Join us Wednesday, August 3, Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social; Reports & updates from our boards. See the announcements for details of a proposal being presented by Pastor John. Everyone is welcome to attend, (only members may vote.)
Announcing Haiti Team XI
Each Summer, the Mission Board hands out Summer Change Cans to FBC families. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the teams then distribute while there. Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses & 250 pairs of reading & distance glasses. Collection cans are available in the Foyer.
Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN: Saturday, September 24, from 9-11 AM, FBC Beveridge Family Life Center. We will be packing 36,000 rice-lentil meals for refugees. We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project. For more information about the refugee crisis, to sign up and/or donate, please go to
Prayer sheets can be found at the Info. Desk, on the Ushers Table in the back of the sanctuary & outside of the SBS Office. Also at the Usher’s Table there is a prayer calendar for the team as they serve in refugee camps in Greece, through August 14. Please also be in prayer for our Jr. Highers at Harvey Cedars Bible Camp this week.
Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.
Attn. Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God”, September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact Sheri Croll at 570-441-2471 or email her at
The River Baptism service has been postponed to August 28. If you would like to participate and had not previously spoken with Pastor Dawes please speak with him about your interest.
Mom – I’m Bored! Right Now Media might be the answer! Right Now Media is an online video library which FBC provides for all FBC attendees. There are numerous titles for every member of the family. Contact the office with your email address and we will send you an “invitation” which will enable you to access the library.
“With Dr. Bob in Ethiopia” by Dr. Bob Bowers, former FBC missionary, is now available in the FBC Office. If you are interested in obtaining a copy please check with the office Sundays or through the week.
RailRiders Baseball Faith & Family Night, Friday, August 5. Saline, Pastor John’s band will be providing a pre & post game concert. See the Bulletin Board for more information.
Concert in the Park (Bloomsburg): Saturday, August 6, sponsored by Shiloh Bible Church. Free food & games starting at 6 PM with music by Saline & Freedom Calls starting at 7 PM.