There is a Red Cross Blood Drive tomorrow from 1 PM to 6 PM in the BFLC. If you can donate blood or a few hours to help, please stop by.
WANTED ~ old maps: These will be used for a VBS craft, so will not be able to be returned. Please drop them off in the Sunday School Office.
VBS registration is available on-line at our web-site. There will also be a table set up in the foyer this morning. If you would like to
register here, please stop by.
Our Daily Bread devotionals are available at the Tract Rack. Large print (for months of July, Aug, Sept) are also now available.
FREE Concert Tickets for the Jason Gray concert to be held here on August 5th, are available at the Information Desk this morning.
requirement for all volunteers who work with children and youth (Unit #7 in clearance packet). Please plan on attending this class if you have not yet been to one of the classes that have been held recently.
notice that you are not in the directory, please let us know, so that you may be added.
providing music training for “beginners” over the summer. They will explain/teach different elements of the Praise Band instruments and how to improve musical skills in a Praise Band setting. The meetings will most likely be once a week in the evenings. If interested, please circle M on your connect card, or call the church office with questions.
You may now pick up a soup can bank in the foyer. Fill it with summer change which will be used to buy glasses and fluoride for our next Haiti trip. Get the whole family involved by putting your bank in a place where everyone will see it and share their extra change. When your can is full, you can return it to the Information Desk and get another one if you so desire!! Cans need to be returned by
September 13.
The Mission’s Board is partnering with Christian Resources International, an organization that collects books and Bibles to ship around the world. If you would like to donate gently used books and Bibles, please place them in the tubs located in the chapel hallway downstairs. Books will be collected throughout the summer.
etc). One of the greatest needs is providing a meal when needed. If this is something you could do, please contact the office.
July 12-17 ~ 24/7 Jr. High Summer Missions
July 13-17 ~ VBS ~ on-line registration available
July 19 ~ Family Fun Day
July 20-25 ~ Sr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 27-31 ~ Jr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 26 ~ River Baptism ~ talk to Pastor Dawes if interested
August 5 ~ Jason Gray Concert ~ pick up free tickets at Info. Desk