This Wednesday, January 6 everyone is invited to attend a special Awana Evening with guest missionary Gary Goodrow. A meal will be served at 4:45-5:45 with the program to follow. The meal this week is Colorful Chicken Pot Pie, Candied Carrots, Colorful Jello & Captivating Desserts. Please sign up by Jan. 3 in SBS, on the ramp bulletin board or by calling the office. Suggested donation is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge. Desserts are provided on a volunteer basis – bring one to share anytime! All Awana kids and parents are encouraged to attend and all adults are invited.
Attention Bells of Joy & Choir Members: The Bells of Joy will start regular rehearsals tomorrow, January 4th. Regular Choir Rehearsals will begin next Sunday, January 10. The choir will sing on January 17th.
THRIVE Young Adult Christmas Party – Sunday, January 10, 5-9 PM in a local home. Please contact the church officel for more information.
The Nominating Committee has been meeting and has a list of nominees posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any questions or concerns to a member of the committee.
Financial Officers – please submit your records to the office for review.
Question: What happens at FBC every year In
Please pray & listen for God’s direction for how you can help with this great ministry to our community.
Friendly people willing to join the game day spectators & be the face of First Baptist to our friends & neighbors.
Exploring FBC , a class for those interested in finding out more about our church, baptism and/or membership, is being planned for Sunday mornings January 17, 24 & 31. Please contact the office or Pastor Dawes if you are interested in attending.
Ladies of all ages: Spring Bible studies will begin this month. Tuesday morning (9 AM) Bible Study starts January 19 & Wednesday eveningstudies begin next week. Both groups will be studying “Sermon on the Mount” by Jen Wilkin. Stop by the sign up table in the Foyer to pick up a book. (suggested donation is $15.)
SURGE: CALLING ALL YOUNG ADULTS: May 13-15, Harvey Cedars Conference Center.
Cost is $169 with EARLY BIRD registration of $30.00 by January 15th!!
BLANKETS FOR SYRIAN REFUGEES: More blankets are needed for Syrian refugees. If you would like to help place new and gently used blankets (all sizes) in the white barrel in the chapel foyer.
Small Trips to GAiN Warehouse:We will be driving to the GAiN Warehouse on the following dates to pack used clothing for the
Syrian refuges: January 19, February 20, March 9 & 18. If you would like to go along to help, please contact the chuch office.
A.) Used old towel (stains, holes and tears are fine!!),
B.) Used and new flannel which is used for the outside of the Luo pad (old flannel sheets are welcome.)