Sunday, June 26, 2016

The choir will be singing for the special combined service on June 26th (10:30 AM).  They will be rehearsing on Thursday, June 23 at 7:00 PM and again on Sunday, June 26th at 8:00 AM.  For more information, please contact Bob Davies, Pastor John, or call the office.

Next Week ~ Special Celebration Sunday ~ June 26, 2016

No 8:00 AM Service 
9:15 – 10:00 ~ Sunday Bible School Classes
10:30 AM ~ Celebration Service for the ministry of the Wonderlands
 ~ A basket will be available for cards ~
5:00 PM ~ FBC Family Dinner at Silver Moon  ~  Banquet Hall in Lewisburg (tickets required)

Special Prayer Meetings  are happening each Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the Chapel.  Please plan on joining in this special time of prayer for our nation and church on the last 2 Wednesday nights in June.

Please pick up a VBS Prayer Guide  at the Information Desk this morning which will give you a specific request for each day leading up to VBS.

Red Cross Blood Drive:  Please stop by the BFLC tomorrow, June 20, from 1:00-6:00 PM, to donate blood. 

Kitchen Housecleaning ~ :  Please circle K on your connect card if you could come help clean our church kitchen on June 29th at 10:00 AM.    Talk to Maryann Puccio if you have questions.

Greeting Ministry Opportunity:  Greeters are needed to extend a warm welcome (about twice a quarter) to our visitors and regular attendees before the Morning Worship Services and Sunday School.  If you are interested in showing God’s love through this ministry, please circle “G” on your Connect Card. 

GAiN Warehouse Trip  ~ you can still sign up to go along on the GAiN Warehouse trip.  The church van will leave the parking lot at 7 AM, returning about 8 PM.  Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board even if you are driving your own car.  Wear closed toe shoes and bring a sack lunch.  We will stop for dinner on the way home. 
Check out the ramp bulletin board  for information regarding some events that are in our area this summer. 

There are open spots that need to be filled for both Jr. High & Sr. High Harvey Cedars Youth Camp.  If you are
interested, please talk to Pastor Luke.
            Sr. High ~ July 25-30
            Jr. High ~ August 1-5