Today is Barnabas Sunday Please place your donations of canned fruit in the basket in the foyer. If making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.
M & M Tubes are due next Sunday. Please return tubes even if they are not completely full. Make sure to sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you plan on going along to GAiN Warehouse on Tuesday, June 16. The bus will leave FBC at 7 AM and return around 8 PM. Lunch and snacks will be provided with each person purchasing their own dinner on the way home.
Please check out the ramp bulletin board to learn how The Good Samaritan Center helps people in our community and ways you can assist them.
RAMADAN begins June 18. Please join us in praying for Muslins during their most holy time by picking up a “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslin World” at the tract rack. The Daily Bread summer devotional is also available at the tract rack along with some Father’s Day tracts. Stop by this morning!
Pick up your free tickets for the Jason Gray Concert to be held at FBC on August 5th at the Information Desk.
Mark Your Calendars
June 16 ~ GAiN Warehouse Trip
June 22 ~ Red Cross Blood Drive/BFLC
June 24-27 ~ Creation
July 12-17 ~ 24/7 Jr. High Summer Missions
July 13-17 ~ VBS~on-line registration available
July 19 ~ Family Fun Day