WELCOME BACK INSIDE 10:30! Here’s what’s new/available! Nurseries are Open! While Nursery Attendants will not be provided just yet, we welcome parents of kiddos ages 0-3 to relax in our baby and toddler nurseries located on the lower level. NEW! Parents can now watch the service live on new TVs in the nurseries. You won’t miss a thing! The Gym is Open to Watch the Service! NEW! Tables and chairs will be provided with some kiddo-friendly options available for a more relaxed environment to watch the service live on the big screen. Feel free to bring your camp chair if it’s more comfortable than a metal folding chair. Friendly Reminder – At this time, we ask that masks be worn in all areas of the building (masks are available at the Info Desk & gym welcome table).
Prayer Guides for Elections are available at the Info Desk and in the Borrow-a-Book box outside.
Church Clerk Position Open! The Church Clerk is a volunteer position that is a one-year term, voted on at the Annual Business meeting. The Clerk is responsible for:
- recording the minutes at each of our 3 business meetings and any special business meetings – template for the minutes available to use as a guide!
- coordinating with the church office in sending them a copy of the minutes and any other info needed
- facilitating the voting procedures during the meetings (hand out/collect ballots, note findings)
If you are interested in this position, please call Tom Killian.
Fishnet will not be meeting this week.
Safe Church! We ask all who volunteer with children ages 0-18 to complete our volunteer process. Interested in helping out with the youth? Jr. Children’s Church? Are your certifications up to date? When’s the last time you took the annual FBC Safe Church course? For all these questions and more, check out our webpage at or email us at
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes for each pastor are available in the main foyer
Junior Children’s Church – Begins Sunday, November 1st! Junior Children’s Church welcomes kiddos ages 4 and 5 to their own church service! This will take place during the 10:30am service. Pre-Register Today! Forms can be filled out at either the Info Desk or the welcome table in the gym. Kiddos must wear masks.
College Care Ministry – It’s that time of year again! Our college students will be headed into mid-terms soon and we as a church family want to be there to root them on! While some students are back on campus, others are at home distance-learning, so this year care packages will be available for pick-up on Sunday, 11/22. We hope to catch ALL students at home during Fall break. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help cover the cost of supplies (no item donations this time). Please make checks out to FBC and add “College ministry” to the memo. Student Info is due by November 15. *Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed*. Fill out the connect card or the online form in the newsletter.
36th Annual Feed-a-Friend 2020 is Here! This program is designed to help provide a Thanksgiving meal to those who cannot afford it. Last year 420 families and over 1000 individuals were assisted! If you’d like to help out, here’s how:
Monetary Donations via checks can be made out to Good Samaritan & mailed to Feed a Friend, c/o Good Samaritan Mission, PO Box 114, Danville, PA 17821. Food Items can be dropped off in the FBC main foyer – canned veggies & soup, boxed stuffing & potatoes, noodles, pasta & sauce are recommended.
Monetary Donations via checks can be made out to Good Samaritan & mailed to Feed a Friend, c/o Good Samaritan Mission, PO Box 114, Danville, PA 17821. Food Items can be dropped off in the FBC main foyer – canned veggies & soup, boxed stuffing & potatoes, noodles, pasta & sauce are recommended.
Sunday is the LAST DAY for Bible & Christian Literature – Experience Missions is looking to collect Christian literature and distribute it worldwide thru Rollins Pilot & Love Packages and FBC is now a collection point! The bookshelf is located in the main lobby. Here’s what they are looking for:
- Bibles – new and used, NT, Psalms/Proverbs, commentaries & concordances
- Bible on cassette tapes – excellent condition only
- Christian Books – hardback/paperback
- Christian Magazines – Decisions, Christian Reader, etc. (Please, no Guideposts)
- Devotionals and Tracts
- CDs/DVDs (Christian contemporary music, gospel music & hymns)
Socks & Underwear for Back-to-School – Good Samaritan here in Danville has begun their annual collection to support school nurses and the Mission Center. Please direct donations to Good Samaritan. Checks should be made out to Good Samaritan and mailed to The Good Samaritan Mission, PO Box 114, Danville, PA 17821. Items (smaller sizes preferred) should be dropped off at their Mission Center on Ferry Street, Tuesday or Thursday 9a-12p.
Halloween is coming! Give your trick-or-treaters something sweeter than the candy you’re handing out – the gospel! Halloween-themed tracts are available at the Tract Rack for pickup during the month of October.
THANK YOU to all who helped out at the fall clean up yesterday!!
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John every Thursday at 2:30 on Facebook.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online
- 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
- 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
- 1:30PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be socially distancing IN HER LIVING ROOM. This lively class for women is finishing the book of James! Wanna come? Call Connie!
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #