring a dessert to share.

New Year, new calendarMinistry Leaders, please contact the office to confirm your dates for 2016 so we can be sure the bulletin is correct, facilities are not double booked, or NOT booked when they could be, etc.

A BIG THANKS to all of our musicians who have led us in worship the past two Sundays to help prepare us for our Christmas Celebration of Jesus’ birth!

Exploring FBC, a class for those interested in finding out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership, is being planned for the last three Sundays in January. Please contact Pastor Dawes if you are interested in attending.
Our Ministry of the Word next Lord’s Day
9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Missionaries ~ Tim & Jackie Faulkner will share in both service10:30 AM ~ Adult Fellowship II ~ Chapel
No Evening Bible Study or Sr. High Youth next Sunday, December 27