Parents of High School & College Grads: Please stop by the Info Desk and fill out a Graduation form by next Sunday, May 24th so your child will be included on our Graduate list. Parents of HS Graduates: please indicate if you plan on attending the Graduation Banquet on Sunday June 7th at 12:00 noon in the BFLC. ALSO please submit photos of your graduate as soon as possible to ensure they are included in the annual High School Graduate Slide Show.
M & M tubes can be returned anytime before the GAiN team goes to the Warehouse on June 16. Quarters in these tubes will cover the cost of rice, beans, and seeds packed by God’s Girls and all who go along on June 16th. Drop off your filled M & M tubes at the Information Desk or pick up an empty one if you would like to participate. If you are age 7 and older you are invited to go along on the GAiN trip. This is a great activity for families as younger children need to be accompanied by a parent. There is a sign-up on the ramp bulletin board.
The Deaconesses will hold a brief meeting in the Conference Room next week, May 24, from 10:00-10:30 AM.
Online registration for FBC’s “Journey Off the Map” VBS is now available at A free VBS music CD will be available to each family who pre-registers.
There has been some interest expressed for the start of a community garden here at First Baptist Church. The intent is to donate the produce to our local food banks and any surplus would be divided among the volunteers. If you are interested, please add your name and contact information to the sign up sheet on the bulletin board or write ‘community garden’ on the bulletin connect card.
Your Loving Choices Pregnancy Care Center in Bloomsburg will hold their annual Walk for Life Saturday, May 30. Please stop by the Information Desk for details and sponsorship forms.
May 27 ~ 6-week Ladies Summer Bible Study begins – 6-week Fella’s Fellowship begins
June 7 ~ Graduation Sunday/Baccalaureate
June 14-19 ~ Sr. High Wayumi MissionTrip
June 15 ~ God’s Girls starts
June 16 ~ GAiN Warehouse Trip
June 24-27 ~ Creation
July 12-17 ~ 24/7 Jr. High Summer Missions
July 13-17 ~ VBS
July 19 ~ Family Fun Day
July 20-25 ~ Sr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 27-31 ~ Jr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 26 ~ River Baptism