Pizza with the Pastors: Cancelled for Sunday. We’ll catch up with you after the summer!
Barnabas Sunday During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer next Sunday. August’s need is for Peanut Butter & Saltines.
Ladies Bible Study Steering Team will be meeting on Tuesday August 6 at 9:30 at the Muffin Man. Contact Heather Hess with questions.
Project Love Committee Member Needed The planning for Project Love (Oct. 19-20) is getting underway and we are looking for an FBC rep to be part of this committee! Good communication and organization skills needed. For more information or to volunteer, circle “P” on your connect card!
Encourage Those Who Were Baptized! We had a wonderful baptism service last Sunday! Over 100 attendees came to encourage the them as they were baptized. Please continue to pray for them as they strive to follow HIM.
LuoPad Team Join us the first Thursday of every month in the gym at 9:30am. The LuoPads we assemble will be added to kits that will be handed out in Costa Rica by the Women’s Ministry team. If you’d like sewing lessons so you can help out, contact Patty Miller. Monetary donations can be made out to FBC with LuoPads in the memo.
Montour Delong Fair Vesper Service is Sunday at 7PM. The fairgrounds are located at 5848 Broadway Road, Danville.
WGRC Day at Knoebel’s is Friday, August 4. See the Allan Scott Band, Caitie Hurst, and Josh Wilson perform at the Band Shell!
Mission Trip Recap: NEXT WEEK! – New Bern, NC | Chapel | 6PM – Join us to hear about what God did through our team back in May! Dessert Donations would be greatly appreciated!
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica! November 2-9, 2019 – Check out our table in the Main Foyer! We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
GAiN World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 7 – 9am-12pm – Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets to be sent out world-wide! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out Event Goals
- 400 Volunteers
- $27,000 for meals/seeds
- Pack 75,000 meals & 8,000 seed packets
New Discoveries at the Tract Rack! Check out the following titles to help you enrich your spiritual growth:
- Teach Us to Pray
- Biblical Meditation
- The Risk of Forgiveness
- Why Christians Doubt
And many more!!
Knoebel’s Summer Campground Ministry is Happening! Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as their team shares the good news each Sunday!
- 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
RightNow Media – A free gift for you! “RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Wait until you see what they have for children! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or you can email your request to the church office at
Movie Nights for the Family! Wednesdays | 3:45pm or 6:45pm | Now-8/21 – Movie Nights are free for the whole family! $2 Kids Meals offered. For a list of movies and dates, please see the Info Desk or our Ramp Bulletin Board. The Well Coffee House at Christ Wesleyan Church is located at 323 Stamm Road in Milton.
School Supplies for Rochester, NY! During the month of August, we’ll be collecting school supplies to help Marv Robinson, an FBC supported missionary, as he ministers to the children of Rochester. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in the bins outside the kitchen by September 22.
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons (24/box preferred)
- Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
- Wooden Pencils
- Backpacks
- Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
If you had fun volunteering at VBS & Family Fun Day, here are more opportunities to bless Children & Youth.
*Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions*
Program Time Commitment Ages/Grades of Children
2.5hrs per month -Wed. morning Babies to 5 years old
Position: MOPS KIDS (childcare team)
Contact: Kathie Nagle
1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings 3 year olds to 6th grade
Positions: Group Leader/Helper, Mentor, Game Director, Score Keeper & more!!
Contact: Katie Yarger
Jr & Sr High
2hrs/week- Wed. evening 6th grade to 12th grade
Positions: Weekly Helpers and Event Team
Contact: Pastor Luke
Children’s Churches
1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service 3 years olds to Kindergarten 1st to 4th graders
Position: Leader/Helper/Clerk
Contact: Church Office (570) 275-1511