Internaional Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Sunday – Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Hebrews 13:3. Free resources are available at the Info Desk!
Library Books can be dropped off at the office on Sunday mornings or between 9am-3pm during the week. The Library Team is working on a massive upgrade, so prompt returns would be much appreciated!
Prayer Guides for Elections are available at the Info Desk and in the Borrow-a-Book box outside.
Giving Opportunity Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
Fishnet is Meeting every Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Safe Church! We ask all who volunteer with children ages 0-18 to complete our volunteer process. Interested in helping out with the youth? Jr. Children’s Church? Are your certifications up to date? When’s the last time you took the annual FBC Safe Church course? For all these questions and more, check out our webpage at or email us at
Jr. Children’s Church – Begins Today During the 10:30 Service – Junior Children’s Church welcomes kiddos ages 4 and 5 to their own church service! Kiddos must wear masks. Registration can be done at check-in. Those that pre-registered will have custom labels waiting for them at check-in! Wanna Help Out? Let us know! (570) 275-1511,
College Care Ministry – It’s that time of year again! Our college students will be headed into mid-terms soon and we as a church family want to be there to root them on! While some students are back on campus, others are at home distance-learning, so this year care packages will be available for pick-up on Sunday, 11/22. We hope to catch ALL students at home during Fall break. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help cover the cost of supplies (no item donations this time). Please make checks out to FBC and add “College ministry” to the memo. Student Info is due by November 15. *Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed* Fill out the bulletin connect card or the online form in the newsletter.
Thankful Videos!! For Thanksgiving this year, we would like to create a video montage of our church family giving thanks for all that God has done in the midst of this unsettling year. Families will be encouraged to record their own videos and send them to Pastor John by November 22nd. If interested in being a part of this, please email Pastor John at for details on how to record and share your video.
Nursery Available – While Nursery Attendants will not be provided just yet, we welcome parents of kiddos ages 0-3 from both services to relax in our baby and toddler nurseries located on the lower level.
Christian Literature Collection Update! Special thanks to Donna Outt who drove over 5 van loads of books up to the collection expo in Muncy last week. The books were then sorted and put into big boxes on pallets ready to be shipped around the world! May God‘s word safely reach those in need!
Connect Card – Is there something we can pray for? Have questions? Need info? We encourage you to fill out the attached connect card or our
e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
e-Connect Card. You can find it on our church homepage at
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen – Diane Gelbaugh will be mixing things up in the Jubilee Kitchen on November 21. Monetary donations would be greatly appreciated to cover the cost of the meal. Please make checks out to FBC with “Jubilee Kitchen” in the memo. Any excess donations will go to benefit the Youth Missions fund.
Couch Worship – Join Pastor John Thursdays at 2:30 on Facebook.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online
WEDNESDAY @ 7PM – Prayer meeting: ID: 882 0581 5427 P:697056
SUNDAY Classes meeting online
- 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying Philippians on RightNow Media – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 Password: 217343
- 9:30AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are doing and in-depth study on the Holy Spirit – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 Password: 446260
- 1:30PM – Connie Mertz with Journeying with Jesus will be socially
distancing in her living room. This lively class for women is finishing the book of James! Wanna come? Call Connie! (570) 951-2688
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #