Sunday, February 28, 2016

Midweek Menu this week
:  Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed.  March 2.  The menu for this week is Remarkable Bar-B-Q, Incredible Mac & Cheese, Nutritious Stewed Tomatoes, Great Green Beans, Delicious Desserts.   Please sign up by Monday, February 29 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office.   Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family.  If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.
If you are interested in being baptized , please talk to one of the pastors.  A baptism service is planned for Sunday, April 3.
A new “Exploring FBC”  is starting next Sunday, March 6.  This class will meet for three weeks in the Conference Room at 9:00 AM.  It is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership.  Contact Pastor Dawes if you have questions.
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday, which is our opportunity to help our local Food Bank.  Please place donations of cereal in the basket in the foyer.  If making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. The Awana children are also collecting 
canned food items for the Food Bank during the month of March.  Their collection bin will be located by Springer Chapel.
Ladies Alert ;  :  The Ladies Tea has been changed to April 23, 2016.  
Please stop by the Tract Rack and check out all the new tracts that are available for you to use during the Easter Season and other times.  
The Community World Day of Prayer & Lenten Tea
 will be held at our church on Wednesday, March 2.  The service begins at 1:30 PM in the sanctuary.  Men and women are invited and child care is provided.  Finger foods (small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, bars, breads) are needed to serve in the time of fellowship.  Please bring food donations to the tea and drop them off in the kitchen before the service.  Phil Liller will be sharing about ministries of the GAiN Warehouse and how we can help.
Our church is hosting the Jubilee Kitchen again on March 12.  The menu will be Bar-B-Q and mac & cheese.  If you would like to help with
food preparation, serving, or by making a donation, please call the church office.  


Please check out the ramp bulletin board  for several new events that are happening in our community. 
Have you ever wanted a garden  but didn’t know how to make it happen?  Let this be the year you do it, and help out the food bank in the process!  If you are interested in helping with a garden project that would provide food to the local food bank, please call the church office.    You do not need any prior experience or a green thumb!  Just a willingness to help!
March 6, 13, 20 ~ Exploring FBC, 9:00 AM
March 12 ~ Jubilee Kitchen
March 12 ~ UPWARD Closing, 7 PM
March 13 ~ Missionaries Keith & Beverly Sellers
March 18-19 ~ Youth All-nighter at FBC
March 20 ~ Missionaries Sam & Connie Gill
March 24 ~ Living Lord’s Supper, 7 PM
March 27 ~ Resurrection Sunday


This past Sunday, February 21, there were over 200 in attendance, counting guests, at our  Special Business Meeting.  There was a good spirit and healthy discussion which lead to the following conclusion by a 76% positive vote (140/184). “We will change our Sunday Morning Schedule to be 8:00 AM Traditional Worship, 9:15 AM Sunday Bible School, and 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship.”  This change will be implemented sometime after Resurrection Sunday, when logistics are worked out with our music, nursery, SBS, ushers and other support ministries.  Please continue to pray  that we move forward together in “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”, being mindful of the personal adjustment this change causes for some.