Special Love Offering Katie Madara will be with us Sunday and we will be taking a love offering for her. If you would like to give, please mark your envelope “Katie Madara” and place it in one of the offering boxes. This should be above and beyond your normal giving.
SUNDAY! Combined Adult Sunday School We will be meeting in the gym at 9:15am to hear from several people who went on short term missions trips this year.
COFFEE HOUR VOLUNTEERS We sure do appreciate having coffee between services. But do you know what it takes?? People willing to come in and make coffee and set up all those goodies. Our coffee team could use your help. They are looking for a few more people willing to join the team. It’s a once-a-month time commitment. If you are interested, please talk to the Puccios or any one of the team members in the kitchen during that time.
1) Check out the VBS team portal on our website. THE TRAINING VIDEO IS UP!! You can also access staff devos, safe church requirements and much more. **After watching the training video and filling out the completed form, you may pick up your shirt in the main lobby! Suggested Donation for T-shirts -$10
2) Have YOU signed up yet? We are still looking for ADULT HELPERS in the following areas: Nursery, Pre-K, 1st, 5th & 6th, Pre-K Bible helper, K-2nd Bible helper. If you are able to lend a hand in any of these areas, we’d love for you to check out the signups in the main lobby! Your presence is invaluable, and you never know what impact you may have on someone’s life. Won’t you consider joining us this year?
3) Online Registration Closes July 7th! Ages 3* to 6th grade. Pick up a paper copy in the main lobby or gym or scan the QR code to register your kids online. *3-year-olds must be potty trained.
4) LAST CALL!! We could still use more bathroom tissue tubes. Donations can be placed in the baskets in the main lobby & gym areas. THANKS SO MUCH for all the water bottles that were donated!!
5) Volunteer Goodies We would greatly appreciate GRAB-N-GO sweet or savory snack donations during VBS week for our amazing VOLUNTEERS. Homemade or store-bought donations can be dropped off in the kitchen.
6) One More Decorating Date!! We will be meeting Wednesday night at 5:30 pm in the Main Lobby to start decorating the upstairs. Hope you can join in.
7) Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 14!! Following the VBS Closing ceremony during the 10:30 service, everyone is invited to enjoy hotdogs and hamburgers, a giant slip-n-slide, a Little’s Splash Area, crafts, lawn games and MORE! No cost! New this year: Slushies!!
8) Family Fun Day Volunteers Needed! To make this event fun for everyone, we are going to need help!! Food logistics, setup support, game facilitators, cleanup crew, etc. Sign up in the Main Lobby!
9) Cookie Donations Needed! We are planning to have cookies for dessert and are in need of all flavors (2 dozen each). Interested? Let us know on your connect card or give the office a call! Please note if there are any nuts included!
Happening Next Sunday! The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month. All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main foyer. July’s Need: Jell-O & Pudding
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. You can text Rawle Clarke for more info.
Fishnet: This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They normally process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! Right now they are helping us prep for VBS!! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt.
Active Retired Men in Service: Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meets for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
More Home Groups! We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Summer Campground Ministry Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday!
9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided