Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Assorted Quiche and the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Assorted Quiche and the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Good Friday You are invited to join us this Friday night at 7pm as we celebrate the work that Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the cross and why we can truly call it a “good Friday”.
Delivery Drivers Needed We are looking for drivers to assist us in dropping off Easter gifts to our sweet home-bound church family members!! Gift pick-up will be this Friday from 9am-3pm in the main foyer. Drivers will be provided with addresses and phone numbers. Want to rev your engines for a sweet cause? First come, first served!
Easter at the Tract Rack Be sure to check out the many books & tracts we have for the Easter season.
Kitchen Help Needed We are looking for people to help prepare our Easter breakfast next week. Sign up in lobby or contact Buddy Yarger.
College Care Packages It’s That Time Again! The end of the semester will soon be here and we love gifting our college students with care packages as they study for finals. If you would like your student to receive a box, please give us their info (even if they received boxes in the past!). The donation box will be next week down by the kitchen. Check the newsletters for the list of items to donate.
Church Potluck Ron Markloff, Regional Director of Venture Church Network, will be here with us on April 7th. You are invited to join us after the 2nd service for a potluck and to hear what is happening within VCN. Sign up in lobby/gym to bring a side or dessert. The main dish & drinks will be provided.
Ladies Tea Saturday, April 13th 1:30 pm – For ladies of all ages, you can be young or young-at-heart. Join us for a relaxing afternoon of finger foods, tea, charming conversations with friends and a short devotion. If you would like to help or host a table, let Rachel Renno know or mark on signup sheets. Signups are in the lobby.
Talent Show Friday, Apr. 26th – We enjoyed last year’s experience so much that we are bringing it back!! If you have a God-given gift you want to share with others, contact the office. It can be singing, poetry, a skit with friends, sleight of hand, comedy, etc. Submissions are due April 14. Contact Pastor Luke for more info.
Baptism Sunday is Coming! April 21st – If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by April 7th.
- Good Friday 3/29 – Service at 7PM
- Easter: SonRise Service – 7AM (indoor)
- Easter Breakfast – 8:15AM (must sign up)
- Egg Hunt – 9:15AM (must sign up)
- Easter Service – 10:30AM
Welcome Egg Hunters Ages 3 to 6th grade!! This is a time of fun centered on the gospel! Bring a friend! Register kiddos for our egg hunt by listing their names & ages on your connect card. The egg hunt will start at 9:15am in the gym. Sign-up by Sunday (3/24) so we have eggs & goodie bags for everyone!
Easter Breakfast Following the Easter SonRise service, we’ll head to the gym to enjoy a hearty breakfast together! Please sign up by Sunday (3/24). Help Needed! If you would like to help with the breakfast, please also note this in your sign up!
Memorial Easter Flowers Potted Easter flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $10. They will be available to take home on Easter Sunday after the services. Please contact the church office by Sunday (3/24) to participate.
Special Easter Offering This year, our special Easter offering will be split between Youth Scholarships and Missions Please note “Easter Offering” on your donations. Easter giving envelopes can be found in the pews.
New Our Daily Bread Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your LARGE PRINT Our Daily Bread for April | May | June