Updated Church Directories are available to all for pick-up at the Info Desk.
Sunday Evening Bible Study with Pastor Paul has wrapped up for the summer. It will resume on September 8!
Host Families Needed We love hearing from our missionaries when they get the chance to visit FBC! When they do come, we are in need of families to host them during their stay. This includes providing breakfast for them in the morning(s). If interested, please contact Alice Laidacker.
Bulletin Collators Needed We need 1 or 2 people to put together our service bulletins on Friday afternoons. The job takes about 1.5 hours and bulletins are typically ready by 2pm. This is a sit down job. If you are interested, contact the church office.
Please Note! The Church Office summer hours are now in effect through August 16th. The office will be open 9AM – 3PM Monday-Friday.
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Today is the last day to sign up for the TUESDAY packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Sign-up is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk. A heartfelt thanks for your M&M Tube donations that went towards this trip!
Junior Children’s Church Begins Today!! For potty-trained 3 to 5 year olds. They will be dismissed during the 10:30 service, where parents can then bring kiddos down to the 1st grade class room in Noah’s Ark Hallway. Nursery sign-in procedure will apply. God’s Champions also welcomes kiddos with special needs to join!
TRAINING CLASSES for VBS – JUNE 20, 21 | 6:30pm – (Thursday & Friday of this week!) You only need to attend one class. Annual Safe Church Class refresher Course available at this time.
KITCHEN DONATIONS for VBS FOR KIDDOS: We are asking for specific items to be able to make their snacks. FOR VOLUNTEERS: We greatly appreciate both sweet & savory grab-n-go donations! Contact the church office to sign up to donate snacks.
VBS PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Ricketts Glen Young Adult Trip – Saturday, June 29th!
When: Leaving the church parking lot at 9am and returning by 4pm
What: Hiking the Falls trail that has some amazing waterfalls! We will pack food to make sandwiches for lunch by Lake Jean as well. Bring your swim suit and a towel if you’d like to swim! Please feel free to invite your friends!
Contact: Jillian Schaeffer by June 26
Bonus: Our group will also go out to lunch at a local restaurant after church on June 23rd
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office. Deadline is July 7!
24/7 Mission Week – July 7-13 – Have yardwork? Odd Jobs? Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.