The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Here!
Announcing Haiti Team XI
Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.
Attn. Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God”, September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact the church office.
Business Meeting Proposal: The Trustees have confirmed and set forth a proposal from Somerset Media Group, for the approval of the
congregation, to address the sound concerns in the sanctuary and radio room. The proposal will be presented at the upcoming business meeting. The upgrade would replace our sound consoles that are beginning to break down, meet the monitor needs of an ever-expanding music ministry,
improve sound quality in the sanctuary where there has been uneven sound distribution and “dead spots’, and greatly improve the sound quality of our radio ministry. This proposal will also provide future audio needs for
live-streaming services and events, as well as provide new opportunities for training of sound technicians both in our church and in our community (outreach). Total cost of the proposal is $38,988 and would come from the Building Fund. If you have any questions in advance, please contact one of our pastors.
Danville World Hunger Project/Gain: On Saturday, September 24, from 9-11 AM, in the BFLC, we will be packing 36,000rice-lentil meals for refugees. We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project. To sign up and/or donate, please go to
Summer Change Project: Each summer, the Mission Board hands out a Summer Change Can to each FBC family. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the Teams then distribute while there. Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses and 250 pairs of reading and distance glasses.
See the Bulletin Board for information on another RailRiders Baseball Faith & Family Night, Friday, August 5. Saline, Pastor John’s band will be providing a pre & post game concert.