A meal catered by Fu Star will start the evening off at 6 PM. The movie, “The War Room”, will be shown at 7 PM. Dessert, Devotions, and Prayer for the New Year will finish off the evening. Reservations for the catered meal are needed. Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board, in your SBS class, or call the church office. Suggested donation for the meal is $5 per person, or $15 per family.
All those attending are asked to bring desserts to share.
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. If you would like to help out our area Food Bank, please bring Macaroni & Cheese dinners and place them in the basket in the foyer. If you would like to make a monetary gift, please make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.
THRIVE Young Adult Christmas Party will be held Sunday, January 10th at Buddy & Katie Yargers from 5:00-9:00 PM. Please contact Lynn Wintersteen or Sheri Croll for more information.
Mid week Jr. High Youth and Adult Studies will begin on January 13.
- Adult Bible Study & Prayer
- Fellas’ Fellowship: Continuing study on Authentic Manhood
- Ladies Bible Study:”Sermon on the Mount” by Jen Wilkin. Stop by the signup table in the foyer to pick up a book.
(Suggested donation is $15) - “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” will be a new study taught by Pastor Dawes. Sign up at Information Desk so books can be ordered.
Attention Choir Members and Bells of Joy Regular Choir Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, January 10. The choir will sing on January 17th. Bells of Joy will start regular rehearsals on Monday, January 4th.
The Nominating Committee has been meeting and has a list of nominees posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any questions or concerns to a member of the committee.