Sunday, October 20, 2019

Trunk or Treat – This Wednesday! – INVITE YOUR FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS!!
Last Call to…
  • Drop off any candy donations (No nuts or gum please!)
  • Volunteer to help hand out candy at the event
  • Get a Prayer Calendar to pray for the event!
Fall Clean Up Day – SATURDAY | OCT 26 | 8AM-12PM – Sign up Sunday to help. Great for ALL ages!! Come beautify FBC!! There will be a list of jobs needing done around the church that you can choose from that day. All ages & abilities are welcome! Lunch will be provided.
Bells & Choir Practice There will be no bells or choir practice tomorrow, October 21st.
Check Out the Tract Rack! Halloween Tracts are now available at the Tract Rack located in the main lobby. You’ll find many other resources there like Keys for Kids, Our Daily Bread, the Discovery Series and much more!
Project Love Night of Worship Thanks to all those who took part in the day of community service in Danville yesterday! The Night of Worship takes place this evening at 6:00pm in the Danville Middle School Auditorium. Join the Danville community once again to give praise to our God and Savior!
No Sunday Evening Service Sunday – Worship with the Danville Community at DMS with Project Love!
No Midweek Meal or Ministries Wednesday Night. It’s Trunk-or-Treat!!!
Winter Outer Wear & Accessories Needed! Now’s the time to go through your closets and bless others! All sizes of jackets, coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, etc. are welcome. The collection bin is located by the kitchen until Nov. 3.
Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. They meet this Thursday from 9-12 and will be working in Room 9 processing eye glasses. All are welcome!
Fall into a Good Book Lately? Stop by our Library and rake in a bunch of good reads! Who knows what adventures you’ll go on as you leaf through the pages! The Library is located across from the Nurseries and is open 8:45-10:30am on Sundays and 5:45-7:30pm on Wednesdays.
The Forge welcomes back Shane Manney for a time of worship! Tuesday, October 29 @ 7PM. Shane is the founder and director of 5 Stones Fight Club in Lebanon, PA, an outreach focused on at risk youth. While the gospel is first and foremost, participants also learn discipline, character development as well as growing deeper spiritually. His praise band will be joining him on this trip for a time of worship! All are welcome!
Suggested items to donate by Nov 4:
  • Gum
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)
  • Stamps
  • Highlighters
  • Ramen noodles (not cups)
  • Post-It Notes
  • Glue Sticks
  • Breakfast/Cereal Bars
  • Hard Candy
  • Tic-Tacs/Mints
  • Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts
  • Lifesavers
  • Pencils
  • Packages of crackers
  • Chapstick
  • Indiv. Tissue Packets
  • Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats
  • Black or Blue Pens
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Treat-sized choc. Candy
  • Individual boxes of Raisins
Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering. Student Info is due by Oct 30 – See Connect Card! Submit student info even if info hasn’t change.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes are available in the main foyer for card drop-offs.
FAMILY GAME NIGHT – Friday | November 8 | 7-8:30PM – Join us for fun, games and snacks in the BFLC! Bring a favorite game to play! ALL AGES WELCOME!
Single Ladies Potluck Lunch – Sunday, Nov. 10 at 12:00pm – Wear your apron and share a story about it and bring a special dish to share, too!
Chicken, scalloped potatoes & beverages provided. Sign up NEXT WEEK in the foyer!
God’s Champions ministry is coordinated by Michele Whitenight and works to welcome children with special needs into all opportunities our church has to offer children! This ministry also offers educational opportunities on how we can be better friends to those who have special needs. Give Michele a call if you would like to be a part of the GC Team!
Feed-A-Friend of Montour County – Collection basket will be in the Main Foyer for the month of October! Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.
REVAMPED FIRST AID AT FBC – Have you seen the new first aid cabinets around the church?! Take a peek in them to get familiar with what they offer and where they are located (by kitchen, 2nd floor hallway paralleling the gym and by the elevator on the second floor). First aid bins are still located in the sanctuary coatroom. UPDATE!! Lost & Found is now located in the First Aid cabinet located by the kitchen.
PLUGGED IN A Publication of Focus on the Family – Do you ever find yourself wondering if that new film you want to take your family to see is going to be worth the time and money spent? Will it leave your five-year-old with nightmares? Or your teenager with the wrong ideas about relationships? “Plugged In is an entertainment guide full of the reviews you need to make wise personal and family-friendly decisions about movies, videos, music, TV, games and books.” Check it out at!