Missionary Dessert Reception – TODAY at 6pm with Barry & Peggy Owen, Serving in Taiwan with World Venture – Any and all desserts would be appreciated! Please bring them to the kitchen for the 6PM service in the chapel.
Office Holiday Hours – Please note, the Church Office will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving.
Fall into a Good Book Lately? Stop by our Library and rake in a bunch of good reads! Who knows what adventures you’ll go on as you leaf through the pages! The Library is located across from the Nurseries and is open 8:45-10:30am on Sundays and 5:45-7:30pm on Wednesdays.
Fishnet Partners – Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. Next Thursday, they will be working in Room 9 on processing eye glasses in the BFLC from 9-12pm. All are welcome!
Thanksgiving Offering Envelopes are located in the pews for anyone who would like to donate. This offering will be split between Christmas gifts for our missionaries and funding for a disaster relief trip currently in the planning stages.
Thanksgiving Eve Service is November 21 at 7:00 PM. There will be no Midweek Ministries or Meal November 21st. Both will resume on 11/28.
New to FBC? Check out our Info Cards to see all that FBC has to offer whether it’s on Sundays or Wednesdays, for adults or children, you won’t be disappointed! Cards are located at the Info Desk in the main lobby.
December Directory Update: Our FBC directory is a compilation of names, addresses, and phone numbers for all those who attend First Baptist Church. We would like for you to be included whether you are a member, regular attendee or new to the community and planning to make FBC your family church. We’ll need your info by December 12.
- Current attendees/members – has your Info Changed? Please fill out the Info Card with any new info, and circle “D”.
- New? Please completely fill out Card and circle “D”.
Lost Anything Recently? Check our Lost & Found! It is located next to the kitchen across from the nursery on the lower level.
Moms In Prayer International has a chapter here at FBC! The group meets in the conference room on Thursdays at 9:45am. “We believe God changes lives and whole communities forever when moms gather together to pray”. If you are a mom, aunt, grandmother, guardian, woman of prayer, come join us!
Missionary Newsletters Arrive Each Week! Take a moment to pick one up outside of the chapel. You will be rewarded with a new appreciation for our missionary families and have the ability to pray more specifically for their needs.
Power for Living & Weekly Prayer Sheets are available every Sunday. They are located at the Info Desk in the main lobby and in the wall display outside of the Sunday Bible School office (lower level). Prayer sheets can also be found at the back of the sanctuary near the large print bulletins.
Children’s Church Holiday Schedule – Children’s Church will wrap up after December 2nd and resume on January 20th. Many Thanks Rosann & Team!!
Weather Cancellations – Ever wonder if a service, class or study has been cancelled due to bad weather? Here’s where you can find your answer:
- Our website:
- Radio Stations WPGM (96.7 FM & 1570 AM) and WGRC (107.7 FM, 91.3 FM, 90.7 FM & 107.1 FM) will be notified
- Danville School Decisions – If Danville Schools are dismissed early or cancelled on a Wednesday, then our Wednesday evening Family Dinner and activities are cancelled as well.
Have you heard?! You can watch our Sunday services live!! 8AM on YouTube & 10:30AM on Facebook – Search for “Danville First Baptist”
Because of your Love In Action…
- The Feed-a-Friend program gave food baskets to 383 families in our community!
- Diane Gelbaugh, who coordinated the Jubilee Kitchen’s Thanksgiving meal yesterday, was overwhelmed with the generous support from the congregation. The youth had a great time helping to serve the meal as part of their 30 Hour Famine event.
A Free Gift for You! “RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Wait until you see what they have for children! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or you can email your request to the church office at
New Our Daily Bread Devotionals have Arrived! You can find them at the tract rack in the main lobby. You’ll also find tracts for Thanksgiving and many other topics! They are free for the taking. Bless someone today!