TRUNK OR TREAT – A special thank you to the crew of volunteers for all of their hard work. Thanks also to everyone who donated candy. At least 900 people enjoyed Trunk or Treat at our church this past week.
Today is Barnabas Sunday. This month we will be taking food items to “Feed A Friend” to help provide Thanksgiving Dinners for people in Montour County. If you would like to give a monetary gift, please make checks out to “Feed A Friend”.
Midweek Meal: Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The menu for this week is wunderbar pork and sauerkraut, herrilch potatoes, and schmeckts gut desserts. Please sign up by Monday, Nov. 2 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge. Desserts are provided on a volunteer basis. Please bring one to share anytime.
Volunteers Needed: UPWARD’S second registration/skills drill will be held Friday night, November 6 (6:00-8:00 PM) and Saturday, November 7 (9:30 AM-1:30 PM). There is a job for everyone, and many volunteers are needed. Please call the office if you can help. UPWARD participants may register online, but MUST still attend this skills drill, if they didn’t go to the one in October.
First Baptist Church will be hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 21st. Please call the office if you would like to give a monetary donation, or can provide dessert.
Did You Know? There are several ways to hear a sermon if you are unable to hear it during church, want to hear it again, or share it with a friend…
- Listen live ~ 9:00 Traditional Service broadcast on WPGM 1570 AM ; 10:30 Contemporary Service broadcast on WPGM 96.7 FM
- Request a copy on CD (forms available at bottom of stairs in coat room at back of sanctuary).
- Listen to it on-line from our web-site.