Stop by the Information Desk to pick up a registration form. Fill it out & leave at the Desk
or bring it with you Monday night.
Snacks for workers are welcome every evening! Please drop them off in the kitchen.
Please pray for the Jr. High Youth who will be involved in 24/7 -a local mission event throughout the week and helping with VBS every evening.
Today during the SBS hour their will be a Child Safe Church training session in the BFLC. Please attend if you are helping with VBS & still need this class to complete the requirements.
Young Adult Cookout! TODAY, 2:30 PM at the Wintersteen’s Farm. Please plan to bring a dish to share & RSVP to Sheri or Lynn. They will provide directions.
New Prayer Letters have arrived from several of our missionaries. Be sure to pick up your copy in the Chapel Hallway.
A River Baptism Service is planned for July 24. Please let Pastor Dawes know as soon as possible if you are interested in being baptized at this service. Cookies, brownies and other “non-melting” finger foods are needed for the baptism reception. Please bring your donations to the kitchen Sunday morning, July 24, clearly marked “Baptism Reception” or the baptism service that evening. Thanks!
The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Coming! Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer July 24 & 31. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they begin the new school year.
Family Fun Day:Items needed to borrow for the day are large garbage cans or barrels and canopies. If you are able to help with either item, please contact the church office.
Mark your calendar: Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 PM. We will review reports and attend to New Business. Officers: reports are due in the office July 24.
DVD available: A copy of the tribute for Pastor Harry, a full length version of his challenge to FBC and Pastor Harry and Lynn sharing special memories of their time at FBC will be available at the Info Desk. A donation to help cover costs would be appreciated.
“With Dr. Bob in Ethiopia” Dr. Bob Bowers, a missionary supported by FBC, has written a book about the challenges he and his wife, Marion, experienced while serving in Ethiopia from 1974 until they were forced to leave in 1997. A sample copy of the book may be viewed at the Information Desk. Book purchases may be made at or from the Bowers directly by contacting them at 570-724-6809.
There are open spots that need to be filled for both Jr. High & Sr. High Harvey Cedars Youth Camp. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Luke. Sr. High ~ July 25-30; Jr. High ~ August 1-5