full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.
Additional Ways to Help!
- Donate bags of candy (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
- Help make & serve food that evening
- Sit at tables and hand out candy
- Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!
Safe Church Class on Sunday 10/29: Anyone interested in working with children/youth at FBC must take this course as part of their Safe Church requirements. This class will be held at 9:15am in the BFLC. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Fishnet Partners! Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. This Thursday, they will be working on processing eye glasses in the BFLC from 9am-12pm. All are welcome!
Greeters Wanted! Are you a friendly person? Join the Greeter Team! Help us welcome everyone to worship services (Saturday and Sunday), special services and/or events. Approximate time commitment is 30min! If you are interested please contact Linda Sue Davies.
New! Foundations of Faith Class – This 6 week course began on 10/15 and is led by Pastor Paul at 9:15am during the Sunday Bible School hour in the Conference Room (across from the church office).
Blood Drive Organizer: FBC is looking for someone to coordinate blood drives in the BFLC 4 times per year. If you would like more information, please circle “B” on your connect card or call the church office.
“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). Contact the church office if you are interested in helping.
New Addresses: Keep ‘em Coming! If you have received notice that your address has changed, please let the church office know. An updated address directory will be printed in a few months to include the updates. The new FBC address is 12 Brookside Drive, Danville, PA 17821.
Feed-A-Friend of Montour County – Collection basket is in the Main Foyer until November 9th!Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.
Pet Food Collection – Collection bin is in the Chapel Foyer until October 31st! This is the Awana kiddos response to the verse, “the righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
2017 WGRC’s Bible Drive – Collection bin is in the Main Foyer until November 1st! WGRC is collecting gently used Bibles to be sent over to an English speaking area in Ghana, Africa!
Youth 30 Hour Famine – November 17-18 Would you stand with our Youth in praying for and/or donating to help us fight hunger? Donations can be made online by going to our youth events page at www.danvillefirstbaptist.org or checks can be made out to World Vision.
Disaster Relief Suggestions:
College Care Ministry – Mid-terms will be here before you know it!! The donation box is in the kitchen foyer until October 29.
Suggested items to donate:
Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes) Hot Chocolate
Microwave Popcorn Ramen noodles (not cups)
Indiv. Packages of crackers Breakfast/Cereal Bars
Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts
Post-It Notes Individual Boxes of Raisins
Glue Sticks Highlighters
Treat-sized choc. Candy Hard Candy
Tic-Tacs/Mints Gum
Lifesavers Chapstick
Pencils Black or Blue Pens
Tissue Packets Stamps
Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage costs as well as buying supplemental items. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering.