Summer Movie at FBC! Showing “I Can Only Imagine” Friday, July 20 – 8:30pm – Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside, so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like! If it rains, we’ll be showing it in the gym!
The Barnabas Basket During the first weekend of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer today. July’s need is Jell-O and Pudding.
LuoPad Team Join us the first Thursday of every month at 9:30am as we continue to assemble LuoPads in the BFLC. This is an ongoing mission through GAiN that provides sanitary undergarments to women all over the world! We’d love to have you join us! If you’d like sewing lessons so you can help out, contact Patty Miller.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22, now at 4:30 PM (new time!). If you are interested in being baptized, please circle “B” on your Connect Card. Dessert donations are needed for the baptism and can be dropped off in the FBC kitchen that morning or brought to the service. Stick around afterwards for the Iron Heritage Hymn Sing at 6:30pm!
New Carpet in Noah’s Ark Hallway Thank you to all who jumped in to help move everything out of three classrooms! Stop by and check out the progress of the new carpet!
Special Business Meeting Recap A t 9:05am on Sunday 6/24, we voted on the approval of the specific items for Phase One and the concepts of Phase Two as listed in the four page handout (located at the Info Desk). The vote came back as 110-Yes, 7-No and 9-Abstaining. Thank you for your time, support and prayer for this endeavor!
Yard Work? Odd Jobs? July 8-14 is 24/7 Mission Week for Jr. High! They’ll be doing various service projects during the week, having Bible sessions and helping out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.
Treasure Fest 2018 Calling all Sunday School Teachers, Ministry Leaders and anyone storing anything here. We are going through a church-wide storage cleaning! Room Closets, Storage Closets, Storage Areas – everything must be sorted through! Unwanted items can be temporarily put in room 11 (next to the women’s bathroom by Springer Chapel). Items to be left in main storage areas should be clearly marked with either owner’s name or the ministry’s name. Treasure Fest will take place on the following Sundays (7/29, 8/1 & 8/8) where everyone will have a chance to go through the unwanted items!
Did you happen to see that we updated the projector? Wow! Well now we’re in need of a few more projector techs to help run the
display! You need to be good with a computer and familiar with the songs we sing on Sunday mornings. We’ll provide you with one-on-one training so that you’re fully equipped for the job. If you’re interested, circle “P” on your connect card or give the office a call!
Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social – Wednesday, July 25 at 6:30pm in the Chapel! Ministry & Board Leaders, please have your reports into the office by Wednesday, July 18!
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS on RightNow Media – Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Have RightNow Media access? Then check your email for your class invite! Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access and the Safe Church Class!” **You MUST be invited to this class for your progress to be recorded**
Step 2: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, join Ruth Ann at 9:15am, Sunday 7/8 in the gym (BFLC). If you cannot make this meeting, please contact the office to get your name on the class list.
VBS Needs
- Calling all Volunteers! We still need a few more people! Check out our table in the lobby to sign up today for an awesome time!
- VBS Staff will be working hard July 9-13! They would thoroughly enjoy and appreciate a sweet or savory dish that’s grab-n-go friendly! Please sign up at the VBS table in the lobby if you’re interested!
- Snack Items for the kiddos! We’ll need specific items for our snack recipes during VBS. Please stop by our table in the lobby to see what items are needed. Items will need to be dropped off in the Kitchen by today. Thank you in advance!
- Prayer! VBS Prayer Guides are available at all prayer sheet areas. These prayer guides will lead you in prayer for VBS each day, through July 13.