Next Sunday – DHS Baccalaureate Service ~ 7 PM in the DMS Auditorium
Baccalaureate is a student-planned, but voluntary event to celebrate the spiritual aspects of Graduation. You are encouraged to attend Baccalaureate next Sunday to support the students who attend. Pastor Dawes will have a part in the service and our church will be providing refreshments. Please bring cookies/brownies to donate for the refreshment table. You may leave them in the kitchen on Sunday morning (leave on back counter) or bring them directly to service.
You’re Invited! If you have not yet picked up an invitation to Pastor Harry and Lynn’s retirement celebration on June 26, please stop by the Information Desk to pick up your invitation with all of the details.
VBS On-Line Registration is available on our web-site until July 9. VBS dates are July 11-15, with Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 17.
Thank you to everyone who helped at our Spring Fling Booth by setting up, tearing down, handing out packets, singing, praying, or making crafts. As always, it was a great opportunity to be visible to thousands of people who were present in downtown Danville.
With the time change fast approaching, we are gearing up for many great ministry opportunities! We need your help to make this happen. To plan more effectively for both services, we are now scheduling many of our volunteers using an online program called “Planning Center Online.” In the next few weeks, we will be adding many of our Sunday ministries into the scheduling system. Even if you are not “tech-savvy,” don’t worry, this program runs mainly through email. Details about this program can be found on our website, under the “serve” menu button. In the meantime, you may receive an email welcoming you to Planning Center, and email reminders for when you are scheduled to serve. If you’re feeling ambitious, please login to your account and block out dates you will be away!
All ladies are welcome to join the Luo pad project. The next meeting has been moved to May 24. Call Brenda Dunham or Patty Miller for details.
examining margins and boundaries that God enables us to put around things we enjoy so that we will never become slaves again to activities and busyness. These things swallow up our rest and peace. Let’s focus on how we can breathe and build margins into our lives for God. Please join us for this encouraging 5 week study during the month of June to build a closer relationship with God and with other like-minded women. See you then!!! (It’s Summer ~ plug in when you can; don’t worry if you have to miss a few sessions).
Attention Ladies: Come join us for a walk with God, September 16-18, at Women’s Retreat. We will learn how to navigate through the various
seasons of life as we gather together for a weekend of worship, studying scripture, a canvas painting session, and delicious meals! Stop by our
table in the foyer to pick up registration packets. Cost is $160 which includes lodging, meals, transportation, and study guides. Hope you can join us.
GAIN WAREHOUSE TIME AGAIN: Plan on going along to the GAIN Warehouse on Tuesday, June 21. There you can help pack clothing, school supplies, seeds, rice & beans, make Gospel bead bracelets, and prepare other humanitarian aid for shipment to those in need around the world. The bus will leave FBC parking lot at 7 AM and return around 8 PM. Wear closed toe shoes and bring a sack lunch. We will stop for dinner on the way home. Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board so plans can be made. Even if you prefer to drive on your own, please put your name on the sign-up sheet and indicate you will be taking your own car. This is a great outing for families; children and parents can work side by side.
M & M Tubes may be returned anytime before the GAiN Team goes to the Warehouse on June 21. Drop off your M & M tube at the Info Desk.