The Barnabas Basket During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer today. The need for June is Canned Fruit.
Summer Praise Team Auditions! All summer songbirds are to email their interest/questions to Pastor John at!
The Dunham Vacation begins tomorrow! Pastor Dawes will be back in action on Tuesday, June 20th. During this time, if you have a pastoral emergency or need, please contact Pastor Paul.
The Busy Bag Project What’s a Busy Bag? They are bags full of quiet things to occupy children during services when Children’s Church is not offered. They are located at the back of the sanctuary next to the ushers table. We are currently looking for someone to take over the Busy Bag Project in organizing their contents, ordering replacement supplies, etc. for more information, circle “A” on your connect card.
FBC Connect (previously Exploring FBC), a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, begins today and continues through June 18 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please circle “C” on your Connect Card or contact the office.
Haiti Soup Can Project Begins Today! The Mission Board will be handing out soup cans in the main lobby to those who would like to collect change over the summer. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Team to purchase glasses which the Team then distributes while there. The Soup Cans will be due back on Sunday, September 17th.
Missionary Dessert Receptions
June 11 at 6pm: Corby & Ashley White
June 25 at 6pm: Tom & Annie Dennen
Join us for spiritual encouragement as they give their recaps on what’s been going on in their mission fields! Any and all desserts would be appreciated! Please bring them to the kitchen.
Choir Members, current and former, please turn in all music to the box on the file cabinet in the Music Room as soon as possible. Thank you!
Filled M&M Tubes It’s full! Now what do I do with it? You can drop them off in the basket at the Info Table in the lobby! Please return them by next Sunday, June 11. The money helps pay for items that will be packed at the GAiN Warehouse by our FBC Team.
GAiN Mission Packing Day! On June 20, FBC will be taking a bus down to Lancaster for the day to the GAiN Warehouse. Join many volunteers and families in preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The FBC bus will leave at 6:45am and return around 8:00pm. Lunch and snacks will be provided. The bus will be stopping for dinner. The sign up sheet is on the downstairs ramp bulletin board along with Adult & Child waivers. If you sign up before June 6 you’ll receive a free t-shirt!! Note: Please sign up whether you are taking FBC transportation or driving down separately!
Ladies Summer Bible Study Has Begun! Don’t worry though as each session is stand-alone to accommodate busy schedules. Join us from 6:30-8:00pm, third floor in room 230. We are studying “Knowing God by Name” by Mary Kassian. For more information, please call the church office. For childcare, contact Heather Hess. We’ll see you there!
River Baptism The river baptism has been rescheduled to Sunday, August 13th at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please circle “B” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
VBS Volunteer Training & Safe Church Class Dates
- VBS Training: 6/8 at 6pm in the Chapel – LAST ONE!
- Safe Church Class: 6/25 at 9:15am – Location is TBD
Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving