12:00 PM – YOUTH PARENT MEETING – Youth Room
12:00 PM – Scrapbookers – Conference Room
6:00 PM – Sr. High Youth – Youth Room
7:15 PM – Sr. Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary
Monday, 9:30 AM – MOPS Bible Study/Conference Room
Tuesday, 9:00 AM – Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday, 4:45 PM -Midweek Meal
Friday, 6:30 AM – Football Chapel
Saturday, 7:00 PM – Family Movie Night
Midweek Meal: Our first meal of the season will be this Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. The menu is Tender & Delicious Chicken Pieces, Crispy Oven Roasted Potatoes, Gorgeous Green Beans & Luscious Desserts. Please sign up by Monday, September 21st on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you know of an elderly or shut-in person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on one of the sign-up sheets and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so please feel free to share a dessert at any time.
All men are invited to be a part of the “Band of Brothers Retreat Weekend” at Camp Orchard Hills (Dallas, PA) October 23-25 (Fri. night—Sun. morning). Please pick up a brochure with all the details at the Information Desk this morning. You may register on your own, but please add your name to the sign-up sheet so we will know how to plan for transportation and lodging.
Thank You to all who participated in our various mission projects over the Summer. If you filled a soup can with coins, please return them to the church as soon as possible. The Good Samarian Mission sent thanks to our church for those who participated in the new socks and underwear drive. They were able to use the donations of the churches in Danville to help 180 children as they were starting a new school year.
Interested in getting together with others to work on your scrapbooks? A group of friends will be meeting right after the second service on Sept. 20, Oct 18, and Nov 15 in the 7th/8th grade Sunday School Room (Room 7 off of BFLC). Bring a few dollars, as a simple lunch will be served. Contact the office for more information.
The Annual CROP Walk is scheduled for October 18 and will begin and end at the Hess Field with walkers following the route of the bicycle path and along the streets of Danville. If you would like more information about being involved in this walk to end hunger, please call the office.
September 27 ~ Single Ladies Luncheon – Please call the office to reserve your spot
October 2-4 ~ Ladies Retreat
October 16-17 ~ UPWARD Registration
October 21 ~ Fall Business Meeting
October 23-24 ~ Men’s Retreat