1st Haiti Mission Team Meeting will be at 3:00pm today (8/20) in the Chapel. What should I pack? Do I need special shots? Find out the answers to these questions and more!! Also, mark your calendar for these upcoming training meetings: 9/17, 10/8 and 11/5. You don’t want to miss these!
Awana Team Meeting is on Wednesday at 6:00pm in the Chapel. We are so excited to welcome our team back, share new club-things and rally in prayer for the new year! New and returning team members are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in becoming part of the team or just want more information, please join us!
The First Football Chapel (Time Change!) is scheduled for this Friday, August 25 at 8:00AM! Men are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders starting at 7:15 am.
Sisters of Strength Retreat is happening September 15-17 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn and you can still sign up!! The cost is $160 and is due to FBC by 9/3. Checks can be made out to “FBC”. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sheri Croll.
Our Daily Bread has Arrived! The September-December edition can be found at the Tract Rack! Our Daily Bread is a wonderful resource to enrich your spiritual growth daily and encourage you along the way. The large print edition will arrive at the end of September.
Special Business Meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, September 3 at 9:10am in the sanctuary. It will be brief so you’ll have time for your Sunday Bible class. The item to be discussed will be the repair of the FBC parking lot. All are welcome to attend, however only members can vote.
Awana Online Registration has begun! We welcome all kiddos ages 3 to 6th grade to join us during the school year Wednesdays from 6pm-7:30pm. The first club meet is September 6th! …What is an Awana? Come find out!! An informational session is scheduled for Wednesday 8/30 at 6pm in the Chapel. Check out www.danvillefirstbaptist.org/awana!
Offering Envelopes If you are giving regularly to First Baptist Church and would like to…
- Start using Envelopes, circle “E”. They ensure record keeping accuracy and enable you to receive a Charitable Giving statement at the end of the year.
- Receive more of your envelopes, circle “R” and list your number
If you have requested offering envelopes recently, you may pick them up at the ushers table in the back of the sanctuary.
New Addresses: Keep ‘em Coming! If you have received notice that your address has changed, please let the church office know. An updated address directory will be printed in a few months to include the updates. Pictorial Directories have been finalized and will be here soon!
call the church office. We’d greatly appreciate your help!
Ladies Open Door Bible Study is coming soon! We’ll be studying The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. “A very real enemy has been strategizing and scheming against you, assaulting you, coming after your emotions, your mind, your man, your child, your future. This is war.” Each of the 7 weeks, you’ll learn how to dress for battle. Tuesday morning sessions will begin on 9/26 at 9:00am. Wednesday evening sessions will begin on 9/20 at 6:00pm. For more info or to sign up, stop by the Ladies Bible Study table in the main lobby. Suggested donation for book is $14. Childcare is available!
School Supplies for Haiti During the month of August, the Haiti Team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We’ll take these supplies with us and distribute them during our November trip. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in the barrel outside Springer Chapel.
- Wooden Pencils
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons
- Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
- Notebooks of graph paper
- Erasers* (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Small individual pencil sharpeners
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
Opportunities to Bless Children & Youth
Program |
Time Commitment |
Ages/Grades of Children |
2.5hrs per month -Wed. morning |
Babies to 5 years old |
Position: MOPPETS (Group Leaders) |
Contact: Shelly Messner |
1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings |
3 year olds to 6th grade |
Positions: Group Leader/Helper, Mentor, Game Director, Score Keeper & more!! |
Contact: Katie Yarger |
Jr & Sr High |
2hrs/week-Sun. & Wed. evenings |
6th grade to 12th grade |
Positions: Mentors! (different position than Leaders) |
Contact: Pastor Luke pluke@danvillefirstbaptist.org |
*Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions* |