IRON YOUTH OPEN HOUSE: Anyone wishing to know more about the Youth Ministry of First Baptist and how to be involved in encouraging this ministry is invited to attend the Open House Sunday, in the Youth Room, immediately following the 10:30 service.
Please plan to be involved in Trunk or Treat! We need your prayers: We want to have a fun & safe time while representing God to our community as well as our own children. We need your time: Family friendly themed Trunks & Tables are needed. (Helpers in a variety of jobs – kitchen, registration, clean-up, etc.) We need your contributions: Individually wrapped candy (Donation tubs are in the foyer & kitchen). We need you to invite your friends & family: Invitations are available at the sign up table in the Foyer.
It’s College Care Package Time. Parents of college students, please provide us with your student’s contact information. Everyone, please assist us with monetary gifts & by donating items for the packages. Contact info forms & needs lists are available at the Information Desk.
No Midweek Ministries: Due to Trunk or Treat this Wednesday, we will not have the Midweek Meal or Ministries. Both will resume next week, Wednesday, November 2.
Donations for Haiti Hurricane Relief may be made by using the Love Offering envelope. Please write “Hurricane” on the envelope. All donations will be sent to our partners in Haiti through Missions Door.
Revive Us Simulcast Encore Event Monday, October 24 at the Bloomsburg & Selinsgrove Cinema Centers at 7 PM. Guests include Miss Clara from War Room, Francis Chan, Dr. Ben Carson, Pastor James MacDonald, Eric Metaxas & Jennifer Rothschild. Visit for details.
The Watoto Children’s Choir will be at FBC Friday, November 18. We will be responsible for providing lodging for the choir for one night following the concert. Hosts will also provide breakfast and a bag lunch. If you are interested in hosting 1-2 adults and 2-3 children please contact Pastor John for more details.
Summer Change Cans: If you have not returned your Summer Change Can you may still do so! Please drop it off in the office. Thanks!
Luo Pad Work Session will meet Thursday, November 3, 10:00 AM to 12 noon in the BLFC. Sewers & non-sewers are welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn. Bring your sewing machine if possible. Questions? Contact the church office at (570) 275-1511.
Please stop by the Tract Rack. There are new 2017 calendar cards as well as a variety of Halloween tracts that you can hand out with your candy.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 19. Monetary donations and desserts are needed for this meal. Please contact the church office if you are interested in making a donation.
Awana is collecting pet food during the month of October! The collection location is by Springer Chapel. “The righteous care for the needs of
their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
Church Directory Updates: Thanks to all who filled out Connect Cards . If you haven’t already given us an update, please call the church office with any new contact info. Information is being updated in order to prepare a new church directory. We hope to publish the new directory in November.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00 PM in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets..