A huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers who served at VBS and Family Fun Day!! Thanks to all those who donated cookies, snacks, & craft supplies. Thank you to all of you who were praying before and during the week!! God is good and we had a great week!
If you had fun volunteering at VBS & Family Fun Day, here are more opportunities to bless Children & Youth *Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions*
- Nursery 1.5hrs/week Sun. & Wed. (0 to 3yrs)
- AWANA 1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings (3yrs to 6th grade)
- Jr & Sr High 2hrs/week (7th to 12th grade)
- Children’s Church 1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service (Jr. Kidz 4yrs to K)
- Sunday School 1.5hrs/week – 9:15am (All ages)
More Home Groups Needed We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Say Yes Wall Stop by the wall downstairs for even more opportunities to serve.
Save the Date! We will be having an all-church picnic after the 2nd service, Aug. 11th. Signups coming next week.
SPECIAL OFFERING OPPORTUNITY For the next three weeks (instead of in Nov.) we will be collecting donations to go towards our FBC-supported missionaries for Christmas gifts. This will ensure they get it in plenty of time. Special envelopes are available by the offering boxes. Please note “Christmas” on donation.
Blood Drive Monday, July 29th 12:30-5:30pm in the gym – Register for a time slot today at
FBC Summer Reading Program How is your Reading Challenge going?? Kids K-6th grade can pick up a card at the library and complete the readings. Then turn it back in for a small prize. A parent/guardian signature is required on your card for prize eligibility. Cards are due: August 11th!
Ladies’ Walking Group This Thursday at 6:30pm starting in the gym. This group is for ladies of all ages and walking abilities. They walk
outdoors around the block, unless there is bad weather or extreme heat, then it’s inside The leaders will match your speed. No one is left in the dust. They end the evening with prayer and a short devotion.
outdoors around the block, unless there is bad weather or extreme heat, then it’s inside The leaders will match your speed. No one is left in the dust. They end the evening with prayer and a short devotion.
Audio/Visual Techs Needed Full coaching and training provided! Interested? Email
Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry.
Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship
Video Tech: If you have an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking, you will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer.
Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry.
Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship
Video Tech: If you have an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking, you will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer.
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed We sure do appreciate having coffee between services. But do you know what it takes?? People willing to come in and make coffee and set up all those goodies. Our coffee team could use your help. They are looking for a few more people willing to join the team. It’s a once a month time commitment. If you are interested, please talk to the Puccios or any one of the team members in the kitchen during that time.
Did you know you can request your own box of offering envelopes? Just fill out an info slip on the ushers’ table, located in the back of the sanctuary. Need more of your envelopes? Just make a note on your connect card! You’ll be able to pick them up from the ushers’ table once they’re ready.
Lost and Found is located in the brown cabinet outside the gym doors.
First aid kits can be found in the coat room behind the sanctuary and in the cabinet outside the gym.
Church Library SUNDAYS | 9:15 – 10:15am – Did you know?? Besides Fiction and Children’s books, we also carry Bible Studies, Apologetics, Counseling, Biographies, DVD’s, Missions, Pre-Teen & Teen Resources and so much more.
MEN’S BASKETBALL Guys 18 & up are welcome to come and play a pickup game or two. They play Sundays from 5-7pm. Contact Rawle Clarke for more info.
Summer Campground Ministry Join our own Terry Davis and Mark Acker and the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen Association as they share the good news each Sunday!
- 9am – Knoebel’s: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided