Sunday, April 25, 2021

Call to Prayer for Marriages – A CALL TO ACTION FOR THIS THURSDAY – We are asking people to sign up for 15 minute time slots for prayer. Prayer Guides Available at the Info Desk & Welcome Table. We would also like to encourage you to fast for one meal that day and take the time you would normally use to eat to pray instead.
Children’s Ministry Director – Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position: Malachi Courtney at 570-975-9166 or Pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk.
We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Giving Opportunity Next Week Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17. Happening Next Week The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main lobby. May’s Need: Sauce and Spaghetti.
Scholarship Funds Available: The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intention to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation. Applications can be picked up in the Church Office. Deadline to submit your application is May 9, 2021. For more information regarding the scholarship please contact Jeanie Wesner or Gary Lewis.
The 10:30 Service is Leaving the Building! Starting next Sunday, the 10:30 service will be on the tree-covered front lawn by the main entrance. Bring your camp chairs! Hot coffee and goodies will also be provided. Bring friends! Bad weather? We’ll be inside using the gym and sanctuary.
Deacons v. Elders What’s the difference? What do they do? For answers to these questions and much more on the proposed Elder position, grab an info packet at the Info Desk and Welcome Table.
Prayer Guides Available – It’s Ramadan! This is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims and goes from April 13 to the evening of May 12. Let us continue to pray for our Muslim neighbors around the world during this time that they would come to know the One True God!
Church Spring Clean Up Day – THIS Saturday | 8A-1P – Join us in taking care of the building and property God has given us! Then stick around for a pizza lunch! Great for all ages and abilities!
VBS Team Sign Ups Starting – Save the Date for July 11-16 | 6-8:30PM – Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at We revamped our Safe Church Class!! Unit 7 can now be completed online by watching 3 videos and filling out a form. This needs to be completed annually.
Ladies Retreat Save the Date – September 17-19 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! More Info to Come!
Treasure Fest! Happening the next two Sundays in the gym. Free items for the taking from books to craft supplies, office supplies and more! Treasures ARRR to be found, matey!
Sensory-Friendly Worship Area! “A shush-free, judgment-free zone where ALL can safely learn about God!” Our chapel has been fitted with wiggle seats, fidget toys, dimmable lights, noise-canceling headphones, a calming special-effect light and more! We welcome all who have unique needs to enjoy this area during our 8AM service starting Sunday, April 25. Both services to be available in the fall.
Church Business Meeting is coming up Wednesday, May 26 @ 7pm.
FBC Connect Class – MAY 9, 16 & 23 – 9:15AM – If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This 3-part class will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) during the Sunday School hour. If you have any questions, feel free to call the office!
National Day of Prayer – Thursday, May 6 at 12:00PM outside the Montour County Courthouse – Join us in prayer for our nation, leaders and community.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom  ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Zoom Home Group with Tae (Dr. Kwon)  ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying the book Walking With God in the Desert – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 | Password: 217343
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #