becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place on September 9, 16 & 23 in the Conference Room (across from the church office) at 9:15am. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office!
Mid-Week Meals Are Beginning Soon! If you are savvy around the kitchen (or even if you’re not!) and would like to help the Kitchen Team, please circle “K” on your connect card or call the church office! The first meal will be on September 5th.
Ladies Open Door Bible Study – “Raised Together: A Study of Colossians” by Gloria Furman – Happening Tuesdays @ 9am 9/18 | Wednesdays @ 6pm 9/5 – Sign up today in the main lobby! Workbook $14 (suggested) | Questions/Nursery needs, contact Heather Hess.
Mothers of Preschoolers – MOPS is part of an international movement to connect moms who have one or more children ages birth to kindergarten. Our goal is to provide you with a tribe of supportive women as you navigate the world of motherhood, faith, and life together. Meetings are 9-11am 2nd Wednesday of each month September through May. —> First Meeting: September 12 <— For more info go to
GAiN World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 8 – 9am-12pm – Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets for needy people in Africa and the Middle East! All ages, abilities, families and groups are welcome! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out Event Goals: 375 Volunteers | $27,000 for meals/seeds; Pack 75,000 meals & 8,000 seed packets.
Awana – Takes place Wednesdays 6pm-7:45pm
Ages 3yrs-6th grade!
Aug. 29: Parent/Guardian Night – 6:30pm Pre-Register too!
Sept. 5: First Club Night!
Online Registration wraps up Sept. 3!
—> <—
School Supplies for Haiti – During the month of August, the Haiti Team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We’ll take these with us and distribute them during our November trip. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in
the barrel outside Springer Chapel by September 2.
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons (24/box preferred)
- Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
- Wooden Pencils
- Notebooks of graph paper
- Erasers* (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Small individual pencil sharpeners
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
Opportunities to Bless Children & Youth
Program |
Time Commitment |
Ages/Grades of Children |
2.5hrs per month -Wed. morning |
Babies to 5 years old |
Position: MOPS KIDS (childcare team) |
Contact: Kathie Nagle |
1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings |
3 year olds to 6th grade |
Positions: Group Leader/Helper, Mentor, Game Director, Score Keeper & more!! |
Contact: Katie Yarger |
Jr & Sr High |
2hrs/week-Sun. & Wed. evenings |
6th grade to 12th grade |
Positions: Weekly Helpers and Event Team |
Contact: Pastor Luke – |
Children’s Church |
1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service |
4 years old to 4th grade |
Position: Helper/Clerk |
Contact: Rosann Koble or Church Office (570) 275-1511 |
*Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions* |