Bus Trip to New York City! The Wesner’s small group would like to invite you on their June 16 bus trip! Cost is $30 which covers transportation and driver’s tip. There are only 50 seats available so contact Jeanie asap! Bus leaves from FBC at 7am and leaves NYC at 6pm. For more info, see the poster on the bulletin board ramp or ask Jeanie.
Grad Sunday is June 3rd! Get your grad’s info in ASAP! Needed are: Name, School, Future Plans, Grad & Child pics, Attending Grad Luncheon?
Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Park.
FBC Connect Coming Soon! If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) at 9:15am on June 10, 17 & 24. Questions? Feel free to call the office!
Summer Movie at FBC! On Friday, July 27, FBC will be showing the hit movie I Can Only Imagine at 8:30pm. Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like!
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 19th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Registration is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk.
VBS Registration is a GO! You can register kiddos ages 4 years to 6th grade online at www.danvillefirstbaptist.org/vbs-2018. Paper registrations can be printed off at the webpage or you can pick one up at the Info Desk! VBS is July 9-13 from 6-8:30pm.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please check off “baptism” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
M&M Tubes Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
Summer Campground Ministry Has Begun! Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as they share the good news each Sunday!
¨ 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration Desk *Bring Chairs!
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS is now on RightNow Media. Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Have RightNow Media access? Then check your email for your class invite! Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access and the Safe Church Class!” **You MUST be invited to this class for your
progress to be recorded**
Step 2: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, please contact the office to get your name on the class list.