Midweek Meal: Wednesday, 10/11 – Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken & Broccoli Foil Packs with Stuffing & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, October 9 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!
“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours).
Upcoming Safe Church Classes: Anyone interested in working with children/youth at FBC must take this course as part of their Safe Church requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
- 10/15 at 9:15am in the BFLC for FBC Security Personnel
- 10/29 at 9:15am in the BFLC open to everyone!
Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.
Online Giving is a GO! If you would prefer to tithe or donate online, then head over to www.danvillefirstbaptist.org, click Give Now, make a profile and you’re all set! Check out the helpful tutorial video for additional help.
Football Chapel is on Friday, 10/13 at 6:30am. Big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, let the office know!
Teachers and Mentors Needed Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class), assistants, and substitutes to provide our children with a firm spiritual foundation. If you are willing to make this one year commitment, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.
Pictorial Directories – If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch here at FBC this spring then stop by our table in the main foyer to pick up your copy! If you missed out on this opportunity, but would still like to have a copy, please sign up at the table to have one ordered! Suggested donation of $3 would be appreciated.
Feed-A-Friend of Montour County Collection basket is in the Main Foyer until November 9th!Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.
College Care Package Collection – Collection bin is in the Kitchen Foyer until October 29th!Top Suggestions: Easy Mac & Cheese Envelopes, Post-It Notes, Pencils, Black or Blue Pens, Tissue Packs, Hard Candy, Chapstick, Ramen Noodles packages, Trail Mix Packs, Gum, Cracker Packs. * * Student Information is due by October 22nd!! * *
Pet Food Collection – Collection bin is in the Chapel Foyer until October 31st! This is the Awana kiddos response to the verse, “the righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
2017 WGRC’s Bible Drive – Collection bin is in the Main Foyer until November 1st! WGRC is collecting gently used Bibles to be sent over to an English speaking area in Ghana, Africa!
Disaster Relief Suggestions:
2017 Trunk-or-Treat Challenge – Adult Sunday Bible School Classes & Ministries are encouraged to get together and decorate a table (inside) or a car trunk (outside)!! Sign-up today in the main foyer to lock in your group’s theme! Our community LOVES this event!! *For Guidelines & Judging Criteria, go to www.danvillefirstbaptist.org*
Additional Ways to Help!
- Donate bags of candy (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
- Help make & serve food that evening
- Sit at tables and hand out candy
- Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!