Soup Can Need In this season for soup, the Mission Board is in need of empty, clean, 10.5oz soup cans. Please drop off by the kitchen. Thanks!
Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. They meet this Thursday from 9-12 and will be working in Room 9 processing eye glasses. All are welcome!
Barnabas Sunday: Next Week! During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer next Sunday. March’s need is Cereal.
Midweek Meal: Wednesday, February 27: Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garlic Bread & Salad & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, 2/25 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
LuoPad Team Join us the first Thursday of every month at 9:30am as we continue to assemble LuoPads in the BFLC. This is an ongoing mission through GAiN that provides sanitary undergarments to women all over the world! We’d love to have you join us! If you’d like sewing lessons so you can help out, contact Patty Miller.
“RightNow Media, the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics and is for all different ages! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or emailing the office at
A Flurry of Good Reads! Have you blown into our Library recently? No two experiences are the same! You’ll be plowing through all kinds of adventures that will warm your heart! The Library is located across from the toddler nursery and is open 8:45-10:30am on Sundays and 5:45-7:30pm on Wednesdays.
Activities for Adults Looking to connect with a fun group of people AND burn calories? Try these out!
- Adult Open Gym for 25+ years – Mondays 8-10pm. Questions? Contact Leighton Elliott.
- Ladies Exercise Group – 8-9am Mondays & Fridays in the gym. Questions? Contact Mairee Elliott for more information.
Weather Cancellations Ever wonder if a service, class or study has been cancelled due to bad weather? Here’s where you can find your answer:
- Our website:, Facebook & Twitter
- Radio Stations WPGM (96.7 FM & 1570 AM) and WGRC (107.7 FM, 91.3 FM, 90.7 FM & 107.1 FM) will be notified
- Danville School Decisions – If Danville Schools are dismissed early or cancelled on a Wednesday, then our Wednesday evening Family Dinner and activities are cancelled as well.
NEW Our Daily Breads! Check out the Tract Rack to pick up your new Regular Print devotional for March-April-May!
Awana Grand Prix – Saturday, March 2 – 2:00-4:30pm – The clubbers have worked hard on their derby cars and this Saturday is when the rubber…I mean plastic, meets the track!! Join us in the BFLC to cheer them on!
Gluten Free Communion – Individually wrapped gluten free wafers are now available for pick up on communion Sundays! They will be located on the ushers’ table in the back of the sanctuary. Feel free to pick yours up prior the service starting!