October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!
A Health & Wellness Fair will be held in the BFLC this Thursday, October 19 from 9AM-2PM. This is a free event that is open to the public. Health and wellness vendors will provide information on a variety of subjects.
GAiN October Packing Project! Donna & her team would like to extend an open invitation to anyone who would like to join them at the GAiN Warehouse in Lancaster October 18-21. Must provide own transportation. Warehouse is located at 1506 Quarry Road, Mt. Joy, PA 17552. Lunch & snacks are available for a free-will love offering.
MOSAIC (55yrs+) Outing – Our cruise down the Susquehanna on the Hiawatha is set for Monday 10/16. we’ll leave from the FBC parking lot at 5:00PM sharp! For those driving separately, the dock is located at 1500 West Third St, Williamsport. The Hiawatha leaves at 6:00pm rain or shine. Please bring “finger foods” to share during our time of fellowship under the pavilion afterwards. Bottled water will be provided. If you haven’t signed up and still want to come, there’s still room! Please contact Pastor Harry or Lynn asap to join the fun!
New! Foundations of Faith Class – This 6 week course began on 10/15 and is led by Pastor Paul at 9:15am during the Sunday Bible School hour in the Conference Room (across from the church office).
“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours).
Upcoming Safe Church Classes: Anyone interested in working with children/youth at FBC must take this course as part of their Safe Church requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
- 10/15 at 9:15am in the BFLC for FBC Security Personnel
- 10/29 at 9:15am in the BFLC open to everyone!
Teachers and Mentors Needed Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class), assistants, and substitutes to provide our children with a firm spiritual foundation. If you are willing to make this one year commitment, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.
TRUNK OR TREAT Wednesday, October 25, 5:30-7:30PM
Additional Ways to Help!
- Donate bags of candy (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
- Help make & serve food that evening
- Sit at tables and hand out candy
- Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!