Join Us This Wednesday – 5:00 PM – Pizza & Spring Fling Prep Workshop We’ll enjoy a pizza dinner & make preparations for our booth at Danville’s Spring Fling this Saturday. Sign up in SBS or on the Ramp Bulletin Board. 6:30 PM Spring Business Meeting in the Chapel We will receive reports from our pastors & boards. The Pastoral Search Committee will present the Associate Pastor job description to be voted upon.
Danville Spring Fling Saturday, May 7 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM We need YOUR help! Make plans to help for an hour (or more!). Sign up sheets on bulletin boards or in SBS classes.
Join us in prayer for our nation, our leaders, and our community. Thursday, May 5 ~ Montour County Courthouse Gather at 12 noon ~ Pray at 12:20 PM. If you are not able to attend please take a few moments wherever you are to lift your heart to the Lord in prayer.
Midweek Meals have ended for the season! Many thanks to our wonderful chefs and their crews for your dedicated service and great meals!
Starting Today – Something new! Christianity Explored is an 8 week class for old & new believers. Using thought provoking videos and small group discussion we will explore faith issues. Join us in the Music Rm. at 9 AM.
Beginning this week on Wednesday, May 4th, the Praise Band will be hosting 6 weeks of “J.A.M. Nights” on Wednesday nights for any young musician (youth) interested in learning or bettering their music skills and knowledge of worship. We’ll gather at 5:00 in the sanctuary, have a short lesson/message and then spend the rest of the time playing and singing worship songs and learning different music/instruments. Parents may pick up their student at 6:30 PM (or students may go straight to Jr. High youth group at 6 PM). For more information, contact Pastor John at . If you are an elementary student or adult interested in participating/learning, please contact Pastor John.
You’re Invited! Please stop in the sanctuary or chapel foyer this morning and pick up your invitation with all of the details about Pastor Harry & Lynn’s retirement celebration. Be sure to cross your name off the list when you get your letter. Thanks!
A Baptism Service will be held May 22 at 6 PM in the Sanctuary. Please circle “B” on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Dawes if you have questions about baptism or would like to be baptized.
We are looking for a few good people to join the FBC Security Team. If interested or for questions please circle “S” on your Connect card or contact Fil Martinez by calling the church office at 275-1511.
It’s time for the annual Walk/Run/Ride for Life sponsored by the Pregnancy Care Center of Shamokin. The event will take place on May 7 at Knoebel’s. Registration will be at 9 AM. For more information, please stop by the table right outside the Chapel or visit their web site at
Softball Season: It’s not too late to join us. We start the season with our first game this Monday evening, May 2 on our field at 6:30 PM. Players should arrive by 6:00 PM. You can still sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you would like to play on the church team.
All ladies are welcome to join the Luo pad project. The next meeting has been moved to May 24. Call the officeer for details.
If you haven’t taken an M & M tube yet , please make sure to get one this morning. Once you eat the candy, you can fill the tube with quarters. The money collected will be used to pay for the rice, beans, and seeds that our team will be packing at the GAiN Warehouse on June 21. Please return the tubes to the Information Desk by June 12.