Count Your Blessings…name them one by one. Please add what you are thankful for to the bulletin board outside the Sunday School Office (downstairs). Let’s fill up the board with notes of thanks!
from 9:00 – 4:30.
Please continue to pray for the Persecuted Church. To stay informed of current prayer needs, go to Stay informed and pray for our missionaries by picking up letters in the chapel hallway. New ones are added weekly.
Flu/Shingles shots will be available at FBC on Nov. 19th & Dec. 8th when the PA Dept. of Health hosts clinics in the chapel. Please see the flyers posted on the ramp bulletin board or pick up a flyer at the Information Desk. Appointments are required.
As you prepare for Christmas, we want to let you know of several opportunities for giving through our church and community
so that you may participate in those you choose.
Our Christmas Offering this year will go toward an audio visual system upgrade to improve our worship services and radio transmission. Offering envelopes for this gift will be available in December.
Many gifts will be needed to take on the Haiti Mission Trip (Dec. 28-July 5). A list of items and drop off spots will be available soon.
Our November & December food donations are going to help with the community efforts to provide Christmas dinners for people in our community. We will also soon have information regarding the Danville Community Christmas Tree that will collect gifts for people in our community.
In December you will be given the opportunity to purchase poinsettias in memory or honor of a loved one.
November 25 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service
November 29 ~ First Sunday of Advent & Communion Sunday
December 6 ~ 6 PM ~ Baptism Service & Reception