In Honor of Our Fathers FBC is giving $100 to our prison ministry. This ministry brings the good news of the gospel to prisoners in 3 local facilities. They have seen inmates come to know Christ as their Savior and have also performed baptisms. In honor of our mothers for Mother’s Day, FBC donated $100 to each of the our 3 local pregnancy care centers!
LuoPad Ministry Meeting next Thursday 7/1 at 9:30AM in the gym. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to
assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
Sons of the Savior Sunday School Class is back in the building! This class welcomes men of all ages to join them as they study the Bible together. You can find them in room #228. Second floor above office.
Service Projects Needed! The youth group has two weekends as well as other days over the summer to help with small or simple projects, like
yardwork, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke with any jobs you may have.
yardwork, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke with any jobs you may have.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 18!! Following the VBS Closing ceremony during the 10:30 service, everyone is invited to enjoy hotdogs and hamburgers, a giant slip-n-slide with a lagoon, a Little’s splash area, Bocce, Corn Hole, Ga-Ga pit and MORE! No cost! We’ll also have softball for Sr. highers and older!! Sign up for a team in the main foyer or call the office to register your team of 10 by 7/17. Bring own equipment. (Disclaimer: Outdoor events are weather pending)
Family Fun Day Volunteers Needed To make this event as fun as it always we are going to need help!! Food logistics, setup support, game facilitators, clean up crew, etc. Sign up to help at the table in the main foyer!
Starting on Sunday, July 4th
- 10:30 Service moves inside – Yay air conditioning!
- Sensory Friendly Worship Area will be open BOTH services
- Gym will be open – Family-friendly seating available for BOTH services
- Jr. Children’s Church – Will be available for ages 4yrs-K during the 10:30 service again!
- Infant Nursery – Attendants will be available during the Sunday School Hour (9:15am-10:15am). Parents are welcome to use the nursery during both services.
LAST CALL for Ladies Retreat September 17-19 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Registration forms at Info Desk. Questions? Contact Heather Hess.
When?: JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM
Who?: AGES 4 to 6TH GRADE
When?: JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM
Who?: AGES 4 to 6TH GRADE
Register: * Online Registration closes July 7th *
Volunteer Training (ALL volunteers must attend 1 class) – LAST CHANCE! THIS Thursday @ 7pm in Chapel – VBS T-Shirts available at in-person training sessions for suggested donation of $7 each.
Decorating Dates – If you can hold a paint brush, WE WANT YOU!!!
- THIS Monday @ 5pm – Gym
- THIS Saturday @ 11am – Gym
New Devos In Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotionals for
July | August | September.
July | August | September.
PackHOPE READY?…GET SET…GOOOOO!!!! Donations for the PackHOPE experience are so welcome! Grab an M&M tube, fill it with quarters and return it by Sept. 5th! Staying away from sugar? Donate online at: What’s the PackHOPE experience about? We are collecting donations to fund the food we’ll be packing on Saturday, September 11th, and shipping to Unto, who partners with Cru, and ships the food globally! Why food? Food allows their partners and pastors on the ground all over the world to access remote places they are not usually permitted to go. While distributing the food, they build relationships and are able to share the gospel!
PackHOPE Experience Details:
- Date/Times: Saturday, September 11 | 2 shifts: 8:30am & 11:00am
- Financial & Food Goals: $26,000 – pays for 78,000 meals
- Volunteer Goal: 72 people per shift
- Ages: All volunteers must be 12 y/o+
- Questions? Contact: Donna Outt
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
- 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
- 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
- 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260