Thanks to those who donated poinsettias in honor or memory of a loved one. Please feel free to take them home after the Christmas Eve Service. Cellophane wrappers will be available in the coatroom.
Join us tonight for Christmas caroling to our shut in friends. Meet here at 4:30 if you would like to help pack the cookies we will deliver as we
carol. We will split into several groups & leave the church at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome! Cookies needed! Please have them here by 4:30 PM.
Christmas offering will be in the pew racks through December. The Christmas offering will be divided between the Youth Costa Rica mission trip and FBC’s General Fund.
Missionary Christmas prayer letters arrive weekly! Please stop by the rack outside of the chapel to pick up your copy. You will be encouraged & challenged by the news they share.
The Nominating Committee has been meeting. A list of nominees for FBC Boards & Officers is posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any concerns or questions to a member of the committee.
Exploring FBC, a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, will be meeting January 15, 22,
and 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Pastor Dawes.
Haiti Team Update – See the display board outside of the Chapel for supplies needed for the team’s ministry to the Haitian children.
Reading Glasses & Cases will be distributed by our Haiti 11 team on their upcoming trip. Non-prescription glasses only & cases may be dropped off in the church office.
Ladies Bible Studies will resume in January. Tuesday mornings: starting January 10 at 9AM in the Chapel studying “1 Peter” by Jen Wilkin. “Peter a man of faith & flaws, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to our future inheritance.” Books & sign up sheets are in the Foyer. Wednesday evenings: resumes January 4 and will continue their study “Entrusted”. They will begin “1 Peter” at the end of that study.
Weather Alert! In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service
changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our website at (on the main page).
Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving