Easter Offering has been designated by the Mission Board to go towards supplies needed for the missions trip to Word of Life campus in Canada.
Positions Available at FBC! Children’s Ministry Director & Church Administrator—If you are interested in these salaried positions, please call or email the church office and we’ll send you the information!
- Wednesday Family Meals and All Regularly Scheduled Studies, Groups and Ministries are cancelled.
- Game Night is Cancelled for this Friday. However! The next Game Night is scheduled for Friday, April 24.
- Sunday’s Special Business Meeting is Cancelled. We look forward to rescheduling this meeting as soon as it is safe.
Sisters in Christ Ladies Retreat!
When: September 11-13
Location: The gorgeous Linck Hill Inn, Morris, PA
Study: Defiant Joy by Candace Payne
Cost: $185.00 This includes initial deposit, lodging, meals, study guide, transportation. ($25 non-refundable deposit due at time of registration)
Location: The gorgeous Linck Hill Inn, Morris, PA
Study: Defiant Joy by Candace Payne
Cost: $185.00 This includes initial deposit, lodging, meals, study guide, transportation. ($25 non-refundable deposit due at time of registration)
Questions/Registration: Contact Sheri Croll
Memorial Easter Flowers – Suggested Donation of $9 each. Order by April 5 Call the church office at (570) 275-1511 or email us!
Spring Fling – Calling Planners! Sign-up Today! Danville hosts their Spring festival on Mill Street on Saturday, May 2 from 9am to 5pm! This is always an awesome opportunity to reach our community for Christ! FBC has a tent each year and we are looking for planners from our church family to organize this event. Call the office for more information!
NEW Quarterly Devotionals! Your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotional for April-May-June are now available for pick-up in the “Borrow a Book” box located outside between the chapel and gym doors!
College Care Ministry – While most students are at home continuing classes online, the added stress of their “normal” changing will be impacting their focus. We believe now, more than ever, our college students need our encouragement! Want to help? Send us cards and/or emails of encouragement for the students by April 19 and we’ll include them in the packages. Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted to help cover the cost of supplies (no donations this time) and postage. Please designate “College ministry” and either mail your donation in or you can give online. Call the Office with Student Info or SUBMIT INFO ONLINE by April 12. *Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed*
Church Newsletter – If you would like to receive our email newsletter, feel free to either call the church office or email us your request!
RightNow Media “the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Now you can get access even quicker by 1) texting “RIGHTNOW FBCDANVILLE” to 41411 2) zap our QR code or 3) or go to
Safe Church Clearance Updates – If your PA Criminal Background check and/or PA Child Abuse clearance need to be updated this year, you’ll be receiving a postcard notifying you when you’re within the 3 month window to be able to renew these 2 documents. Check out our Safe Church webpage for renewal help! Questions? Feel free to email our Safe Church Coordinator at Help us keep FBC a safe environment for our kiddos!
Mission Trip Opportunity – FBC is Going to NC…AGAIN!! We are looking for a few volunteers to join our team as we partner with Samaritan’s Purse in ministering to families in New Bern, NC. Hurricane Florence was referred to as the “storm of a lifetime” for the Eastern North Carolina region and our rebuild volunteers will be making construction repairs to homes. Here are the details:
- Leaving early Sunday, May 24
- Returning Saturday afternoon, May 30
For more info on the trip, like tasks & responsibilities, schedule, what to pack, applications, and more, call or email the church office and we’d be happy to send it to you! Applications are due April 30th!