Sunday, November 29, 2015

Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. This month we will be taking food items to the Danville Community Christmas Tree Program. Staple food items, winter clothing, infant supplies or monetary gifts are being accepted at the Danville Ballroom starting Tuesday, December 2. (Tuesdays through Fridays 3-7 Pm and Saurdays 9 Am – 4 Pm)
MIdweek Meal: Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, December 2. The menu for this week is spectacular spaghetti, super salad, bountiful bread and delicious desserts. Please sign up  By Monday, November 30 on the ramp bulletin board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person.$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge. Desserts are provided on a voluntary basis. Please bring one to share anytime. 
THANK YOU! The Daughters of the Divine would like to thank the youth and their leaders for their help at the Jubilee Kitchen. Your servant hearts made a big difference.

Everyone is invited to go Caroling on Sunday evening, December 13, from 5:00-7:00 PM.  Meet at the church by 4:30 if you want to help with the cookie plates that we will hand out throughout the evening.

 Calling all youth parents & guardians: Lunch & discussion on December 13 after church. 

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Christmas Party: December 6, 4:30-9:00 PM. Bring a white elephant gift. fruits cups as a donation and dress like an Elf!
Haiti Opportunity – Next Sunday there will be a display where you may choose a specific item to buy for the children in Haiti.  The mission team that is going to Haiti after Christmas will deliver these gifts.  You may bring these gifts to our Birthday Party for Jesus on December 20. 

Poinsettias may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one.  The suggested donation is $7.00.  If interested, please contact the church office
at 570-275-1511 by December 9.  The poinsettias  may be picked up following the Christmas Eve service. 

Sunday, December 6

~ 9:00 AM, Celebrating the Season with Music & Worship
  ~ 10:30 AM, “Sounds of Christmas”, by Adult Choir and Bells of Joy

 Sunday, December 13   
 ~ 9:00 AM, Celebrating the Season
                             with Music & Worship
   ~ 10:30 AM, “Celebration of Christmas”
                by Adult Choir and Praise Band
Sunday, December 20
   ~ 9:00 AM, Birthday Party for Jesus for all ages.
Please meet in the Sanctuary for program,
followed by refreshments in the BFLC.
   ~ 10:30 AM,  Christmas Drama ~  Combined Worship Service
Sunday, December 27  
Regular Schedule with Guest Missionaries
 ~ Tim and Jackie Faulkner
   ~ 9:00 AM, Traditional Service & Sunday Bible Classes
   ~ 10:30 AM, Contemporary Service & Adult Fellowship II


As you prepare for Christmas, we want to let you know of several
opportunities for giving through our church and community so that you may participate in those you choose.
Christmas is a time of giving! In that spirit, the Sunday School is sponsoring a Tree of Love.  You will find the tree in the kitchen foyer. 
Each foam ornament represents a person and a Christmas gift.  As God leads you, please take an ornament from the tree and return it
with the designated unwrapped gift to the church office by December 13.  Please keep the ornament with the gift so it goes to the right person.
  Thanks for caring!

The Christmas Offering this year will go toward an audio visual system upgrade to improve our worship
services and radio transmission.  Offering envelopes for this gift will be available during the month of December.