Gluten Free Communion Wafers available Communion Sundays. Located on the ushers’ table in the back of the sanctuary. Feel free to pick one up prior the service starting!
Building Project Update – Thank you for the prayers!! Valley Township approved the plans. Pending the approval of the Commissioners at next week’s meeting, the plans could go to the courthouse and we could possibly have all the approvals we need by next Thursday. Schedules are being coordinated to see if we can start construction by June 19 or 20 and have the pole building up by July 4. If this happens it will be a total “God Hug” as my sister says. In construction, you never want to get too down or too excited, so keep praying that no issues arise. In His service, Doug Wesner – Building Committee Chairman * If you would like to donate towards Forever Being Changed, project envelopes are located in the pews!
Barnabas Sunday During the communion Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer today. June’s need is for Canned Fruit.
Blood Drive Tomorrow: Red Cross Blood Drive will be in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. Stop and see Jack and Brenda who will be serving food in the kitchen to all donors!
Security Notice: Starting next Sunday, the Springer Chapel exterior entrance (door 2) will be locked at 10:50am for the contemporary worship time. Security staff will be at the door until 11am to let people in for the service. Anyone arriving after 11am will need to use the main entrance (door 1). Thank you for your understanding as we work to keep FBC a safe place.
Special Prayer Meeting Today after the 10:30 service for the DeRemer family.
Updated Directories Available to all for pick-up at the Info Desk.
Shine Summer Sunday School – Begins TODAY for all kiddos going into 2nd through 5th grade! Meet us in the gym each Sunday at 9:15 am to sign in.
God’s Girls – BIBLE STUDY | MUSIC | CRAFTS | GAMES | LIFE SKILLS – Mondays | JUNE 10, 24 JULY 15, 29 | 9am-2pm
For Girls going into 3rd – 6th grade! This is a day camp style format with worship in song, large group devotional time, small group breakout sessions, journal time, team building activities, crafts, skill building and good ol’ summertime fun! Sunday is the last day to sign up!
Jr Children’s Church – Begins Next Sunday! For potty-trained 3 to 5 year olds – Jr. Children’s Church will be dismissed during the 10:30 service, where parents can then bring kiddos down to the 1st grade class room in Noah’s Ark Hallway. Nursery sign-in procedure will apply. Pre-register today by filling out a form at the Info Desk! God’s Champions also welcomes kiddos with special needs to join!
VBS TRAINING CLASSES – JUNE 10, 11, 20, 21 | 6:30pm – (Monday & Tuesday of this week!) You only need to attend one class. Sign-ups still available in the main lobby! PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Heartfelt Thanks! Many thanks to our Sunday Bible School teachers, helpers, clerks and Superintendent, Lisa Houser, for another wonderful year! “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office.
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 18th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Sign up is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk. (M&M Tube donations are due Sunday!)
Community Opportunities – Wondering how you can reach our community for Christ? Here are some opportunities! If interested, contact the church office.
- Ferry Street Market – FBC has the opportunity to host a kid’s table at the market on June 15 from 8am-12pm. An easy craft will be provided and time commitments can be 8-10am or 10-12pm.
- Danville Little League is looking for volunteers to help out with concession stand, field maintenance, scorekeeping & book keeping for dates between June 16 to July 6. Interested?
- Thomas Beaver Library is looking for a representative from FBC to become a board member! The time commitment is one meeting per month. Interested?
Summer Office Hours – June 10 to August 16 / Monday – Friday / 9AM-3PM
Have yard work/odd jobs to be done? Youth 24/7 Mission Week is July 8-12. Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.