Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Forge – A Ministry for Men at FBC – Tuesdays beginning 9/10 – 7PM – The Forge’s mission is to bring men together to support one another in life, faith and personal growth. We do this with Trust, Confidentiality, and Authenticity striving to deepen relationships and make new ones. There will be faith based teaching in the chapel, then small group breakout sessions. Light refreshments will be available. A free gift for you! “RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Wait until you see what they have for children! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or you can email your request to the church office at
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow, August 12 in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. Stop and see Jack and Brenda who will be serving food in the kitchen to all donors!
Football Chapel: The first football chapel is on Friday, 8/23 at 6:30am. A few big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, call the church office.
Keep On Jamming! VBS Music CDs are available at the Info Desk! Grab one for you and a friend!
Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. They meet this Thursday from 9-12 and will be working in Room 9 processing eye glasses. All are welcome!
MOPS is part of an international movement to connect moms who have one or more children ages birth to kindergarten. Our goal is to provide you with a tribe of supportive women as you navigate the world of motherhood, faith, and life together. NEW!! MOMSNEXT is for moms with school aged kiddos!! This new small group will have their own table(s) at the MOPS meetings. Meetings are 9-11am 2nd Wednesday of each month September through May. First Meeting: September 11. Visit OR /momsnext/ for more information.
Awana – Registration is now open! We are welcoming ages 3yrs to 6th grade!! To register, go to NEW!! Parents of returning clubbers have a much more abbreviated registration AND pre-orders for supplies can be placed at the same time!!! SAVE THE DATES!
  • 8/21 @ 6:30pm – Volunteer Training in the chapel
  • 8/28 @ 6:30pm – Parent/Guardian Night in the chapel
New Class Coming this Fall! Divorce Care WEDNESDAYS @ 6PM | BEGINNING 9/4 – Divorced? Separated? Struggling in your marriage? Divorce Care is a special seminar and support group that will walk with you through topics like, What’s happening to me?, Facing My Anger, KidCare, Forgiveness, Financial Survival and more. Register at class on 9/4!
GAiN World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 7 – 9am-12pm – PUT YOUR LOVE IN ACTION! Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets to be sent out world-wide! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out ALL ABILITIES WELCOME.
Event Goals
  • 400 Volunteers
  • $27,000 for meals/seeds
  • Pack 75,000 meals & 8,000 seed packets
Single Ladies Potluck Lunch – Save the Date! – Sunday, October 6 – Wear your apron and bring stories to share! More info to come.
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica!  November 2-9, 2019 – We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry  and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
School Supplies for Rochester! During the month of August, we’ll be collecting school supplies to help Marv Robinson, an FBC supported missionary, as he ministers to the children of Rochester. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in the bins outside the kitchen by September 22.
  • Ball Point Pens
  • Boxes of Crayons (24/box preferred)
  • Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
  • Wooden Pencils
  • Backpacks
  • Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
  • Toothbrushes
  • Small tubes of toothpaste
Techies needed  Full Coaching and Training Provided. If interested in any of these opportunities, contact the church office. Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry. Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship services. Video Tech: You will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer.  You’ll need an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking.
Come & Help in The Kitchen! Family Meals are beginning September 4 and we are looking for big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). If you are interested, contact the church office.